Saturday, 5 July 2014

Tangermünde, Sachsen-Anhalt - 1857 - Taufen (Baptisms)

Below are the Taufen (Baptisms) that occurred in Tangermünde in 1857.

1 -  Zersch - Paul Carl - February 10
son of Johann Friedrich Zersch and Sophie Friederike Dorothee Güldenpfennig
2 -  Wernicke - August Gustav - February 1
son of Christoph Wernicke and Caroline Tuscher
3 -  Zwinger - Marie Minna Louise - January 25
daughter of Carl Friedr. Wilh. Zwinger and Marie Sophie Scheel
4 -  Büchs - Anne Dorothee Louise - January 25
daughter of Johann Gottfried Büchs and Dorothee Elisab. Ackermann
5 -  Gothe - Dorothee Christine - February 15
daughter of Christoph Gothe and Dorothee Elisabeth Lohliesser
6 -  Lücke - unnamed -
daughter of Johann Joachim Lücke and Anne Dorothee Friederike Schuler
7 -  Isenthal - Wilhelm August - February 1
son of August Wilhelm Isenthal and Louise Mathilde Brennicke
8 -  Lockau - Dorothee Wilhelmine Louise - February 8
daughter of Johann Dietrich Lockau and Anne Elisabeth Malchau
9 -  Haack - unnamed -
daughter of Dorothee Louise Auguste Elisabeth Haack
10 -  Görges - Marie Sophie Louise - February 15
daughter of Johann Gabriel Görges and Dorothee Elisabeth Schilling
11 -  Knösell - Emma Louise Henriette - March 1
daughter of Friedrich August Knösell and Louise Amalie Henriette Köppe
12 -  Kabelitz - Marie Wilhelmine - February 22
daughter of Johann Friedrich Kabeliz and Friederike Caroline Wilhelmine Malchau
13 -  Erbe - Emilie Friederike Louise - February 22
daughter of Christian Ludwig Erbe and Dorothee Charlotte Louise Wehke
14 -  Röher - Friedrich Adolph - February 8
son of Carl Gottlob Röher and Elise Auguste Emilie Neumann
15 -  Jakob - Minna Mathilde Marie - February 22
daughter of Johann Dietrich Jakob and Louise Friederike Emilie Wilcke
16 -  Seeliger - Emma Hulda Ida - March 22
daughter of Johann Fr. Carl seeliger and Charlotte Juliane Fischer
17 -  Utescher - Ida Amalie Antonie - April 5
daughter of Carl Ludwig August Utescher and Dorothee Sophie Wagener
18 -  Ernst - Dorothee Marie Minna - March 15
daughter of Carl Friedrich Ernst and Dorothee Elis. Sinnig 
19 -  Pütsch - Dorothee Marie Minna - February 15
daughter of Marie Lisette Pütsch
20 -  Gronemeier - Johanne Friederike Dorothee - April 5
daughter of Carl Christian Grobemeier and Dorothee Elisabeth Thoms
21 -  Schulze - Friedrich Wilhelm Ferdinand Carl - March 15
son of Johann Christi. Schulze and Marie Dorothee Dräyer
22 -  Püst - Wilhelmine Louise Marie - March 15
daughter of Johann Friedrich Püst and Wilhelmine Henriette Emilie Lamprecht
23 -  Meyer - unnamed -
son of Andreas Christoph Meyer and Catharine Dorothee Friederike Henriette Schwenicke
24 -  Meyer - unnamed -
son of Andreas Christoph Meyer and Catharine Dorothee Friederike Henriette Schwenicke
25 -  Priesmeÿer - Friedrich Wilhelm Hermann - February 26
son of August Ferdinand Priesmeÿer and Dorothee Sophie Peters 
26 -  Heise - Carl Otto August - March 8
son of Carl Friedrich Heise and Caroline Dorothee Sophie Danks 
27 -  Rehfeld - Agnes Emilie Emma - March 15
daughter of Carl Samuel Rehfeld and Marie Dorothee Elisabeth Lühe
28 -  Zersch - Johann Friedrich - March 8
son of Johann Friedrich Zersch and Dorothee Elisabeth Dreckslor
29 -  Jung - Friedrich Wilhelm August - March 15
son of Ferdinand Christian Friedrich Jung and Dorothee Sophie Weiprich
30 -  Rudolph - unnamed -
daughter of Augsut Rudolph and Louise Sophie Auguste Lippert
31 -  Schulze - Friedrich Wilhelm August - April 5
son of Fr. Wilh. August Schulze and Dorothee Elisabeth Wöllmer
32 -  Hüldenrauch - Maria Magdalina Pauline - April 13
