Saturday, 31 May 2014

Tangermünde, Sachsen-Anhalt - 1856 - Bestattungen (Burials)

Below are the Bestattungen (Burials) that occurred in Tangermünde in 1856.

1 -  Schulze - Louise Froke Wilhelmine - January 6
daughter of Joh. Erdm. Xtoph Schulze
2 -  Severin - Margarethe Dorothee - January 7
born Matthias
3 -  Beiche - Dorothee Sophie - January 7
born Römmel
4 -  Strauch - Sophie - born Rosenbruch - January 7
5 -  Graeber - unnamed - January 17
daughter of Joh. Friedr. Wilhelm Graeber
6 -  Schülze - Louis Ahristlieb Julius - January 19
son of Xtlieb Eduard Schülze
7 -  Moerder - Wilhelm Carl August - January 21
son of Joh. Wilh. Ludw. Moerder
8 -  Grassau - Johann Andreas - January 23
9 -  Heins - Marie Elisabeth - January 29
born Kolle
10 -  Gadau - Marie Elisabeth - January 28
born Grape
11 -  Müller - Anne Sophie - January 28
12 -  Eckstaedt - Catharina - February 1
born Schneide
13 -  Schmidt - Catharine Elisab. - no date recorded
born Schulze
14 -  Bierhals - unnamed - February 1
daughter of Johann Andreas Bierhals
15 -  Thürnagel - Dorothee Sophie - February 10
born Fischer
16 -  Meyer - Auguste Anne Marie - February 11
daughter of Xtrian Ludw. Aug. Gottfr. Meyer
17 -  Germann - Friedrich - February 12
18 -  Thürnagel - Marie Louise Dorothee - February 13
daughter of Georg Friedr. ?? Thürnagel
19 -  Eckstaedt - Johann Dietrich - February 17
son of Joh. Dietr. Eckstaedt
20 -  Zimmer - Johann Joseph - February 15
21 -  Isenthal - Dorothee Regine - February 21
born Moerder
22 -  Voigt - Catharine Friederike - February 27
born Uchtenhagen 
23 -  Schulze - Friedke Wilhelmine Louise - March 3
daughter of Andr. Jacob Schulze
24 -  Helmcke - Erdmann Christian Wilhelm - March 8
25 -  Schmalz - Sophie Marie Louise - March 13
daughter Ferdin. Aug. Ludwig Schmaz
26 -  Päge - Friedke Charlotte Wilhelmine - March 16
daughter of Charl. Päge
27 -  Schmalz- Emilie Auguste Amalie - March 17
born Schumann
28 -  Tress - Friedr. Aug. - March 19
Son of Johann Georg Friedr. Tress
29 -  Linke - Dorothee Sophie - March 19
born Hadiph
30 -  Palitz Jordan - Marie Elisabeth - March 24
born Lücke
31 -  Polle - Dorothee Wilhelmine - March 24
daughter of Friedr. Polle
32 -  Steinig - Dorothee Sophie - March 29
born Droescher
33 -  Schulze - Caroline Therese Louise Christiane - March 30
daughter of Joh. Xtrian Ludw. Schulze
34 -  Fahrholz - Dorothee Elis. - Aprl 3
daughter of Joh. Georg Fahrholz
35 -  Rix - Hermann Otto - April 6
son of Joh. Friedr. Carl Rix
36 -  Quasebarth - Jacob - April 11
37 -  Zahn - unnamed - April 13
son Aug. Friedr. Wilh. Rudolph Zahn
38 -  Sittig - Charlotte Caroline Louise - no date recorded
born Münch
39 -  Schulze - Marie Elisabeth - April 21
born Dobbelin
40 -  Dohnhof - Auguste - April 21
41 -  Hecker - Caroline Wilhelmine Sophie Elisabeth - April 27
born Eckstaedt
42 -  Levin - Gust. Hermann Otto - April 27
son of Joh. Joachim Levin
43 -  Zwinger - Catharine Elisabeth - April 29
born Scheer
44 -  Kappe - Hermann Aug. Theodor - April 29
son of Heinrich Andreas Kappe
45 -  Lotse - Dorothee Elisabeth - April 29
born Neumann
46 -  Levin - Anne Dorothee - May 4
born Borstel
47 -  Boenicke - Anne Elisabeth - May 5
born Bolicke
48 -  Marenk - Louise Marie Dorothee - May 8
daughter of Carl Fr. Wilh. Marenk
49 -  Bittkau - Anne Sophie Marie - May 4
daughter of Joach. Carl Friedr. Bittkau
50 -  Buchholz - Marie Sophie - May 12
born Klaus
51 -  Bandau - Heinrich Friedr. Christian - May 13
52 -  Steinbrecht - Marie - May 13
daughter of Eduard Adolph Steinbrecht
53 -  Schulze - Auguste Charlotte Wilhelmine Sophie - May 18
daughter of Joh. Xtrian Ludwig Schulze
54 -  Schulze - Friedr. August Wilhelm - May 19
son of Gust. Ferdin. Schulze
55 -  Meyer - Graft Theodor - May 25
son Andr. Christoph Meyer
56 -  Gaede - Anne Dorothee - May 26
born Willmer
57 -  Poreb - Carl Gottfried - May 26
son of Carl Gottfr. Poreb
 -  Fischer - Georg Friedrich August - May 13
58 -  Goerges - Carl August Christian - May 30
son of Joach. Xtrian Goerges
59 -  Wernicke - Joh. Friedr. - May 30
60 -  Isenthal - Friederike - June 7
born Friedrich 
61 -  Schirmann - Hermann Ferdinad Theodor - June 9
son of Aug. Carl Ferdin. Schirmann
62 -  Voth - Johann Xtrian Friedrich - June 13
63 -  Steinwerth - Gottfried - June 15
64 -  Quappe - Ulrike - June 16
born Gille
65 -  Seedorf - Otto Franz Carl Albert - June 18
son of Joh. Xtrian Wilh. Seedorf
66 -  Moerder - Dorothee Elisabeth - June 21
born Börs
67 -  Schreck - Friedr. Gottfr. Ludw. - June 29
son of Joh. Xtrian Gottfr. Schreck
68 -  Schroeder - Dorothee Sophie - June 29
born Schulze
69 -  Benecke - Anne Elisabeth - July 4
born Goerges
70 -  Schreck - Gustav Friedr. Gottfried - July 7
son of Joh. Xtrian Gottfr. Schreck
