1 - | Schulze - Louise Froke
Wilhelmine - January 6 daughter of Joh. Erdm. Xtoph Schulze |
2 - | Severin - Margarethe Dorothee -
January 7 born Matthias |
3 - | Beiche - Dorothee Sophie -
January 7 born Römmel |
4 - | Strauch - Sophie - born Rosenbruch - January 7 |
5 - | Graeber - unnamed - January
17 daughter of Joh. Friedr. Wilhelm Graeber |
6 - | Schülze - Louis Ahristlieb
Julius - January 19 son of Xtlieb Eduard Schülze |
7 - | Moerder - Wilhelm Carl August -
January 21 son of Joh. Wilh. Ludw. Moerder |
8 - | Grassau - Johann Andreas - January 23 |
9 - | Heins - Marie Elisabeth -
January 29 born Kolle |
10 - | Gadau - Marie Elisabeth -
January 28 born Grape |
11 - | Müller - Anne Sophie - January
28 Gericke |
12 - | Eckstaedt - Catharina - February
1 born Schneide |
13 - | Schmidt - Catharine Elisab. - no
date recorded born Schulze |
14 - | Bierhals - unnamed - February
1 daughter of Johann Andreas Bierhals |
15 - | Thürnagel - Dorothee Sophie -
February 10 born Fischer |
16 - | Meyer - Auguste Anne Marie -
February 11 daughter of Xtrian Ludw. Aug. Gottfr. Meyer |
17 - | Germann - Friedrich - February 12 |
18 - | Thürnagel - Marie Louise
Dorothee - February 13 daughter of Georg Friedr. ?? Thürnagel |
19 - | Eckstaedt - Johann Dietrich -
February 17 son of Joh. Dietr. Eckstaedt |
20 - | Zimmer - Johann Joseph - February 15 |
21 - | Isenthal - Dorothee Regine -
February 21 born Moerder |
22 - | Voigt - Catharine Friederike -
February 27 born Uchtenhagen |
23 - | Schulze - Friedke Wilhelmine
Louise - March 3 daughter of Andr. Jacob Schulze |
24 - | Helmcke - Erdmann Christian Wilhelm - March 8 |
25 - | Schmalz - Sophie Marie Louise -
March 13 daughter Ferdin. Aug. Ludwig Schmaz |
26 - | Päge - Friedke Charlotte
Wilhelmine - March 16 daughter of Charl. Päge |
27 - | Schmalz- Emilie Auguste Amalie -
March 17 born Schumann |
28 - | Tress - Friedr. Aug. - March
19 Son of Johann Georg Friedr. Tress |
29 - | Linke - Dorothee Sophie - March
19 born Hadiph |
30 - | Palitz Jordan - Marie Elisabeth
- March 24 born Lücke |
31 - | Polle - Dorothee Wilhelmine -
March 24 daughter of Friedr. Polle |
32 - | Steinig - Dorothee Sophie -
March 29 born Droescher |
33 - | Schulze - Caroline Therese
Louise Christiane - March 30 daughter of Joh. Xtrian Ludw. Schulze |
34 - | Fahrholz - Dorothee Elis. - Aprl
3 daughter of Joh. Georg Fahrholz |
35 - | Rix - Hermann Otto - April
6 son of Joh. Friedr. Carl Rix |
36 - | Quasebarth - Jacob - April 11 |
37 - | Zahn - unnamed - April 13 son Aug. Friedr. Wilh. Rudolph Zahn |
38 - | Sittig - Charlotte Caroline
Louise - no date recorded born Münch |
39 - | Schulze - Marie Elisabeth -
April 21 born Dobbelin |
40 - | Dohnhof - Auguste - April 21 |
41 - | Hecker - Caroline Wilhelmine
Sophie Elisabeth - April 27 born Eckstaedt |
42 - | Levin - Gust. Hermann Otto -
April 27 son of Joh. Joachim Levin |
43 - | Zwinger - Catharine Elisabeth -
April 29 born Scheer |
44 - | Kappe - Hermann Aug. Theodor -
April 29 son of Heinrich Andreas Kappe |
45 - | Lotse - Dorothee Elisabeth -
April 29 born Neumann |
46 - | Levin - Anne Dorothee - May
4 born Borstel |
47 - | Boenicke - Anne Elisabeth - May
5 born Bolicke |
48 - | Marenk - Louise Marie Dorothee -
May 8 daughter of Carl Fr. Wilh. Marenk |
49 - | Bittkau - Anne Sophie Marie -
May 4 daughter of Joach. Carl Friedr. Bittkau |
50 - | Buchholz - Marie Sophie - May
12 born Klaus |
51 - | Bandau - Heinrich Friedr. Christian - May 13 |
52 - | Steinbrecht - Marie - May
13 daughter of Eduard Adolph Steinbrecht |
53 - | Schulze - Auguste Charlotte
Wilhelmine Sophie - May 18 daughter of Joh. Xtrian Ludwig Schulze |
54 - | Schulze - Friedr. August Wilhelm
- May 19 son of Gust. Ferdin. Schulze |
55 - | Meyer - Graft Theodor - May
25 son Andr. Christoph Meyer |
56 - | Gaede - Anne Dorothee - May
26 born Willmer |
57 - | Poreb - Carl Gottfried - May
26 son of Carl Gottfr. Poreb |
- | Fischer - Georg Friedrich August - May 13 |
58 - | Goerges - Carl August Christian
- May 30 son of Joach. Xtrian Goerges |
59 - | Wernicke - Joh. Friedr. - May 30 |
60 - | Isenthal - Friederike - June
7 born Friedrich |
61 - | Schirmann - Hermann Ferdinad
Theodor - June 9 son of Aug. Carl Ferdin. Schirmann |
62 - | Voth - Johann Xtrian Friedrich - June 13 |
63 - | Steinwerth - Gottfried - June 15 |
64 - | Quappe - Ulrike - June 16 born Gille |
65 - | Seedorf - Otto Franz Carl Albert
- June 18 son of Joh. Xtrian Wilh. Seedorf |
66 - | Moerder - Dorothee Elisabeth -
June 21 born Börs |
67 - | Schreck - Friedr. Gottfr. Ludw.
- June 29 son of Joh. Xtrian Gottfr. Schreck |
68 - | Schroeder - Dorothee Sophie -
June 29 born Schulze |
69 - | Benecke - Anne Elisabeth - July
4 born Goerges |
70 - | Schreck - Gustav Friedr.
Gottfried - July 7 son of Joh. Xtrian Gottfr. Schreck |
71 - | Sobbe - Carl Christian Friedrich
- July 12 son of Friedr. Xtrian Sobbe |
72 - | Fahrholz - Friedr. Gottfried -
July 23 son of Friedrich Gottfried Fahrholz |
73 - | Steinicke - Johanne marie
Dorothee - July 24 daughter of Gust. Adolph Steinecke |
74 - | Schramm - Friedrich Wilhelm - July 23 |
75 - | Steinwerth - Otto Louis - July
26 son of Xtoph Carl Jacob Steinwerth |
76 - | Kammradt - August Wilhelm - July
27 son of Johann Xtrian Kammradt |
77 - | Rethfeldt - Anne Dorothee -
August 1 born Wiess |
78 - | Müller - Elisab. Marie Sophie -
August 5 daughter of Andr. Gottfr. Müller |
79 - | Schulze - Anne Dorothee Louise -
August 6 daughter of Joh. Xtrian Schulze |
80 - | Martin - Franz Anton - August
13 son of Franz Anton Martin |
81 - | Lindemann - Friedr. Adolph Otto
- August 19 son of Joh. Friedr. ?? Lindemann |
82 - | Francke - Carl Aug. Friedrich -
August 24 son of Heinr. Friedr. Francke |
83 - | Regelin - Marie Dorothee
Friederike - September 1 daughter of Anne Dorothee Louise Regelin |
84 - | Lembke - Friedr. Wilhelm -
September 1 son of Friedr. Wilh. Lembke |
85 - | Gaensewig - Marie Louise -
September 7 daughter of Xtoph Eduard Gaensewig |
86 - | Falk - Adolph Wilhelm August -
September 9 son of Joh. Friedr. Falk |
87 - | Gericke - Johann Friedrich Christoph - September 16 |
88 - | Isenthal - Emilie Ernestine Ida
- September 23 daughter of Xtrian Arnd Isenthal |
89 - | Moerder - Johann Friedrich -
September 23 son of Johann Friedrich Moerder |
90 - | Pohl - Anna Mathilde Auguste -
September 24 daughter of Joh. Joseph Pohl |
91 - | Helmann - Johann Christian - September 26 |
92 - | Ecks - Marie Elisabeth -
September 29 daughter of Joh. Ernst Wilhelm Ecks |
93 - | Möhring - unnamed - September
30 daughter of ?? M¨phring |
94 - | Heinecke - Carl Emil - October
1 son of Friedrich Carl Heinecke |
95 - | Roloff - Andreas August
Friedrich - October 1 son of Gustav Wilh. Albert Roloff |
96 - | Fischer - Dorothea Elisabeth -
October 3 daughter of Friedrich Fischer |
97 - | Neumann - Auguste Mathilde
Emilie - October 2 daughter of ?? Neumann |
98 - | Hafmann - Auguste Louise
Wilhelmine - October 5 daughter of Friedrich August Hafmann |
99 - | Dröscher - Christian Daniel - October 13 |
100 - | Zuck - Maria Elisabeth - October
14 born Lüks |
101 - | Mörder - Franz Adolph - October
19 son of Adolph Mörder |
102 - | Güssfeld - Friedrich Carl
Wilhelm - October 21 son of ?? Güssfeld |
103 - | Seemann - Friedrich Wilhelm -
October 23 son of ?? Seemann |
104 - | Poreb - Joachim Friedrich August
- October 24 son of Carl Gottfried Poreb |
105 - | Kaiser - Carl Ernst August -
October 25 son of ?? Kaiser |
106 - | Klitzing - Caroline - October
27 born Möring |
107 - | Sempff - Carl Adolph Julius -
October 31 son of Ludwig Sempff |
108 - | Fisxher - Paul Friedrich Franz -
October 31 son of Joh. David Fischer |
109 - | Hafmann - Auguste Louise
Friederike - October 31 daughter of Friedrich August Hafmann |
110 - | Klostermann - Dorothee Louise
Auguste - November 4 daughter of Joh. Friedr. Klostermann |
111 - | Sonnemann - Joachim Christian -
November 7 son of Christian Sonnemann |
112 - | Menking - Christiane - November
9 born Reifert |
113 - | Nahrstedt - Sophie - November
9 born Jung |
114 - | Körtge - Catharine Dorothee
Elis. - November 14 born Betenstehl |
115 - | Dittfurth - Anne Dorothee Louise
- November 19 daughter of Wilhelm Dittfurth |
116 - | Ahl - Johann Friedrich - November 19 |
117 - | Steller - unnamed - November
18 daughter of Joachim Friedrich Steller |
118 - | Brösicke - Heinrich Emil -
November 20 son of Franz Heinrich Brösicke |
119 - | Doelle - Elisabeth Justine
Friederike - November 27 daughter of Carl Friedr. Wilhelm Doelle |
120 - | Weidlandt - unnamed - November
25 son of Johann Christian Friedrich Weidlandt |
121 - | Johannes - Carl August Ferdinand
- November 27 son of Johann Joachim Johannes |
122 - | Meyer - Andreas Christoph - November 27 |
123 - | Garz - Johann Joachim - December 1 |
124 - | Elwers - unnamed - December
2 son of Julius Wilh. Theodor Elwers |
125 - | Kohlmeier - Johann Carl Friedrich - December 8 |
126 - | Kürsten - Friedrich Richard
Julius - December 10 son of Andreas Christian Kürsten |
127 - | Marenk - Carl Friedrich - December 8 |
128 - | Oelze - Johann Friedrich Wilhelm
- December 12 son of Johann friedrich Oelze |
129 - | Linke - Johann Christoph - December 17 |
130 - | Neubauer - August Wilhelm
Friedrich - December 20 son of Caroline Wilhelmine Charlotte Neubauer |
131 - | Neumann - Joachim - December 14 |
132 - | Köppe - unnamed - December
20 son of Hanne Marie Juliane Köppe |
133 - | Otte - Matthias - December 23 |
134 - | Bonatz - Gustav Adolph Hermann -
December 24 son of Carl Friedr. Albert Bonatz |
135 - | Günther - unnmaed - December
24 daughter of Carl August Günther |
136 - | Kohlmann - Friedrich Wilhelm -
January 1, 1857 son of Joh. Carl Friedr. Kohlmann |
137 - | Garz - Marie Dorothee - January
2, 1857 born Isenthal |
This information was gathered from the Kirchenbuchduplikat microfilm records held by the Mormon Church. To view the actual parish transcripts please see the attached link.
PLEASE NOTE: When viewing the microfilm always check the spelling of the surnames. They can sometimes be different between what is recorded in the Register as to what is recorded in the index in the register.