daughter of Peter Christoph Hüldenrauch and Sophie Magdalene Knappe
33 -  Drechsler - Gustav Carl Christoph - April 5
son of Dorothee Friederike Drechsler 
34 -  Schulze - Johanne Louise Emma - May 3
daughter of Johann Christoph Schulze and Marie Dorothee Henning
35 -  Schirmann - Minna Auguste Ida - April 24
daughter of Carl Aug. Franz Schirmann and Friederike Louise Wilhelmine Gehn
36 -  Küster - Friedrich Wilhelm - April 13
son Johann Heinrich Küster and Dorothee Sophie Huldensohn
37 -  Hemprich - Charlotte Hedwig - April 30
daughter of Adolph Ferdinand Hemprich and Dorothee Agnes Louise Schluss
38 -  Gärtner - Bruno Hermann Richard - April 13
son of Ernst Friedr. Ferdi. Gärtner nad Johann Juliane Charlotte Elisabeth Rale
39 -  Maass - Marie Dorothee Louise - May 3
daughter of Johann Christian Maass and Dorothee Elisabeth wilhelmine Windbeck
40 -  Müller - Anne Marie Dorothee - April 26
daughter of Johann Gottfried Müller and Hanna Friederike Meier
41 -  Kabelitz - Joachim Friedrich Wilhelm - May 10
son of Joachim Kabelitz and Caroline Friederike Wilhelmine Hagen
42 -  Packebusch - Georg Friedrich Carl - May 10
son of Georg Friedrich Packebusch and Dorothee Elisabeth Bück
43 -  Pfaff - Johann Carl Friedrich Wilhelm - April 26
son of Johann Friedrich Ferdinand Pfaff and Dorothee Elisabeth Schulze
44 -  Falk - Marie Dorothee - May 10
daughter of Johann Friedrich Falk and Catharine Elisabeth Helm
45 -  Müller - unnamed -
daughter of Johann Friedrich Müller and Anne Marie Friederike Schrick
46 -  Herz - Marie Auguste Emma - May 3
daughter of Hermann Otto Herz and Wilhelmine Louise Auguste Block
47 -  Brandt - Ida Louise Marie - May 3
daughter of Johann Christian Friedrich Brandt and Dorothee Sophie Spring
48 -  Bierhals - unnamed -
daughter of Johann Andreas Bierhals and Anne Dorothee Fahrholz
49 -  Hillgendorff - Dorothee Henriette Marie - May 3
daughter of Carl Friedrich Hillgendorff and Dorothee Henriette Schmidt
50 -  Borstel - Dorothee Emilie Minna Emma - June 5
daughter of Johann Friedrich Borstel and Dorothee Sophie Caroline Otte
51 -  Neidermeier - Friederike Dorothee - May 17
daughter of Dorothee Lisette Neidermeier
52 -  Willmer - Carl Hermann Theodor - June 1
son of Albertine Ulrike Sophie Willmer
53 -  Pätsch - Friedrich Wilhelm - May 3
son of Carl Ludwig Gustav Pätsch and Friederike Sophie Köppe
54 -  Frey - Johann Christian Ludwig - May 3
son of Carl Ludwig Georg Frey and Anne Elisabeth Wells
55 -  Rdaelfarth - Friedrich Wilhelm Theodor - May 17
son of Joh. Theodor Gttfr. Radelfarth and Caroline Wilehlmine Müller
56 -  Cunow - Friedrich Christian Carl - May 16
son of Johann Christioan Cunow and Anna Catharine Friederike Holzvoigt
57 -  Rehfeldt - Ernst Hugo - May 10
son of Caroline Emilie Rehfeldt
58 -  Dölle - Anna Julie Ida - June 1
daughter of August Wilhelm Dölle and Sophie Friederike Caroline Schröder
59 -  Voigt - Theodor Carl Wilhelm - May 17
son of August Friedrich Voigt and Dorothee Elisabeth Krohne
60 -  Müller - Caroline Friederike Louise - June 1
daughter of Johann Christian Müller and Johanne Friederike Pauschard
61 -  Wildt - Carl Friedrich Wilhelm - June 1
son of Carl August Wildt and Wilhelmine Grothe
62 -  Heins - unnamed -
son of Johann Christian Heins and Dorothee Elisabeth Börnecke
63 -  Klebs - Ernst Wilhelm Theodor - June 1
son of Johann Theodor Klebs and Marie Elisabeth Krökel
64 -  Budeweg - Ludwig Otto - May 24
son of Friederike Charlotte Wilhelmine Budeweg
65 -  Neubauer - Carl Ferdinand Max - June 19
son of Carl Friedrich Alexander Neubauer and Marie Wilhelmine Ida Krüger
66 -  Seiler - Hedwig Louise Marie - June 21