71 -  Sobbe - Carl Christian Friedrich - July 12
son of Friedr. Xtrian Sobbe 
72 -  Fahrholz - Friedr. Gottfried - July 23
son of Friedrich Gottfried Fahrholz
73 -  Steinicke - Johanne marie Dorothee - July 24
daughter of Gust. Adolph Steinecke
74 -  Schramm - Friedrich Wilhelm - July 23
75 -  Steinwerth - Otto Louis - July 26
son of Xtoph Carl Jacob Steinwerth
76 -  Kammradt - August Wilhelm - July 27
son of Johann Xtrian Kammradt
77 -  Rethfeldt - Anne Dorothee - August 1
born Wiess
78 -  Müller - Elisab. Marie Sophie - August 5
daughter of Andr. Gottfr. Müller
79 -  Schulze - Anne Dorothee Louise - August 6
daughter of Joh. Xtrian Schulze
80 -  Martin - Franz Anton - August 13
son of Franz Anton Martin
81 -  Lindemann - Friedr. Adolph Otto - August 19
son of Joh. Friedr. ?? Lindemann
82 -  Francke - Carl Aug. Friedrich - August 24
son of Heinr. Friedr. Francke
83 -  Regelin - Marie Dorothee Friederike - September 1
daughter of Anne Dorothee Louise Regelin
84 -  Lembke - Friedr. Wilhelm - September 1
son of Friedr. Wilh. Lembke
85 -  Gaensewig - Marie Louise - September 7
daughter of Xtoph Eduard Gaensewig
86 -  Falk - Adolph Wilhelm August - September 9
son of Joh. Friedr. Falk
87 -  Gericke - Johann Friedrich Christoph - September 16
88 -  Isenthal - Emilie Ernestine Ida - September 23
daughter of Xtrian Arnd Isenthal
89 -  Moerder - Johann Friedrich - September 23
son of Johann Friedrich Moerder
90 -  Pohl - Anna Mathilde Auguste - September 24
daughter of Joh. Joseph Pohl
91 -  Helmann - Johann Christian - September 26
92 -  Ecks - Marie Elisabeth - September 29
daughter of Joh. Ernst Wilhelm Ecks
93 -  Möhring - unnamed - September 30
daughter of ?? M¨phring
94 -  Heinecke - Carl Emil - October 1
son of Friedrich Carl Heinecke
95 -  Roloff - Andreas August Friedrich - October 1
son of Gustav Wilh. Albert Roloff
96 -  Fischer - Dorothea Elisabeth - October 3
daughter of Friedrich Fischer
97 -  Neumann - Auguste Mathilde Emilie - October 2
daughter of ?? Neumann
98 -  Hafmann - Auguste Louise Wilhelmine - October 5
daughter of Friedrich August Hafmann
99 -  Dröscher - Christian Daniel - October 13
100 -  Zuck - Maria Elisabeth - October 14
born Lüks
101 -  Mörder - Franz Adolph - October 19
son of Adolph Mörder
102 -  Güssfeld - Friedrich Carl Wilhelm - October 21
son of ?? Güssfeld
103 -  Seemann - Friedrich Wilhelm - October 23
son of ?? Seemann
104 -  Poreb - Joachim Friedrich August - October 24
son of Carl Gottfried Poreb
105 -  Kaiser - Carl Ernst August - October 25
son of ?? Kaiser
106 -  Klitzing - Caroline - October 27
born Möring
107 -  Sempff - Carl Adolph Julius - October 31
son of Ludwig Sempff
108 -  Fisxher - Paul Friedrich Franz - October 31
son of Joh. David Fischer
109 -  Hafmann - Auguste Louise Friederike - October 31
daughter of Friedrich August Hafmann
110 -  Klostermann - Dorothee Louise Auguste - November 4
daughter of Joh. Friedr. Klostermann
111 -  Sonnemann - Joachim Christian - November 7
son of Christian Sonnemann
112 -  Menking - Christiane - November 9
born Reifert
113 -  Nahrstedt - Sophie - November 9
born Jung
114 -  Körtge - Catharine Dorothee Elis. - November 14
born Betenstehl
115 -  Dittfurth - Anne Dorothee Louise - November 19
daughter of Wilhelm Dittfurth
116 -  Ahl - Johann Friedrich - November 19
117 -  Steller - unnamed - November 18
daughter of Joachim Friedrich Steller
118 -  Brösicke - Heinrich Emil - November 20
son of Franz Heinrich Brösicke
119 -  Doelle - Elisabeth Justine Friederike - November 27
daughter of Carl Friedr. Wilhelm Doelle
120 -  Weidlandt - unnamed - November 25
son of Johann Christian Friedrich Weidlandt
121 -  Johannes - Carl August Ferdinand - November 27
son of Johann Joachim Johannes
122 -  Meyer - Andreas Christoph - November 27
123 -  Garz - Johann Joachim - December 1
124 -  Elwers - unnamed - December 2
son of Julius Wilh. Theodor Elwers
125 -  Kohlmeier - Johann Carl Friedrich - December 8
126 -  Kürsten - Friedrich Richard Julius - December 10
son of Andreas Christian Kürsten
127 -  Marenk - Carl Friedrich - December 8
128 -  Oelze - Johann Friedrich Wilhelm - December 12
son of Johann friedrich Oelze
129 -  Linke - Johann Christoph - December 17
130 -  Neubauer - August Wilhelm Friedrich - December 20
son of Caroline Wilhelmine Charlotte Neubauer
131 -  Neumann - Joachim - December 14
132 -  Köppe - unnamed - December 20
son of Hanne Marie Juliane Köppe
133 -  Otte - Matthias - December 23
134 -  Bonatz - Gustav Adolph Hermann - December 24
son of Carl Friedr. Albert Bonatz
135 -  Günther - unnmaed - December 24
daughter of Carl August Günther
136 -  Kohlmann - Friedrich Wilhelm - January 1, 1857
son of Joh. Carl Friedr. Kohlmann
137 -  Garz - Marie Dorothee - January 2, 1857
born Isenthal

