1 - | Eckert - Marie Lucia - January
5 daughter of Friedrich Eckert |
2 - | Nilbock - Carl - January 6 son of Xtrian Nilbock |
3 - | Fischer - Marie Dorothee -
January 7 wife of Xtrian Uchtenhagen |
4 - | Dröscher - Katharine Sophie -
January 13 daughter of Xtrian Fischer |
5 - | Wier - Gottfried Carl - January
15 son Gottfried Wier |
6 - | Clauss - Dorothea Elisab. -
January 20 born Heinz |
7 - | Wille - Johann Joachim - January 20 |
8 - | Edler - Xtriane Dorothee -
January 23 born Tonne |
9 - | Modesky - Dorothee Sophie -
January 26 born Hemerden |
10 - | Herms - Carl Johann August - January 26 |
11 - | Manicke - George Friedrich -
January 28 son of George Wilhelm Manicke |
12 - | Fenicke - Dorothee Johanne -
January 29 born Wellen |
13 - | Schulze - Friederike Wilhelmine
- February 2 daughter of Frdr. Schulze |
14 - | Wünsch - Dorothee Sophie -
February 5 born Eckstaedt |
15 - | Schüster - Sophie Charlotte -
February 8 born Rempen |
16 - | Krüger - Joachim - February 12 |
17 - | Pösenecker - Friedrich Carl
August - January 22 son of Juliane Pösenecker |
18 - | Reipe - Hans Joachim - February 18 |
19 - | Neumann - Louise - February 18 daughter of George Neumann |
20 - | Seedorf - Anne Elisabeth - March
2 born Fischer |
21 - | Borchert - Anne Elisabeth -
March 6 born Horn |
22 - | Kunst - Franz Wilhelm - March 10 |
23 - | Priesmeÿer - Carl - March 11 |
24 - | Behrens - Johann Xtrian - March 21 |
25 - | Fischer - Friedrich Wilhelm -
March 27 son of David Fischer |
26 - | Friedrich - Marie - March
28 born Fritze |
27 - | Deichmann - Caspar - April 4 |
28 - | Meÿer - Caroline Wilhelmine
Henriette - April daughter of ? Meÿer |
29 - | Brunner - August Ferdinand -
April 9 son August Brunner |
30 - | Scheel - Friedrich Gottfried - April 16 |
31 - | Neumann - Carl Ferdinand - April 16 |
32 - | Sandberg - Jacob - May 1 |
33 - | Spielerd - Anne Elisabeth - May
3 born Schönberg |
34 - | Gabriel - Katharine Elisabeth -
May 8 born Witte |
35 - | Müller - Xtriane - May 10 born Grove |
36 - | Heins - Johann Xtrian - May 12 |
37 - | Neubauer - Johann Gottfried - May 12 |
38 - | Brenning - Marie Elisabeth - May
28 born Gormenn |
39 - | Otte - Gottfried - May 29 |
40 - | Eckstaedt - Wilhelmine Caroline
- June 1 daughter of Carl Eckstaedt |
41 - | Fricke - Dorothee - June 17 born Raubann |
42 - | Rethfeld - Louise Henriette - June 22 |
43 - | Neumann - Marie Elisabeth - June
24 born Nielbock |
44 - | Rauborn - Sophie - June 27 born Langnaese |
45 - | Neubauer - Elisab. - June
27 born Jähn |
46 - | Bölker - Gottfried Ludwig - July
3 son of Joachim And. Bölker |
47 - | Pausckerd - Friedr. Ludwig -
July 7 son of ?? Pausskard |
48 - | Strömer - Ludwig - July 9 son of ?? Strömer |
49 - | Weiss - Auguste Friederike -
July 17 daughter of ?? Weiss |
50 - | Hilgendorff - Johann Andreas - July 18 |
51 - | Schmidt - Marie Elisabeth - July
21 born Ernst - |
52 - | Heise - Xtrian Gottfried - July
22 son of Xtrian Hiese |
53 - | Schulze - Xtrian - July 25 son of Johann Schulze |
54 - | Kirchard - Johann Gottfried -
July 25 son of ?? Kirchard |
55 - | Witz - Caroline - August 8 daughter of ?? Witz |
56 - | Schulze - Marie Elisabeth -
August 11 born Kraegenau |
57 - | Barnhaus - Emma Julie - August 12 |
58 - | Alÿ - Friederich Theodor -
August 16 son of Carl Friedrich Alÿ |
59 - | Schulze - Johann - August 17 |
60 - | Neumann - Cäcillie Francisca
Jenny - August 18 daughter of ?? Neumann |
61 - | Reischer - Johann Ludwig -
August 18 son of Carl Heinrich Reischer |
62 - | Wllrich - Louise Sophie - August
18 born Strauch |
63 - | Schelsky - Friederike - August
18 daughter of Marie Elisabeth Schelsky |
64 - | Schulze - Anne Elisabeth -
August 22 born Stendal |
65 - | Schäfer - August Wilhelm -
August 28 son of Andreas Schäfer |
66 - | Schröder - Dorothea Friederike
Wilhelmine - August 30 daughter of George Friedr. Schröder |
67 - | Kersten - Sibilla Marie - August 30 |
68 - | Lettow - Caroline Henriette
Wilhelmine - September 1 daughter of Johan Friedrich Wilhelm lettow |
69 - | Butz - Anne Elisabeth -
September 8 born Thürnagel |
70 - | Kabelitz - Johann Karl - September 9 |
71 - | Kölle - Heinrich August - September 13 |
72 - | Otte - Johann Andreas Wilhelm - September 25 |
73 - | Oerleke - Carl George Wilhelm -
September 25 son of Xtrian Oerleke |
74 - | Müller - Johan Heinrich - October 12 |
75 - | Börs - Anna Louise - October
13 born Isenthal |
76 - | Riepe - Friedrich Wilhelm -
October 21 son of Peter Riepe |
77 - | Spötter - Hnna Amalie - October
23 daughter of Friedrich Spötter |
78 - | Isenthal - Katharine Elisabeth -
October 23 born Lockau |
79 - | Müller - Anne Friederike -
October 23 daughter of ?? Xtrian Mülerr |
80 - | Storbeck - Johann Andreas - October 23 |
81 - | Krebs - Friederike Dorothee
Auguste - October 23 daughter of Wilhelm Krebs |
82 - | Wegener - Gabriel Gottfried - November 3 |
83 - | Döger - Joachim George Andreas - November 11 |
84 - | Kleinschmidt - Friederike
Auguste - November 21 daughter of ?? Kleinschmidt |
85 - | Wegner - Ema Lanette Dorothee -
November 21 daughter ?? Wegner |
86 - | Müller Günther Friedrich - November 21 |
87 - | Dröscher - Charlotte Emilie -
November 21 daughter of ?? Dröscher |
88 - | Kampf - Marie Juliane - November 29 |
89 - | Kümpe - Maria Louise - December
1 born Schulze |
90 - | Klars - Maria Anne Elisabeth -
December 15 born Hügge |
This information was gathered from the Kirchenbuchduplikat microfilm records held by the Mormon Church. To view the actual parish transcripts please see the attached link.
PLEASE NOTE: When viewing the microfilm always check the spelling of the surnames. They can sometimes be different between what is recorded in the Register as to what is recorded in the index in the register.
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