daughter of Friedrich August Ferdinand Seiler and Dorothee Wilhelmine Meyer
67 -  Saalze - August Carl Wilhelm - June 7
son of Joh. Heinr. August Saalze and Louise Auguste Wilhelmine Ziege
68 -  Zahn - Anna Maria Dorothee Sophie Louise - June 7
daughter of August Friedrich Wilhelm Rudolph Zahn and Marie Elisabeth Germann
69 -  Raeck - Louise Henriette Caroline - June 7
daughter of Johann friedrich August Raeck and Caroline Dorothee Elisabeth Ulrich
70 -  Neumann - Louise Charlotte Marie - June 14
daughter of Wilhelmine Dorothee Charlotte Neumann 
71 -  Klühe - Friedrich Wilhelm August - June 14
son of Catharine Dorothee Klühe
72 -  Müller - Johanne Caroline Auguste Marie - June 22
daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Müller and Johanne Elisabeth Hillger
73 -  Leick - Ferdinand Ludwig Ernst - June 28
son of Friedrich Chrph. Leick and Dorothee Charlotte Henriette Veste
74 -  Düsedau - Marie Friederike Mathilde - June 21
daughter of Johann Andreas Düsedau and Dorothee Elisabeth Schröder
75 -  Schulze - Carl Ludwig August - June 21
son of Heinrich Wilhelm Schulze and Catharine Dorothee Sophie Templin
76 -  Priegnitz - Anna Maria Friederike - June 28
daughter of Georg Carl Gottfried Priegnitz and Anna Elisabeth Jordan 
77 -  Wilke - Alexander August Reinhold - June 17
son of Wilhelm Robert Wilke and Friederike Wilhelmine Mathilde Lüders
78 -  Meidt - unnamed -
daughter of Johann Gottfried Meidt and Dorothee Elisabeth Damke
79 -  Grasshof - Carl Wilhelm Georg - July 17
son of Wilhelm Otto Emil Grasshof and Wilhelmine Sophie Emma Francke
80 -  Steinbrecht - Marie Gertrude - July 22
daughter of Eduard Adolph Steinbrecht and Alwine Gruskurd
81 -  Rosenbruch - Adolph Carl Wilhelm - July 19
son of Andreas Rosenbruch and Anna Dorothee Dehnecke 
82 -  Wünsch - Johann Christoph - July 12
son of Fr. Wilhelm Wünsch and Marie Dorothee Grope
83 -  Pohl - Renate Mathilde Minna Anna - July 19
daughter of Johann Joseph Pohl and Louise Auguste Emilie Müller 
84 -  Springsgut - Marie Elisabeth - July 19
daughter of Franz Ferdinand Sprinsgut and Marie Elisabeth Mewes
85 -  Bierhals - Sophie Friederike Emilie - July 3
daughter of Heinrich Friedrich Carl Bierhals and Sophie Friederike Emilie Weingarten
86 -  Bormann - Bertha Amalie - August 9
daughter of Wilhelmine Charlotte Bormann
87 -  Olze - Otto Friedrich Wilhlem - August 9
son of Johann Friedrich Olze and Dorothee Elisabeth Grothe
88 -  Güssfeld - Charlotte Emilie Ida - August 23
daughter of Ludwig Eduard Güssfeld and Juliane Marie Friederike Louise Bührs
89 -  Lembke - Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst - August 4
son of Friedrich Wilhelm Lembke and Amelie Friederike Emilie Ludorf
90 -  Schönicke - Albert Friederike Christian - August 9
son of Johann Joachim Schönicke and Louise Friederike Paul
91 -  Prüss - Friedrich Wilhelm - August 16
son of Friedrich Rudolph Prüss and Friederike Wilhellmine Löwe
92 -  John - Carl Hermann - August 16
son of Carl Wilhelm John and Caroline Sophie Meklenburg
93 -  Thürnagel - Wilhelm Andreas Friedrich - August 16
son of Ludwig Ferdinand Thürnagl and Christiane Caroline Schulze 
94 -  Kölling - Auguste Dorothee Friederike Louise - September 6
daughter of Joh. Friedr. August Kölling and Mathilde Louise Dorothee Christiane Wilhelmine Grube
95 -  Heins - Johann Friedrich Christoph - August 23
son of Johann Christoph Heins and Catharine Elisabeth Bauerhorst
96 -  Neumann - Agnes Rosalie Emma - August 28
daughter of Julius Ferdinand Neumann and Johanne Emma Saalfeld
97 -  Herms - Wilhelmine Louise Emma - Augsut 23