This information was gathered from the Kirchenbuchduplikat microfilm records held by the Mormon Church.  To view the actual parish transcripts please see the attached link.

PLEASE NOTE:  When viewing the microfilm always check the spelling of the surnames. They can sometimes be different between what is recorded in the Register as to what is recorded in the index in the register.

Friday, 30 May 2014

Tangermünde, Sachsen-Anhalt - 1855 - Bestattungen (Burials)

Below are the Bestattungen (Burials) that occurred in Tangermünde in 1855.

1 -  Büchs - Louise Fodke Wilhelmine - January 19
daughter of Joh. Gottfr. Büchs 
2 -  Klühe - unnamed - January 20
son of Gottfr. Klühe
3 -  Witte - Joh. Friedr. Wilh. - January 23
son of Joh. Friedr. Witte 
4 -  Frey - Carl Aug. - January 26
son of Carl Ludig. George Frey
5 -  Görges - Friedr. Wilh. - February 1
6 -  Voigt - Elisabeth - February 1
7 -  Frey - Wilhelm - January 31
8 -  Prüss - unnamed - February 4
son of Friedrich Prüss
9 -  Grube - Ferdin. Wilhelm Gottfr. Ernst - February 7
son of Marie Auguste Amalie Charl. Grube
10 -  Koelling - Friederike Louise Wilhelmine - February 10
daughter of Jos. Joh. Aug. Koelling
11 -  Spieler - unnamed - February 17
son of Carl Heinr. Ferdin. Spieler
12 -  Wachtel - Friederike - February 19
born Tress
13 -  Thoms - Otto Andr, Friedr. - February 26
son of Friederike Thoms
14 -  Burchwardt - Marie Elise Auguste - March 13
daughter of Carl Aug. Burchwardt
15 -  Görtz - Friederike - March 18
born Schmidt
16 -  Simon - Carl Friedr. Albert - March 20
son of Otto Rud. Alex. Simon 
17 -  Dobberkau - Catharine Elisabeth - March 19
born Rütz
18 -  Tarruhn - Emilie Wilhelmine Friedke - March 20
daughter of Ferdin. Andr. Tarruhn
19 -  Ziehm - Zacharies Friedrich - March 26
20 -  Biertels - Ferdin. Carl Aug. - April 1
Son of Joh. Fr. Aug. Bierhals
21 -  Danks - Carl - March 31
22 -  Pesenecker - Carl Friedr. Wilh. - April 2
23 -  Sheel - Gottfried - April 2
24 -  Merten - Ludw. Wilhelm - April 2
son of Jos. Fr. Merten
25 -  Kolle - Johanne Friederike - April 6
born Ahlefeldt
26 -  Welle - Joh. Christian Aug. - April 8
Son of Joh. Xtrian Welle
27 -  Paetsch - Wilhelmine Emilie Henriette - April 9
born Schulze 
28 -  Langenbeck - Christiane Catharine - April 9
born Busch
29 -  Schernickow - Joh. Friedr. - April 12
30 -  Polte - Dor. Sophie - April 17
born Nethe
31 -  Gänsewig - Christoph Eduard Adolph - April 29
son of Xtoph Eduard Gänsewig
32 -  Neubauer - Joach. Friedr. - April 30
33 -  Fuhrmann - August - 
34 -  Knappe - Carl Theodor Ferdinand - May 7
son of Carl Ferdin. Knappe
35 -  Germann - unnamed - May 6
daughter of Ernst Samuel Germann 
36 -  Germann - Auguste Juliane - May 11
born Bierhals
37 -  Friedrich - Ferdin. Carl Theodor - May 22
son of Carl Friedrich
38 -  Sempff - Carl Friedr. Eduard - May 23
son of Carl Ludwig Jacob Sempff
39 -  Herms - Ludwig Bernhard Friedr. - May 24
son of Ludw. Herms
40 -  Schmidt - Friederike Charlotte - May 29
born Schulze
41 -  Neumann - Emma Emilie - June 2
daughter of Jac. Ferdin. Neumann
42 -  Mendau - Joh. Christoph - June 3
43 -  Pfund - Cath. Elis. - June 8
born Voigt
44 -  Büchs - Gottfried - June 13
45 -  Rolof - Anne Marie Dorothee - June 17
daughter of Gott. Mich. Roloff
46 -  Helmecke - Erdmann Xtrian Wilhelm - July 3
son of Erdm. Xtrian Wilhelm Helmecke
47 -  Voigt - Friedrich August - July 3
48 -  Brandt - unnamed - July 4
daughter of Joh. Xtoph Fdr. Brandt
49 -  Schulze - Dorothea Elisabeth - July 7
born Wiesemann
50 -  Huth - unnamed - July 6
daughter of Joh. Xtrian Wilh. Huth
51 -  Malchau - Anne Dor. - July 11
born Projahn
52 -  Schultze - Marie Elisabeth - July 16
born Seedorf
53 -  Neubauer - Carl Fr. Ernst Emil - July 17
son Carl Fr. Alb. Neubauer
54 -  Fahrholz - Dorothee - July 22
born Grobhäuser
 -  Fischer - Friedr. Wilh. August - 
55 -  Köhn - Wilhelm - July 24
56 -  Tuscher - Marie Dorothee - August 1
born  Gensicke
57 -  Schulze - Joh. Friedr. Wilh. - August 3
son of Carl Schulze 
58 -  Knoefeld - Herm. Aug. - August 4
son Friedr. Aug. Knoefeld
59 -  Grassau - Dorothee Wilhelmine Friedke - August 5
daughter of Aug. Friedr. Grassau
60 -  Tress - Wilhelmine Friederike - August 7
daughter of Joh. Xtoph Tress
61 -  Tress - Anne Marie Dorothee - August 7
daughter of Joh. Xtoph Tress
62 -  Bierhals - Marie Louise Henriette - August 8
born Gericke
63 -  Lühe - Sophie Louise Henriette - August 11
born Kricheldorf
64 -  Klaue - Wilh. Aug. -  August 11
