1 - | Blume - Isaac Wilhelm Anton Nicolaus - January 3 |
2 - | Müller - Sophie - January 3 born Ölze |
3 - | Eckstädt - Doroth. Marie Froke
Mathilde - January 6 daughter of Joh. Joseph Gottfr. Eckstädt |
4 - | Herms - unnamed - January 6 son of Ludw. Bernh. Friedr. Herms |
5 - | Müller - Carl Ludwig - January
8 son of Fr. Wilh. Müller |
6 - | Schultze - unnamed - January
9 son of Christian Andreas Jacob Schultze |
7 - | Nethe - Anne Dorothee Elisabeth
- January 18 born Küntzel |
8 - | Pocats - unnamed - January
18 son of Joh. Heinr. Christoph Pocats |
9 - | Wulkau - unnamed - January
25 son of Johann Andreas Wulkau |
10 - | Wulkau - unnamed - January
25 son of Johann Andreas Wulkau |
11 - | Henning - Wilhelmine Dorothee -
February 12 daughter of Fr. Wilh. Ladi. Henning |
12 - | Wekling - Franz Robert -
February 20 son Joh. Dietr. Wekling |
13 - | Steinwerth - Dorothee - February
20 born Brusch |
14 - | Seedorf - Xtrian Friedrich Georg
- February 21 son of Georg Xtrian Friedr. Seedorf |
15 - | Heindel - Dorothee - February
21 born Bölcher |
16 - | Schulze - Marie Elisabeth -
February 25 born Müller |
17 - | Merten - Johann Friedr. Wilhelm - March 6 |
18 - | Lincke - Friedr. Christoph
August - March 7 son of Joh. Xtoph Lincke |
19 - | Klare - August Wilhelm - March 10 |
20 - | Gericke - Georg Andreas - March 13 |
21 - | Wolf - Friedrich Wilhelm
Ferdinand - March 12 son of Friederike Wolf |
22 - | Bittkau - Joachim - March 17 |
23 - | Krohne - Ulrike Louise Auguste -
March 21 daughter of Xtrian Heinr. Aug. Krohne |
24 - | Gerner - Joh. Joach. Philipp - March 22 |
25 - | isenthal - Julie - March 25 born Heidebluth |
26 - | Maertens - Wilhelm - April 5 |
27 - | Sahler - Louise Ludovica - April 5 |
28 - | Wiegand - Dorothee Sophie -
April 6 born Drehael |
29 - | Lücke - unnamed - April 19 daughter of Friedr. Xtrain Lücke |
30 - | Blume - Christoph Franz Leopold - April 22 |
31 - | Wiesener - Joh. Heinrich Carl - April 23 |
32 - | Faehns - Catharine - April
28 born Weihart |
33 - | Müller - Froke Dorothee - May
1 born Bruhn |
34 - | Volgenau - Anne Catharine
Dorothee - May 3 born Tremer |
35 - | Reising - unnamed - May 6 daughter of Caroline Wilhelm. Henriette Reising |
36 - | Poreb - Gottfried - May 6 |
37 - | Rethfeldt - Sophie - May 8 born Elfert |
38 - | Eckstaedt - Johann Friedr. - May 12 |
39 - | Wachtel - Dorothee Elisabeth -
May 12 born Lenz |
40 - | Wachtel - Anne Marie Louise -
May 19 daughter of Jacob Andr. Wachtel |
41 - | Henneberg - Xtine Caroline
Wilhelmine - May 22 born Pfeffer |
42 - | Heindorf - Caroline Juliane -
May 29 born Hodum |
43 - | Hübener - Dorothee Sophie
Friederike - May 30 born Lochau |
44 - | Fischer - Ludwig August
Ferdinand - June 6 son of Joh. Andreas Fischer |
45 - | Raeck - Friedr. Wilh. Aug. -
June 7 son of Joh. Friedr. Aug. Raeck |
46 - | Barfeldt - Dorothee - June
12 born Neumann |
47 - | Schulze - unnamed - June 15 son of Gottfr. Friedr. Schulze |
48 - | Seeger - Emma - June 16 daughter of Aug. Seeger |
49 - | Meyer - Dorothee Elisabeth -
June 18 born Gericke |
50 - | Voigt - Marie Dorothee
Louise - June 20 daughter of Joachim Friedrich Voigt |
51 - | Rollbusch - unnamed - June
22 son of Johann Xtoph Rollbusch |
52 - | Eickhoff - Carl Georg Leopold -
July 1 son of Aug. Fr. Adolph Eickhoff |
53 - | Burchhard - Joh. Joach. - July 1 |
54 - | Treskow - Marie Elisabeth - July
2 daughter of Friedr. Wilh. Treskow |
55 - | Brennicke - Wilhelm - July
2 son of Joh. Friedr. Brennicke |
56 - | Rosenbruck - Caroline Louise
Wilhelmine - July 5 daughter of Joh. Xtoph Rosenbruck |
57 - | Jacob - August Gustav - July
9 son of Johann Dietrich Jacob |
58 - | Kabelitz - Friedrich Wilhelm -
July 10 son of Andr. Wilhelm Kabelitz |
59 - | Grube - Friedrich - July 12 |
60 - | Leue - Emma Ida - Marie Louise -
July 20 daughter of Xtrian Friedr. Leue |
61 - | Ziecker - Marie Dorothee - July
20 born Lüdicke |
62 - | Isenthal - Julie Caroline - July
23 daughter of Carl Fr. Wilh. Isenthal |
63 - | Roloff - Anne Louise Friederike
- July 24 daughter of Gust. Wilh. Alb. Roloff |
64 - | Dederscheck - Carl August Edmund
Albert - July 24 son of Ernst Otto Dederscheck |
65 - | Stenzel - Marie Elisabeth - July
26 Born Borstel |
66 - | Friedrich - Carl August
Christian - July 27 son of Joh. Xtrian Friedrich |
67 - | Tarruhn - Caroline Wilhelmine
Mathilde - July 28 daughter of Ferdin. Andr. Tarruhn |
68 - | Seeger - Dorothee Elisabeth -
July 26 born Brand |
69 - | Krause - Carl Friedr. Wilh.
August - July 31 son of Joh. Joach. Friedr. Xtrian Krause |
70 - | Müller - Friederike Dorothee
Marie - August 3 daughter of Johann Gottfr. Müller |
71 - | Wilke - Robert Carl Eduard -
August 5 son of Wilh. Robert Wilke |
72 - | Gerner - Dorothee Friedke
Wilhelmine - August 6 daughter of Wilhelmine Froke Charl. Gerner |
73 - | Müller - Helene Ida - August
6 daughter of Philipp Jacob Müller |
74 - | Isenthal - Joh. Xtoph Friedrich - no date recorded |
75 - | Hecker - Carl Ludwig - August 6 |
76 - | Thiers - Christoph - August 5 |
77 - | Michaelis - Wilhelm Gottfr. -
August 13 son of Joh. Friedr. Michaelis |
78 - | Eckstaedt - Carl Friedr. Wilhelm - August 13 |
79 - | Grassau - Andreas Aug. Friedr. -
August 15 son of Aug. Friedr. Grassau |
80 - | Quaas - Friederike - August
15 daughter of Carl Fr. Quaas |
81 - | Müller - Helen Charlotte -
August 19 born Langenbeck |
82 - | Küster - Friedr. Wilh. - August
21 son of Andr. Xtrian Küster |
83 - | Bauer - Philippine Louise von Lüderitz - August 23 |
84 - | Seedorf - Georg Friedr. Wilh. -
August 29 son Joh. Xtrian Wilh. Seedorf |
85 - | Immelmann - Dorothee - August
29 born Matenicke |
86 - | Meyer - Friedrich - August 30 |
87 - | Schulze - Johann Joachim - August 31 |
88 - | Mertens - Wilhelm August Carl -
August 31 son Ludwig Mertens |
89 - | Bartels - Joh. Friedr. Wilh. -
September 3 son of Joh. Gottfr. Aug. Bartels |
90 - | Schulze - August Ludwig Theodor
- September 6 son of Friedr. Wilh. Theodor Schulze |
91 - | Reeck - Rudolph Adolph -
September 6 son of Joach. Xtrian Reeck |
92 - | Stockhausen - Mathilde Helene -
September 6 daughter of Carl Wilhelm Stockhausen |
93 - | Eckstadt - unnamed - September
9 son of Johann Friedr. Carl Gottfried Eckstadt |
94 - | Pohlmann - Wilhelm - September 11 |
95 - | Rohrbeck - Friederike -
September 11 born Voigt |
96 - | Lücke - Caroline - September
13 born Tüscher |
97 - | Kabelitz - Johann Gottfried -
September 16 son of Gottfried Kabelitz |
98 - | Wernicke - Catharine - September
15 born Lüders |
99 - | Wernicke - Joachim Christoph - September 15 |
100 - | Wernicke - Joachim Friedrich -
September 15 son of Joachim Xtoph Wernicke |
101 - | Beckmann - Christoph - September 18 |
102 - | Herms - Margarethe - September
25 born Görges |
103 - | Wolkenhaar - August Andreas
Hermann - September 28 son of Johann Andreas Wolkenhaar |
104 - | Reising - Aug. Heinrich - October 1 |
105 - | Steller - Anne Dorothee -
October 3 born Eckstadt |
106 - | Lüdecke - Cath. Dorothee -
October 5 born Projahn |
107 - | Lücke - Elisabeth - October
6 born Müller |
108 - | Döbberlin - Johann Friedrich - October 6 |
109 - | Jerchau - Friedrich Carl -
October 9 son of Friedr. Xtrain Dietr. Jerchau |
110 - | Hilzerland - Gottfried Wilhelm - October 11 |
111 - | Steller - Carl Friedrich -
October 15 son of Joach. Friedr. Steller |
112 - | Rudolph - Marie Emma Louise -
October 15 daughter of Aug. Rudolph |
113 - | Hillger - Friederike - October
18 born Gockring |
114 - | Schultess - Johanne Charl. Louise - October 18 |
115 - | Mardaga - Dorothee - October
18 born Seemann |
116 - | Bohn - Friedrich - October 19 |
117 - | Danks - Friedr. Wilh. - October
23 son of Carl Fr. Danks |
118 - | Lamprecht - Christian - October 25 |
119 - | Frey - Dorothee - October
25 born Stegelitz |
120 - | Schulz- Sophie Xtine Xarl. -
October 28 Born Winsel |
121 - | Gericke - Johann Christian - October 30 |
122 - | Heiz - Joh. Friedrich Xtrian -
November 4 son of ?? Heiz |
123 - | Wünsch - Dorothee Sophie - November 5 |
124 - | Heins - unnamed - November
10 son of Joh. Xtoph Heins |
125 - | Muscke - Wilhelm August -
November 12 son of Joh. Xtoph Munscke |
126 - | Zersch - Robert Franz Max -
November 14 son of Joh. Friedr. Zersch |
127 - | Radelfarth - Dorothee Sophie -
November 12 born Ölze |
128 - | Frick - Franzisca Emilie -
November 17 born Freiesleben |
129 - | Berger - Christoph Georg Wilhelm - November 25 |
130 - | Schulz - Cathar. Margarethe -
November 29 born Herms |
131 - | Nethe - Christoph Friedrich -
December 2 son of Julius Eduard Nethe |
132 - | Göthe - Catharine Elisabeth -
December 7 born Gothe |
133 - | Müller - Dorothee Charl. Marie -
December 7 daughter of Joh. Gottfr. Müller |
134 - | Fischer - Johann David - December 11 |
135 - | Reising - Marie Elisab. -
December 14 daughter of Dor. Mar. Elis. Reising |
136 - | Herrmann - Dorothee Elisabeth -
December 13 born Schelsky |
137 - | Germann - Joh. Friedr. -
December 17 son Marg. Froke Louise Germann |
138 - | Schmidt - Hanne Sophie -
December 18 born Bünger |
139 - | Uchtenhagen - Xtrian Gustav
Adolph - December 18 son Joh. Xtoph Uchtenhagen |
140 - | Isenthal - Xtrian Arnd Ernst -
December 18 son of Xtrian Arnd Isenthal |
141 - | Schulze - Joh. Gottfried - December 20 |
142 - | Pauschardt - Carl Friedrich - December 23 |
143 - | Bischof - Sophie - December
23 born Zeigler |
144 - | Becker - Louise Dorothee -
December 23 born Krause |
145 - | Malchau - Anne Dorothee Minna -
December 26 daughter of Joh. Xtrian Malchau |
This information was gathered from the Kirchenbuchduplikat microfilm records held by the Mormon Church. To view the actual parish transcripts please see the attached link.
PLEASE NOTE: When viewing the microfilm always check the spelling of the surnames. They can sometimes be different between what is recorded in the Register as to what is recorded in the index in the register.
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