daughter of Johann Christian Herms and Friederike Leopoldine Louise Diederich
98 -  Heklau - Eduard Ernst - September 6
son of Carl Friedr. August Heklau and Marie Julie Louise Pauschard
99 -  Dröscher - Georg Franz - September 20
son of Gustav Adolph Dröscher and August Bertha Emilie Wilcke
100 -  Gädicke - Anna Marie Louise - September 20
daughter of Johann Jacob Gädicke and Frok. Louise Wilhelmine Henriette Jacob
101 -  Schülze - August Ferdinand Otto - September 6
son of Franz Albert Friedr. Schülze and Anne Dorothee Borstel
102 -  Rohmann - Ida Marie Friederike - September 3
daughter of Gottfr. Jacob Wilhelm Rohmann and Johanne Sophie Friederike Dröscher
103 -  Volmer - Mathilde Auguste Louise - September 6
daughter of Heinrich Ferdinand Volmer and Caroline Dorothee Friederike Müller
104 -  Kleinschmidt - August Friedrich - September 13
son of Christian Heinrich Friedrich Kleinscmidt and Dorothee Elisabeth Quast
105 -  Voigt - Franz Ernst Gustav - September 13
son of Johann Wilhelm Voigt and Wilhelmine Friederike Muster
106 -  Engel - Marie Charlotte Louise - September 6
daughter of Johann Friedrich Engel and Marie Dorothee Thürnagel 
107 -  Schulze - Wilhelm Christian August - September 13
son of Johann Christian Schulze and Henriette Dorothee Elisabeth Albrecht
108 -  Behn - Carl Friedrich Wilhelm - September 13
son of August Jacob Behn and Dorothee Elisabeth Gericke
109 -  Erxleben - Marie Wilhelmine Charlotte - September 13
daughter of Joh. Chrn. Friedrich Erxleben and Wilh. Friederike Charlotte Gerner 
110 -  Eckstädt - Anna Friederike Dorothee - October 4
daughter of Johann Christoph Eckstädt and Marie Gassel
111 -  Roloff - Andreas Friedrich Gottfried - September 20
son of Gustav Wilhelm Albert Roloff and Dorothee Sophie Elisabeth Steinwerth
112 -  Roloff - Marie Louise Dorothee - September 20
daugfhter of Gustav Wilhelm Albert Roloff and Dorothee Sophie Elisabeth Steinwerth
113 -  Schröder - Georg Friedrich Carl - October 4
son of Georg Friedrich Schröder and Friederike Dorothee Louise Severin
114 -  Lohse - Johann Friedrich - September 27
son of Johann friedrich Lohse and Friederike Hergoth
115 -  Gericke - Hermann Ernst Johann Christoph - November 1
son of Johann Christoph Gericke and Anna Dorothee Elisabeth Schulze
116 -  Aeffner - Johann Auguste Emma - October 4
daughter of Carl Gustav Wilhelm Aeffner and Sophie Johanne Dorothee Gericke
117 -  Steimeke - Marie Friederike Wilhelmine - October 4
daughter of Adolph Gustav Steinmeke and Dorothee Sophie Voigt
118 -  Meyer - Marie Louise Emilie - October 11
daughter of Carl Friedr. Ludwig Meyer and Dorothee Sophie Caroline Groth
119 -  Lange - Ida Marie Minna Auguste Louise - October 4
daughter of Marie Dorothee Sophie Louise Lange 
120 -  Ehlend - Carl Friedrich Wilhelm - October 4
son of Carl Friedr. Wilhelm Ehlend and Catharine Wilhelmine Vetecke
121 -  Neubauer - Friedrich Wilhelm - October 18
son of Friedr. Wilhelm Neubauer and Henriette Wilhelmine Louise Schulze 
122 -  Strauer - Carl Friedrich Wilhelm - October 18
son of Joh. Carl Heinrich Strauer and Friederike Dorothee Juliane Marenk
123 -  Kludt - Johann Christian Carl - October 25
son of Christian Friedr. Kludt and Anna Elisabeth Friedrich 
124 -  Poesel - Marie Caroline Louise Ulrike - October 11
daughter of Wilhelm Poesel and Christiane Friederike Wilhelmine Miliz
125 -  Schmidt - Anne Marie Elisabeth - October 4
daughter of Johann Joachim Schmidt and Marie Elis. Mertens
126 -  Garz - Friederike Emilie - October 4
daughter of Christian Wilhelm Garz and Anne Sophie Friederike Maess
127 -  Meier - Marie Louise Auguste - October 11