65 -  Meyer - Dorothee Caroline Wilhelmine Charlotte - August 12
daughter of Gottfr. Fr. Ferdin. Meyer
66 -  Lühe - Sophie Dorothee - August 13
born Thürnagel
67 -  Frey - Friedr. Wilh. Aug. - August 13
son of Carl Ludw. Georg Frey
68 -  Erxleben - Marie Elisabeth -
born Weidland
69 -  Schroeder - Johann Friedr. Gustav - August 18
son of Joh. Georg Schroeder
70 -  Frey - Ludwig Christian - August 19
 son of Carl Ludw. Georg Frey
71 -  Schroeder - Johann Gottfr. -
son of Joh. Georg Schroeder
72 -  Quaas - unnamed - August 19
daughter of Friedr. Quaas
73 -  Mehl - Dorothee Elisabeth - August 22
born Blessmann
74 -  Schülze - Sabine Dorothee Elisabeth - August 22
daughter of Friedr. Andreas Schülze
75 -  Schilling - Friedr. Carl Franz - August 23
son of Johann Xtrian Schilling
76 -  Schilling - Gustav Wilhelm Ferdinand - August 23
son of Johann Xtrian Schilling
77 -  Gaede - Xtrian - August 23
78 -  Schülze - Friedr. Andreas - August 26
79 -  Hafmann - Caroline Wilhelm. - August 25
born Grassau
80 -  Vorheier - Heinrich - August 27
81 -  Thomas - Joh. Xtoph Ernst - August 26
82 -  Falk - Elisabeth - August 26
born Helm 
83 -  Thürnagel - Auguste Charl. Louise - August 27
born Webert
84 -  Germann - Carl Friedr. Aug. - August 27
son of Marie Elisab. Germann 
85 -  Schulze - unnamed - August 27
son of Andreas Gottfr. Friedr. Schulze 
86 -  Weber - Julius Ludwig Ernst - August 29
son of Ludw. Philipp Albert Weber
87 -  Hildebrandt - Joh. Friedr. Ludw. - August 29
son of Joh. Fr. Ludw. Hildebrandt
88 -  Quasig - Wilhelmine - August 28
born Kummer
89 -  Thürnagel - Auguste Dor. Friedke - August 30
daughter of Joh. Wilh. Thürnagel
90 -  Fischer - Sophie - August 29
born Gorges
91 -  Sprecher - Anne Elisabeth - August 29
born Willmer
92 -  Quasig - Marie Elisabeth -
born Lenz
93 -  Schulze - Dorothee Elisabeth -
born Günther
94 -  Schulze - Friedr. Wilh. Ferdin. -
son of Joh. Xtrian Schulze
95 -  Faehns - August Ferdinand - August 30 
96 -  Faehns - Wilhelmine - August 30
born Schulze 
97 -  Falk - Carl Friedr. Wilhelm - August 30
son of Johann Friedr. Falk
98 -  Isenthal - Carl August - September 1
son of August Wilhelm Isenthal
99 -  Bauerhorst - Marie Sophie - September 1
daughter of Johann Gottfried Bauerhorst
100 -  Alsleben - Valentin Friedrich - September 1
101 -  Alsleben - Marie Elisabeth - September 1
born Müller
102 -  Helmecke - Friedke Wilhelmine - August 30
born Neumann
103 -  Kohlmeyer - Anne Dorothee - September 2
daughter of Joh. Carl Friedr. Kohlmeyer
104 -  Reiner - Carl Ludwig - September 3
105 -  Hecker - Johann Heinrich - September 1
106 -  Schulze - Joh. Xtrian Schilze - September 1
107 -  Blank - - unnamed - September 2
son of Wilh. Friedr. Ferdin. Blank
108 -  Schroeder - Friedr. Wilh. - September 4
son of Friedr. Wilh. Schroeder 
109 -  Blank - Nicolaus - September 2
110 -  Kohlmeyer - Dorothee Elisab. - September 2
born Peters
111 -  Wartenberg - Marie Louise - September 5
born Segelitz
112 -  Reiner - Marie Dorothee - September 6
born Düsedau
113 -  Kohlmeyer - Friedrich - September 6
114 -  Rosenbecker - Ulrike Froke Xtriane - September 7
daughter of Joh. Georg Gottfr. Rosenbecker
115 -  Klebs - Dorothee Sophie Mathilde - September 7
born Fischer
116 -  Lucas - Friedrich - September 8
117 -  Stegemann - Friedr. Wilhelm Carl - September 8
son of Fr. Wilh. Stegemann
118 -  Schilling - Emilie Louise - September 8
born Prußmeyer
119 -  Mewes - unnamed - September 8
son of Marie Elisabeth Mewes
120 -  Matthies - Friedr. Ludw. - September 7
121 -  Willmer - Joh. Gottfried - September 9
122 -  Gille - Carl Xtrian Friedr. - September 9
123 -  Behn - Dorothee Elisabeth - September 9
born Arendt
124 -  Behn - Caroline Dorothee Sophie - September 9
daughter of Xtoph Aug. Jacob Behn 
125 -  Gericke - Marie Elisabeth - September 10
born Neumann
126 -  Schulze - Elisabeth - September 11
born Nethe 
127 -  Wetzee - unnamed - September 9
daughter of Johann Xtrian Wetze
128 -  Witte - Johann Friedrich - September 12
129 -  Patz - Joh. Erdmann - September 12
130 -  Prüss - Dorothee - September 15
born Manecke 
131 -  Belling - Johanne Friedke Louise - September 16
daughter of Carl Fr. Gottfr. Belling 
132 -  Teil - Dorothee Louise Emilie - September 19
daughter Carl Joh. Xtrian Teil
133 -  Seeliger - Carl Friedr. Otto - September 19
son of Joh. Fr. Carl Seeliger
134 -  Garz - Anne Sophie Louise - Leonore - September 19
daughter of Joh. Gottfr. Garz
