Friday, 27 November 2015

Beesewege, Sachsen-Anhalt - 1870 - 1874 - Taufen (Baptisms), Hochzeiten (Marriages) and Begräbnisse (Burials)

Below are the Taufen (Baptisms), Hochzeiten (Marriages) and Begräbnisse (Burials) that occurred in Beesewege for the years 1870 to 1874.

Taufen (Baptisms)
1 - Nagel - Friedrich August - February 19
son of Johann Christoph Nagel and Carolina Maria Albrecht
2 - Voss - Carl Friedrich Wilhelm - May 22
son of Johann Carl Friedrich Voss and Charlotte Luisa Auguste Barfels
3 - Müller - Ida Friederike Minna - July 9
daughter of Johann Friedrich Heinrich Müller and Maria Elisabeth Friederike Lindecke
4 - Vetter - Meta Hedwig Agnes - October 1
daughter of August Ludwig Vetter and Mathilda Friederike Peters
5 - Schulze - Dorothea Elisabeth - December 17
daughter of Joachim Friedrich Schulze and Dorothea Elisabeth Westphal
6 - Drehn - Luisa Maria Elisabeth - February 1, 1871
daughter of Johann friedrich Drehn and Johanna Dorothea Sophia Elisabeth Goerges
Hochzeiten (Marriages)
 - Krüger - Johann Friedrich Wilhelm &
Arendt (Luders) - Caroline Wilhelmine - no date recorded - 
1 - Behrens - Carl Herrmann &
Zienau - Ida Wilhelmine Mathilde Bertha - April 19
 - Doerlitz - Wilhelm Albert &
Stendel - Dorothea friederike Emilia - no date recorded - 
 - Bremer - Carl Christian Theodor &
Holz - Friederike Maria Elisabeth - no date recorded
 - Wiebeck - Friedrich Wilhelm Rudolf &
Schwerin - Carolina Dorothea Sophia - no date recorded
Begräbnisse (Burials)
1 - Neubauer - Maria Sophia - July 29
born Gaede
2 - Müller - Ida Friederike Minna - August 13
daughter of Joh. Fr. Müller
3 - Teickner - Auguste Wilhelmine - November 10
wife of Johann Ludwig Teickner
Taufen (Baptisms)
1 - Müller - Ferdinand Gottfried Wilhelm - April 29
son of Gottfried Wilhelm Müller and Wilhelmine Emilia Florentina Schiller
2 - Meyer - Friedrich Wilhelm - April 22
son of Johann Friedrich Meyer and Maria Elisabeth Beier
3 - Feissel - Friedrich Wilhelm - April 2
son of Johann Friedrich Feissel and Anna Elisabeth Schermer
4 - Gagelmann - Wilhelmine Dorothea Elisabeth - July 24
daughter of Jocahim Friedrich Gagelmann and Dorothea Elisabeth Klaeden
5 - Herms - Anna Bertha - October 8
daughter of Johann Friedrich Herms and Maria Elisabeth Krüger
6 - Grote - Wilhelm Otto - November 11
son of Friedrich Wilhelm Grote and Friederike Dorothee Wolter
7 - Bremer - Herrmann August Carl - November 18
son of Carl Christian Theodor Bremer and Friederike maria Elisabeth Holz
8 - Müller - Anna Friederike Elisabeth - November 14
daughter of Johann Friedrich Heinrich Müller and Maria Elisabeth Friederike Lindecke
Hochzeiten (Marriages)
1 - Roehl - Johann Friedrich &
Borchert - Maria Elisabeth - June 30
Begräbnisse (Burials)
1 - Stendel - Anna Carolina Sophia - March 23
daughter of Carolina Sophia Stendel
2 - Teickner - Auguste Wilhelmine - May 6
daughter of Johann Ludwig Teickner 
3 - Kühne - Christian Ludwig - July 14
4 - Müller - Ferdinand Gottfried Wilhelm - September 3
son of Gottfried Wilh. Müller
Taufen (Baptisms)
1 - Deter - Gustav - February 23