daughter of Chriostoph Friedr. Wilhelm Meier and Dorothee Sophie Wilhelmine Müller
128 -  Tüngler - Marie Louise Wilhelmine - October 11
daughter of Carl Friedr. Wilh. Tüngelr and Dorothee Elisabeth Bock
129 -  Ebers - Friedrich August Ludwig - October 13
son of Ludwig Wilhelm Ebers and Caroline Louise Friederike Görges
130 -  Eggert - Johanne Emilie Louise - October 25
daughter of Johann Joachim Eggert and Anna Elisabeth Gruss
131 -  Brun - Friedrich Wilhelm August Heinrich - October 11
son of Friedr. Heinr. Wilh. Brun and Anna Elisabeth Gericke
132 -  Lange - Carl Gustav Rudolph - November 1
son of Joh. Ludwig Wilh. Lange and Johanne Sophie Friederike Sprecher
133 -  Lochow - Ferdinand Ludwig - October 25
son of Ferdinand Ludwig Lochow and Caroline Juliane Wilhelmine Rütz
134 -  Arndt - Mathilde August Louise - November 8
daughter of Johann Christian Arndt and Auguste Caroline Henriette Stuge
135 -  Isenthal - Otto Gustav August - October 25
son of Otto Theodor Isenthal and Friederike Dorothee Grassau
136 -  Saalfeld - Sophie Emmi - November 17
daughter of Carl Otto saalfeld and Ida Auguste Emilie Hemprich 
137 -  Paul - Paul Friedrich - November 15
son of Christian Gottfried Paul and Dorothee Caroline Bruhn 
138 -  Eckstädt - Marie Henriette Emilie - November 1
daughter of Johann Gabriel Eckstädt and Wilhelmine Henriette Sathu
139 -  Herms - unnamed -
daughter of Joh. Carl August Herms and Anna Marie Louise Görges
140 -  Isenthal - Emilie Wilhelmine Caroline - November 1
daughter of Carl Adolph Isenthal and Caroline Dorothee Elisabeth Brand
141 -  Bauerhorst - Carl Friedrich Gottfried - November 1
son of Johann Gottfried Bauerhorst and Anna Elisabeth Klähn
142 -  Dröscher - Carl Eduard Theodor Ferdinand - November 8
son of Carl Eduard Theodor Ferdinand Dröscher and Dorothee Sophie Schrieber
143 -  Schulze - unnamed -
daughter of Andreas Jacob Schulze and Dorothee Elisabeth Nethe
144 -  Gollze - Ernestine Wilhelmine Louise - November 15
daughter of Joh. Friedr. Wilhelm Gollze and Auguste Louise Wilhelmine Rohehoff
145 -  Menking - Julchen Anna Emilie - November 15
daughter of Gottlieb Wilhelm Menking and Henriette Louise Wilhelmine Sophie Hartmann
146 -  Levin - Auguste Marie Louise - November 15
daughter of Johann Gottfried Levin and Anna Dorothee Malchau
147 -  Schulze - Anna Dorothee Friederike - November 8
daughter of Carl Schulze and Friederike Borstel
148 -  Kölling - Johann Friedrich Wilhelm - November 15
son of Christian Gottfried Kölling and Anna Elisabeth Schulze
149 -  Krähe - Anna Charlotte Emilie Louise - November 15
daughter of Johann August Krähe and Anna Elisabeth Schulze
150 -  Isenthal - unnamed -
son of Christian Arnd Isenthal and Emma Wilhelmine Louise Mayer
151 -  Grassau - Carl Friedrich - November 22
son of August Friedrich Isenthal and Anna Elisabeth Malchau
152 -  Sempff - Friedrich August Wilhelm - November 29
son of Carl Ludwig Jacob Sempff and Sophie Wilhelmine Schicke
153 -  Dammann - Anna Auguste Emma - November 22
daughter of Joh. Aug. Gottfried Dammann and Friederike Dorothee Quaseburth
154 -  Weiganu - Sophie Marie Mathilde Ida - November 22
daughter of Johann Juliane Mathilde Weiganu
155 -  Steller - unnamed -
child of Joachim Friedrich Steller and Johanne Auguste Friederike Eckstädt
156 -  Beyer - unnamed -
daughter of Dorothee Elisabeth Beyer
157 -  Hohenstein - Marie Minna - December 13
daughter of Carl Friedrich Hohenstein and Marie Auguste Weiss
158 -  Spörel - Albert Lebrecht August - November 29
son of Lebrecht Tugendrecht Theophil Spörel and Emilie Charlotte Caroline Falke
159 -  Pierau - