Below are the Bestattungen (Burials) that occurred in Tangermünde in 1851.
1 - | Neubauer - Carl Christian Friedrich - January 9 |
2 - | Neubauer - Auguste Louise -
January 13 daughter of Carl Xtrian Friedr. Neubauer |
3 - | Bethenstiehl - Friedrich - January 13 |
4 - | Becker - Jacob Bernhard Heinrich Friedrich - January 17 |
5 - | Storbeck - unnamed - January
17 daughter of Friedrich Storbeck |
6 - | Maass - unnamed - January
17 daughter of Aug. Maass |
7 - | Storbeck - Anne Elisabeth -
January 21 born Friedrich |
8 - | Steller - unnamed - January
21 daughter of Joach. Friedr. Steller |
9 - | Peist - Heinrich Carl Friedrich
- January 24 son of Joh. Friedr. Peist |
10 - | Schröder - Anne Dor. Auguste -
January 26 daughter of Xtrian Friedr. Schröder |
11 - | Wollweber - Catharine Marie
Elisabeth - January 26 born Bettenstiehl |
12 - | Gabel - Anne Elisabeth - Januray
29 born Scheel |
13 - | Militz - Friedrich Wilhelm - January 31 |
14 - | Stookhausen - Minna Elise -
January 30 daughter of Carl Stookhausen |
15 - | Paul - Marie Elisabeth -
February 1 born Doring |
16 - | Schulze - Andreas - February 2 |
17 - | Bethge - Andreas Heinr. - February 9 |
18 - | Klühe - unnamed - February
6 son of Joh. Christian Friedr. Wilhelm Klühe |
19 - | Damm - Charlotte Mathilde
Caroline Wilhelmine - February 16 daughter of Andr. Jacob Damm |
20 - | Schulz - Dorothee Charlotte
Wilhelmine - February 16 daughter of Joh. Friedr. Schulz |
21 - | Lenz - Johann Andreas Wilhelm - February 18 |
22 - | Dittfurt - Johann Christian - February 18 |
23 - | Friedrich - Ludwig Ferdinand -
February 24 son of Joh. Ludw. Friedrich |
24 - | Wulkau - Louise - February
28 born Borstel |
25 - | Klühe - Louise Dorothee -
February 29 daughter of Joh. Joach. Klühe |
26 - | Börs - Marie Elisabeth - March
6 born Brandt |
27 - | Conradi - Daniel Heinrich Wilhelm - March 9 |
28 - | Wegener - Johann Gottfried - March 10 |
29 - | Kammradt - Johanne Christiane
Dorothee - March 11 daughter of Joh. Christian Kammradt |
30 - | Müller - Anne Elisabeth - Schulze - March 13 |
31 - | Kludt - Carl Friedrich August -
March 16 son of Xtrian Friedr. Kludt |
32 - | Binkert - Catharine Elisabeth -
March 18 born Bitkau |
33 - | Weikart - Carl Friedrich Ferdinand - March 18 |
34 - | Wachtel - unnamed - March
18 son of Joachim Andreas Wachtel |
35 - | Bärtels - Anne Marie Elisabeth -
March 24 daughter of Joach. Xtrian Bartels |
36 - | Schulze - Dorothee Wilhelmine
Marie - March 25 daughter of Gottfried Schulze |
37 - | Reip - Dor. Wilhelmine - March
29 daughter of Xtoph David Reip |
38 - | Eckstädt - Joh. Christoph -
March 29 son of Joh. Christoph Eckstädt |
39 - | Katzenellenbogen - Anne
Elisabeth - April 15 born Plat |
40 - | Wehling - Ernst Otto - April
16 son of Joh. Dietr. Wehling |
41 - | Herms - Ludw. Gust. Ferdinand -
April 17 son Joh. Friedrich Herms |
42 - | Liebig - Heinrich - April 18 |
43 - | Steinmetz - Caroline Friederike
Louise - April 19 daughter of Dorothee Elisabeth Steinmetz |
44 - | Dröscher - Gottfried - April 20 |
45 - | Kaiser - Dorothee Sophie
Charlotte - April 21 born Haack |
46 - | Schmidt - unnamed - April
23 son of Marie Dr. Schmidt |
47 - | Neumann - Catharine Elisabeth -
April 26 born Göthe |
48 - | Schulze - Dorothee Elisabeth -
April 26 born Peters |
49 - | Kölling - Friedrich Wilhelm
August - May 9 son of Xtrian Gottfro. Kölling |
50 - | Putsch - unnamed - May 7 son of Joh. Andr. Putsch |
51 - | Winter - Anne Louise Wilhelmine
- May 8 daughter of Gottfr. Wilh. Aug. Louis Winter |
52 - | Löwe - Dorothee - May 10 |
53 - | Günther - Wilhelmine - May 12
born Barenthin |
54 - | Meyer - Marie - May 23 born Johannes |
55 - | Kölling - Louise Froke
Wilhelmine - June 1 daughter of Xtrian Gottfr. Kölling |
56 - | Grube - Emilie Louise Johanne
Wilhelmine - June 2 daughter of Carl Ludw. Gottlieb Grube |
57 - | Lochau - Christiane Dorothee -
June 4 born Bergermann |
58 - | Rüss - Wilhelm Franz Ernst -
June 6 son of Friedr. Rudolph Prüss |
59 - | Bleibgetreu - Sophie Elisabeth -
June 10 born Brüggemann |
60 - | Knappe - Christoph - June 17 |
61 - | Wachtel - Carl Friedr. Wilhelm -
June 26 son of Joach. Andr. Wachtel |
62 - | Germann - Dorothee Sophie - June
26 born Reissner |
63 - | Musche - Heinr. Ludw. Gustav -