son of Johann Friedrich Deter and Elisabeth Heinrichs
2 - Müller - Minna Martha - March 16
daughter of Gottfried Wilhelm Müller and Wilhelmine Emilia Florentine Schiller
3 - Röhl - unnamed -
son of Joh. Fried. Röhl and Marie Elisabeth Borchert
4 - Voss - Louise Marie - October 20
daughter of Johann Carl fried. Voss nad Charlotte Louise Auguste Barfels
5 - Pietscher - Carl Wilhelm Franz - January 25 (1873)
son of Joh. Joach. Pietscher and Dorothee Elisabeth Berlin
Hochzeiten (Marriages)
 - Runge - Carl Wilhelm &
Dörlitz (Güldenpfennig) - Catharine - no date recorded - married Hohenwulsch
1 - Berlin - Joachim Heinrich Christian &
Reiendorf - Wilhelmine Elis. - May 14
 - Fettback - Joh. Christ. Wilh. &
Müller - Wilhelmine - June 27 - 
 - Hübner - Wilhelm August Ferd. &
Lindecke - Marie Elis. Caroline - no date recorded
2 - Reinecke - Johann Joachim &
Nahrstedt - Marie Carolina Wilhl. - November 22 - married at Badingen
Begräbnisse (Burials)
1 - Deter - Gustav - March 14
son of Joh. Fried. Deter
2 - Müller - Anna Friederike Elisabeth - June 6
daughter of Fried. Müller
3 - Roehl - unnamed - August 14
son of Joh. Fried. Roehl
4 - Plate - Joach. Fried. - September 4
Taufen (Baptisms)
1 - Deter - Alwine  Ida -
daughter of Johann Friedrich Deter and Elisabeth Heinricht
2 - Drehn - marie Frieda -
daughter of Johann Friedrich Drehn and Johanna Dorothee Sophia Elisabeth Goerges
3 - Feissel - Johann Friedrich Otto -
son of Johann Friedrich Feissel and Anna Elisabeth Schermer
4 - Schulze - Joachim Friedrich -
son of Joachim Friedrich Schulze and Dorothee Elisabeth Westphal
5 - Bremer - Wilhelmine Auguste -
daughter of Carl Christian Theodor Bremer and Friederike Maria Elisabeth Holz
6 - Müller - Martha Ida -
daughter of Gottfried Christian Müller and Wilhelmine Emilia Florentina Schiller
7 - Röhl - Friedrich Wilhelm August -
son of Johann Friedrich Röhl and Maria Elisabeth Borchert
Hochzeiten (Marriages)
 - Bremer - Theodor Christian Heinrich &
Erxleben - Dorothea Elisabeth - no date recorded
Begräbnisse (Burials)
1 - Feissel - Johann friedrich Otto - May 2
son of ?? Feissel
2 - Kerkau - Dorothee Elisabeth - July 31
born Hoff
Taufen (Baptisms)
1 - Schulz - Johann Friedrich Wilhelm - March 27
son of Dorothea Schulz
2 - Deter - Gustav Adolph - September 19
son of Johann Friedrich Deter and Elisabeth Hermricter
Hochzeiten (Marriages)
1 - Nahrstedt - Wilhelm &
Stendel - Caroline Sophie - September 21
Begräbnisse (Burials)
1 - Röhl - Friedrich Wilhelm August - January 30
son of Johann fried. Röhl
2 - Arnold - Caroline Wilhelmine Anna - August 4
daughter of Widow Losa?
3 - Deter - Alwine Ida - September 20
daughter of ?? Deter

This information was gathered from the Kirchenbuchduplikat microfilm records held by the Mormon Church.  To view the actual church transcripts please see the attached link.
PLEASE NOTE:  When viewing the microfilm always check the spelling of the surnames. They can sometimes be different between what is recorded in the Register as to what is recorded in the index in the register.

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