135 -  Schilling - Dorothee - September 20
born Kuhert
136 -  Wiesener - heinricch Ernst - September 20
son of Joh. Heinr. Carl Wiesener
137 -  Gillerich - Joh. Friedr. Christian - September 27
138 -  Bartels - Friedr. Wilh. Aug. - September 29
son of Carl Fr. Aug. Bartels
139 -  Schulze - Freidke Dorothee Louise - October 5
daughter of Robert Ferdin. Alexander Schulze
140 -  Muller - Caonradine Elisabeth - October 3
born Krause
141 -  Thürnagel - unnamed - October 5
son of Ludwig Ferdin. Thürnagel
142 -  Haack - Sophie Caroline - October 8
daughter of Joh. Xtrian Gottfried Haack
143 -  Fricke - Andreas - October 10
144 -  Bromann - Joachim Friedrich - October 21
145 -  hafmann - Ernst Otto Carl - October 22
son of Fr. Wilh. Theodor Hafmann 
146 -  Krache - Johann August - October 23
son of Joh. Aug. Krache 
147 -  Schmidt - Johann Carl Gottfried - October 23
148 -  Hille - Louise Wilhelmine - October 27
born Goerges
149 -  Saaling - Joh. Carl August - November 4
son of Joh. Carl Aug. Saaling
150 -  Stegermann - Carl Friedr. Wilhelm - November 4
son of Friedr. Wilh. Stegermann
151 -  Henning - Anne Marie Dorothee - November 4
daughter of Joh. Xtoph Henning 
152 -  Voigt - Friedr. August - November 4
son  of Friedr. Voigt 
153 -  Musche - Wilhelmine Xtriane Bertha - November 4
daughter of Jos. Xtoph Musche
154 -  Wagener - Dorothie Sophie - November 4
born Luther
155 -  Hildebrandt - Amalie Emilie Friedke - November 5
daughter of Joh. Friedr. Ludw. Hildebrandt
156 -  Henning - Marie Wilhelmine - November 5
daughter of Joh. Xtoph Henning
157 -  Pagel - Louise Friederike Dorothee - November 5
daughter of Joh. Fr. Martin Pagel
158 -  Schulze - Dorothee Elisabeth - November 4
born Borstel
159 -  Eckstaedt - Julie Johanne Auguste - November 4
born Immelmann
160 -  Eckstaedt - Johann Friedrich Carl Gottfried - November 4
161 -  Unruh - Friedrich August - November 6
son of Carl Friedr. Unruh
162 -  Samland - Ernst Carl Aug. - November 7
son of Fr. Wilh. Samland
163 -  Lüther - Christiane - November 6
born Stendal
164 -  Gärges - Joh. Andreas - November 7
son of Joh. Andr. Goerges
165 -  Müller - Gottlieb Friedr. Wilhelm -November 8
son of Carl Friedr. Müller
166 -  Stroedecke - Carl Ludwig - no date recorded
167 -  Weikart - Xtoph August Hermann - November 7
168 -  Pieper - Friedr. Louis Ferdinad - November 8
son of Fr. Ludw. Pieper
169 -  Pagel - Anne Dorothee Sophie - November 9
born Goldschmidt
170 -  Bromann - Friedke Dorothee Johanne - November 9
daughter of Joachi Friedr. Bromann 
171 -  Danks - Carl Friedrich Wilhelm - November 9
172 -  Meyer - Caroline Catharine Christiane - November 11
daughter of ?? Meyer
173 -  Güssfeldt - Ernst August Rudolph - November 12
son of Ludw. Eduard Güssfeldt
174 -  Heise - Minna Sophie Dorothee - November 12
daughter of Carl Friedr. Heise
175 -  Krickau - Anna Gertrud - November 12
born Zabel
176 -  Schramm - Henriette Louise Philippine - November 15
born Geverdt
177 -  Meder - Friedke Ida Mathilde - November 20
daughter of Joh. Fr. Xtrian Meder
178 -  Palm - Carl Aug. Ferdin. - November 25
Son of Joh. Friedr. Palm
179 -  Ruben - Emil Otto Wilhelm - no date recorded
son of Fr. Wilh. Gottfr. Ruben
180 -  Schirmann - Johann August - no date recorded
181 -  Rümicküssel - Catharine Elisabeth - November 27
born Lulge -
182 -  Rosenbecker - August Ferdinand Wilhelm - November 25
son of Ulrike Friedr. Xtriane Rosenbecker
183 -  Samland - Friedr. Aug. Carl - no date recorded
son Friedr. Wilh. Samland
184 -  Hodum - Dor. Elis. - November 28
Born Esmann
185 -  Meder - Carl Albrecht Hermann - November 30
son of Aug. Wilh. Ludw. Meder
186 -  Eichelberg - Elisabeth - December 9
born Göhung
187 -  Behrens - Johanne Wilhelmine Dorothee - December 12
188 -  Bromann - Johann Joachim - December 14
189 -  Behrens - Charlotte - December 15
190 -  Achilles - Cath. Mar. Caroline - December 20
daughter of ?? Achilles
191 -  Rohmann - Gustav Jacob Wilhelm - December 26
son of Gottfri. Jac. Wilh. Rohmann
192 -  Gericke - Ernst Rudolph Hermann - December 24
son of Johann Heinrich Gericke
193 -  Manecke - Friedr. Wilh. - December 26
194 -  Schroeder - Anne Sophie - December 26
born Bölicke
195 -  Rohmann - Ernst Ludwig Otto - December 26
son of Gottfri. Jac. Wilh. Rohmann
 -  Ecks - Dorothee Elisabeth - August 1
born Nethe 
196 -  Schulze - Joh. Carl Friedr. - December 29
son of Carl Schulze
197 -  Kampf - Johann Friedr. Heinr. Adolph - December 28

This information was gathered from the Kirchenbuchduplikat microfilm records held by the Mormon Church.  To view the actual parish transcripts please see the attached link.

PLEASE NOTE:  When viewing the microfilm always check the spelling of the surnames. They can sometimes be different between what is recorded in the Register as to what is recorded in the index in the register.

Tangermünde, Sachsen-Anhalt - 1854 - Bestattungen (Burials)

Below are the Bestattungen (Burials) that occurred in Tangermünde in 1854.

1 -  Blume - Isaac Wilhelm Anton Nicolaus - January 3
2 -  Müller - Sophie - January 3
born Ölze
3 -  Eckstädt - Doroth. Marie Froke Mathilde - January 6
daughter of Joh. Joseph Gottfr. Eckstädt
4 -  Herms - unnamed - January 6
son of Ludw. Bernh. Friedr. Herms 
5 -  Müller - Carl Ludwig - January 8
son of Fr. Wilh. Müller 
6 -  Schultze - unnamed - January 9
son of Christian Andreas Jacob Schultze
7 -  Nethe - Anne Dorothee Elisabeth - January 18
born Küntzel
8 -  Pocats - unnamed - January 18
son of Joh. Heinr. Christoph Pocats
9 -  Wulkau - unnamed - January 25
son of Johann Andreas Wulkau
10 -  Wulkau - unnamed - January 25
son of Johann Andreas Wulkau
11 -  Henning - Wilhelmine Dorothee - February 12
daughter of Fr. Wilh. Ladi. Henning
12 -  Wekling - Franz Robert - February 20
son Joh. Dietr. Wekling
13 -  Steinwerth - Dorothee - February 20
born Brusch
14 -  Seedorf - Xtrian Friedrich Georg - February 21
son of Georg Xtrian Friedr. Seedorf
15 -  Heindel - Dorothee - February 21
born Bölcher
16 -  Schulze - Marie Elisabeth - February 25
born Müller 
17 -  Merten - Johann Friedr. Wilhelm - March 6
18 -  Lincke - Friedr. Christoph August - March 7
son of Joh. Xtoph Lincke
19 -  Klare - August Wilhelm - March 10
20 -  Gericke - Georg Andreas - March 13
21 -  Wolf - Friedrich Wilhelm Ferdinand - March 12
son of Friederike Wolf
22 -  Bittkau - Joachim - March 17
23 -  Krohne - Ulrike Louise Auguste - March 21
daughter of Xtrian Heinr. Aug. Krohne
24 -  Gerner - Joh. Joach. Philipp - March 22
25 -  isenthal - Julie - March 25
born Heidebluth
26 -  Maertens - Wilhelm - April 5
27 -  Sahler - Louise Ludovica - April 5
28 -  Wiegand - Dorothee Sophie - April 6
born Drehael
29 -  Lücke - unnamed - April 19
daughter of Friedr. Xtrain Lücke 
30 -  Blume - Christoph Franz Leopold - April 22
31 -  Wiesener - Joh. Heinrich Carl - April 23
32 -  Faehns - Catharine - April 28
born Weihart
33 -  Müller - Froke Dorothee - May 1
born Bruhn
34 -  Volgenau - Anne Catharine Dorothee - May 3
born Tremer
35 -  Reising - unnamed - May 6
daughter of Caroline Wilhelm. Henriette Reising
36 -  Poreb - Gottfried - May 6
37 -  Rethfeldt - Sophie - May 8
born Elfert
38 -  Eckstaedt - Johann Friedr. - May 12
39 -  Wachtel - Dorothee Elisabeth - May 12
born Lenz
40 -  Wachtel - Anne Marie Louise - May 19
daughter of Jacob Andr. Wachtel
41 -  Henneberg - Xtine Caroline Wilhelmine - May 22
born Pfeffer
42 -  Heindorf - Caroline Juliane - May 29
born Hodum
43 -  Hübener - Dorothee Sophie Friederike - May 30
born Lochau
44 -  Fischer - Ludwig August Ferdinand - June 6
son of Joh. Andreas Fischer
45 -  Raeck - Friedr. Wilh. Aug. - June 7
son of Joh. Friedr. Aug. Raeck
46 -  Barfeldt - Dorothee - June 12
born Neumann
47 -  Schulze - unnamed - June 15
son of Gottfr. Friedr. Schulze