June 29 son of Joh. Christoph Musche |
64 - | Bruhn - Sophie Dorothee - July
2 born Meseberg |
65 - | Kaiser - Louise Dorothee
Caroline Charlotte - July 2 daughter of Carl Fr. Wilh. Kaiser |
66 - | Braun - Franz - July 16 son of ?? Brand |
67 - | Schulze - dorothee Elisabeth -
July 15 daughter of Carl Schulze |
68 - | Marks - Christian - July 15 |
69 - | Dröscher - Anne Friederike -
July 15 daughter of Fr. Joh. Xtrian Dröscher |
70 - | Schulze - Friedr. Wilh. Carl -
July 21 son of Friedke Charlotte Emilie Schulze |
71 - | Paul - unnamed - July 24 son of Joh. Xtrain Paul |
72 - | Görges - Andreas - July 31 |
73 - | Schulze - Marie Elisabeth -
August 1 born Deichmann |
74 - | Brune - Johanne Catharine -
August 9 born Voigt |
75 - | Steffens - Auguste Louise -
August 9 daughter of ?? Steffens |
76 - | von Michalkorosky - Johann Carl - August 13 |
77 - | Gänsenig - Dorothee Louise -
August 16 daughter of Xtoph Eduard Gänsenig |
78 - | Elfert - Joh. Christoph - August 17 |
79 - | Wernicke - Friedrich Wilhelm
August - August 17 son of Joh. Friedr. Wernicke |
80 - | Blanke - Gottfried Friedr.
Wilhelm August - August 18 son of Joh. Gottfr. Blanke |
81 - | Drechsler - Dorothee Sophie -
August 19 daughter of Wilhelm Drechsler |
82 - | Thürnagel - Johann Georg Friedrich - August 21 |
83 - | Hubner - Marie - August 23 born Schmidt |
84 - | Engel - Christian Gottfried - August 27 |
85 - | Wiesener - Ernst Hermann -
August 26 son of Joh. Heinr. Carl Weisener |
86 - | Brune - Johanne Marie Sophie -
August 27 daughter of Joh. Friedr. Nicol. Brune |
87 - | Marks - Susanne Marie - August
28 born Projahn |
88 - | Stefelitz - Wilhelm - August
30 son of Minna Stegelitz |
89 - | Hupe - Christian - September 2 |
90 - | Heins - unnamed - September
3 daughter of Joh. Christian Heins |
91 - | Wulkau - unnamed - September
5 son of Gottfried Wulkau |
92 - | Rädisch - Elise Wilhelmine Froke
- September 12 daughter of Carl Aug. Rädisch |
93 - | Steinwerth - Wilhelm - September 14 |
94 - | Holz - Gustav - September
18 son of Joach. Friedr. Holz |
95 - | Schmidt - Marie Friederike -
September 27 daughter of Joachim Schmidt |
96 - | Schulze - Johann Christoph -
October 2 son of Joh. Xtoph Schulze |
97 - | Kammradt - Sophie Friedke
Auguste - October 5 daughter of Joh. Xtrian Kammradt |
98 - | Gericke - unnamed - October
8 daughter of Mathilde Julie Caroline Gericke |
99 - | Heklau - Friedrich Carl August -
October 13 son of Carl Fr. Aug. Hecklau |
100 - | Seehausen - unnamed - October
14 son of Friedrich Seehausen |
101 - | Müller - Mathlde Wilhelmine -
October 19 daughter of Carl Eduard Müller |
102 - | Plähn - Dorothee Maria Louise -
October 19 daughter of Joh. Xtrian Plähn |
103 - | Polte - Friedrich August -
October 21 son of Friedr. Polte |
104 - | Mardaga - Johann Gottfried - October 24 |
105 - | Langnese - Carl Friedrich -
October 27 son of Dorothee Froke Wilhelmine Langnese |
106 - | Gericke - Dorothee Sophie -
October 27 born Linke |
107 - | Hauschild - Elisabeth - October
29 born Borstel |
108 - | Thiele - August Ludwig - October 31 |
109 - | Jänecke - Marie Louuise -
November 5 born Beiersdorf |
110 - | Gräpke - Charlotte - November
7 born Becker |
111 - | Jerchau - unnamed - November
10 son of Friedr. Christian Dietrich Jerchau |
112 - | Gericke - Emilie Dorothee -
November 10 daughter of Joh. Heinri. Gericke |
113 - | Goldschmidt - Carl August -
November 13 son of Joh. Philipp Goldschmidt |
114 - | Echmann - Christian - November 28 |
115 - | Radefarth - Catharine Dorothee -
November 29 born Dräger |
116 - | Rollbush - unnamed - December
14 daughter of Joh. Xtoph Rollbush |
117 - | Palm - Dor. Louise Christine -
December 18 daughter of Joh. Friedr. Palm |
118 - | Polte - Wilhelmine - December
29 daughter of Anne Dorothee Polte |
119 - | Bischoff - Johann Jacob - December 30 |
This information was gathered from the Kirchenbuchduplikat microfilm records held by the Mormon Church. To view the actual parish transcripts please see the attached link.
PLEASE NOTE: When viewing the microfilm always check the spelling of the surnames. They can sometimes be different between what is recorded in the Register as to what is recorded in the index in the register.
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