Please note: For the years 1815 to 1862 the Kirchenbuch entries for Stegelitz, were recorded in the Groß Schwarzlosen Kirchenbuch.
Taufen (Baptisms) | |
1 - | Schmidt - Anna Maria - January
26 daughter of Johann Friedrich Schmidt and Anna Elisabeth Klähn |
2 - | Klähn - unnamed - son of Johann Christian Klähn and Carolina Wilhelmine Borstell |
3 - | Thiele - Anna Dorothea Elisabeth
- March 8 daughter of Johann Gottfried Thiele and Dorothea Elisabeth Klähn |
4 - | Klähn - Bertha Dorothea Helena -
April 13 daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Klähn and Dorothea Elisabeth Borstell |
5 - | Helmecke - Ida Dorothea Caroline
- May 10 daughter of Johann Gottfried Helmecke and Dorothea Caroline Wilhelmine Schmidt |
6 - | Klähn - Friedrich Albert Hermann
- January 10, 1869 son of Johann Friedrich Klähn and Maria Elisabeth Schröder |
Hochzeiten (Marriages) | |
1 - | Thiele - Johann Gottfried &
Klähn - Dorothea Elisabeth - February 2 |
2 - | Klähn - Johann Friedrich &
Schröder - Marie Elisabeth - March 4 |
Begräbnisse (Burials) | |
1 - | Hindenburg - Johann Jacob - February 21 |
2 - | Klähn - unnamed - February
25 son of Johann Christian Klähn |
This information was gathered from the Kirchenbuchduplikat microfilm records held by the Mormon Church. To view the actual church transcripts please see the attached link.
PLEASE NOTE: When viewing the microfilm always check the spelling of the surnames. They can sometimes be different between what is recorded in the Register as to what is recorded in the index in the register.
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