48 -  Seeger - Emma - June 16
daughter of Aug. Seeger
49 -  Meyer - Dorothee Elisabeth - June 18
born Gericke
50 -  Voigt - Marie Dorothee Louise  - June 20
daughter of Joachim Friedrich Voigt
51 -  Rollbusch - unnamed - June 22
son of Johann Xtoph Rollbusch
52 -  Eickhoff - Carl Georg Leopold - July 1
son of Aug. Fr. Adolph Eickhoff
53 -  Burchhard - Joh. Joach. - July 1
54 -  Treskow - Marie Elisabeth - July 2
daughter of Friedr. Wilh. Treskow
55 -  Brennicke - Wilhelm - July 2
son of Joh. Friedr. Brennicke
56 -  Rosenbruck - Caroline Louise Wilhelmine - July 5
daughter of Joh. Xtoph Rosenbruck
57 -  Jacob - August Gustav - July 9
son of Johann Dietrich Jacob
58 -  Kabelitz - Friedrich Wilhelm - July 10
son of Andr. Wilhelm Kabelitz
59 -  Grube - Friedrich - July 12
60 -  Leue - Emma Ida - Marie Louise - July 20
daughter of Xtrian Friedr. Leue
61 -  Ziecker - Marie Dorothee - July 20
born Lüdicke
62 -  Isenthal - Julie Caroline - July 23
daughter of Carl Fr. Wilh. Isenthal
63 -  Roloff - Anne Louise Friederike - July 24
daughter of Gust. Wilh. Alb. Roloff
64 -  Dederscheck - Carl August Edmund Albert - July 24
son of Ernst Otto Dederscheck
65 -  Stenzel - Marie Elisabeth - July 26
Born Borstel
66 -  Friedrich - Carl August Christian - July 27
son of Joh. Xtrian Friedrich
67 -  Tarruhn - Caroline Wilhelmine Mathilde - July 28
daughter of Ferdin. Andr. Tarruhn
68 -  Seeger - Dorothee Elisabeth - July 26
born Brand
69 -  Krause - Carl Friedr. Wilh. August - July 31
son of Joh. Joach. Friedr. Xtrian Krause
70 -  Müller - Friederike Dorothee Marie - August 3
daughter of Johann Gottfr. Müller
71 -  Wilke - Robert Carl Eduard - August 5
son of Wilh. Robert Wilke
72 -  Gerner - Dorothee Friedke Wilhelmine - August 6
daughter of Wilhelmine Froke Charl. Gerner
73 -  Müller - Helene Ida - August 6
daughter of Philipp Jacob Müller
74 -  Isenthal - Joh. Xtoph Friedrich - no date recorded
75 -  Hecker - Carl Ludwig - August 6
76 -  Thiers - Christoph - August 5
77 -  Michaelis - Wilhelm Gottfr. - August 13
son of Joh. Friedr. Michaelis
78 -  Eckstaedt - Carl Friedr. Wilhelm - August 13
79 -  Grassau - Andreas Aug. Friedr. - August 15
son of Aug. Friedr. Grassau
80 -  Quaas - Friederike - August 15
daughter of Carl Fr. Quaas
81 -  Müller - Helen Charlotte - August 19
born Langenbeck
82 -  Küster - Friedr. Wilh. - August 21
son of Andr. Xtrian Küster
83 -  Bauer - Philippine Louise  von Lüderitz - August 23
84 -  Seedorf - Georg Friedr. Wilh. - August 29
son Joh. Xtrian Wilh. Seedorf
85 -  Immelmann - Dorothee - August 29
born Matenicke
86 -  Meyer - Friedrich - August 30
87 -  Schulze - Johann Joachim - August 31
88 -  Mertens - Wilhelm August Carl - August 31
son Ludwig Mertens
89 -  Bartels - Joh. Friedr. Wilh. - September 3
son of Joh. Gottfr. Aug. Bartels
90 -  Schulze - August Ludwig Theodor - September 6
son of Friedr. Wilh. Theodor Schulze
91 -  Reeck - Rudolph Adolph - September 6
son of Joach. Xtrian Reeck
92 -  Stockhausen - Mathilde Helene - September 6
daughter of Carl Wilhelm Stockhausen
93 -  Eckstadt - unnamed - September 9
son of Johann Friedr. Carl Gottfried Eckstadt
94 -  Pohlmann - Wilhelm - September 11
95 -  Rohrbeck - Friederike - September 11
born Voigt
96 -  Lücke - Caroline - September 13
born Tüscher
97 -  Kabelitz - Johann Gottfried - September 16
son of Gottfried Kabelitz 
98 -  Wernicke - Catharine - September 15
born Lüders
99 -  Wernicke - Joachim Christoph - September 15
100 -  Wernicke - Joachim Friedrich - September 15
son of Joachim Xtoph Wernicke 
101 -  Beckmann - Christoph - September 18
102 -  Herms - Margarethe - September 25
born Görges
103 -  Wolkenhaar - August Andreas Hermann - September 28
son of Johann Andreas Wolkenhaar
104 -  Reising - Aug. Heinrich - October 1
105 -  Steller - Anne Dorothee - October 3
born Eckstadt
106 -  Lüdecke - Cath. Dorothee - October 5
born Projahn
107 -  Lücke - Elisabeth - October 6
born Müller
108 -  Döbberlin - Johann Friedrich - October 6
109 -  Jerchau - Friedrich Carl - October 9
son of Friedr. Xtrain Dietr. Jerchau
110 -  Hilzerland - Gottfried Wilhelm - October 11
111 -  Steller - Carl Friedrich - October 15
son of Joach. Friedr. Steller
112 -  Rudolph - Marie Emma Louise - October 15
daughter of Aug. Rudolph
113 -  Hillger - Friederike - October 18
born Gockring
114 -  Schultess - Johanne Charl. Louise - October 18
115 -  Mardaga - Dorothee - October 18
born Seemann
116 -  Bohn - Friedrich - October 19
117 -  Danks - Friedr. Wilh. - October 23
son of Carl Fr. Danks
118 -  Lamprecht - Christian - October 25
119 -  Frey - Dorothee - October 25
born Stegelitz
120 -  Schulz- Sophie Xtine Xarl. - October 28
Born Winsel
121 -  Gericke - Johann Christian - October 30
122 -  Heiz - Joh. Friedrich Xtrian - November 4
son of ?? Heiz
123 -  Wünsch - Dorothee Sophie - November 5
124 -  Heins - unnamed - November 10
son of Joh. Xtoph Heins
125 -  Muscke - Wilhelm August - November 12
son of Joh. Xtoph Munscke
126 -  Zersch - Robert Franz Max - November 14
son of Joh. Friedr. Zersch
127 -  Radelfarth - Dorothee Sophie - November 12
born Ölze
128 -  Frick - Franzisca Emilie - November 17
born Freiesleben
129 -  Berger - Christoph Georg Wilhelm - November 25
130 -  Schulz - Cathar. Margarethe - November 29
born Herms
131 -  Nethe - Christoph Friedrich - December 2
son of Julius Eduard Nethe
132 -  Göthe - Catharine Elisabeth - December 7
born Gothe
133 -  Müller - Dorothee Charl. Marie - December 7
daughter of Joh. Gottfr. Müller
134 -  Fischer - Johann David - December 11
135 -  Reising - Marie Elisab. - December 14
daughter of Dor. Mar. Elis. Reising
136 -  Herrmann - Dorothee Elisabeth - December 13
born Schelsky
137 -  Germann - Joh. Friedr. - December 17
son Marg. Froke Louise Germann
138 -  Schmidt - Hanne Sophie - December 18
born Bünger
139 -  Uchtenhagen - Xtrian Gustav Adolph - December 18
son Joh. Xtoph Uchtenhagen
140 -  Isenthal - Xtrian Arnd Ernst - December 18
son of Xtrian Arnd Isenthal
141 -  Schulze - Joh. Gottfried - December 20
142 -  Pauschardt - Carl Friedrich - December 23
143 -  Bischof - Sophie - December 23
born Zeigler
144 -  Becker - Louise Dorothee - December 23
born Krause
145 -  Malchau - Anne Dorothee Minna - December 26
daughter of Joh. Xtrian Malchau

This information was gathered from the Kirchenbuchduplikat microfilm records held by the Mormon Church.  To view the actual parish transcripts please see the attached link.

PLEASE NOTE:  When viewing the microfilm always check the spelling of the surnames. They can sometimes be different between what is recorded in the Register as to what is recorded in the index in the register.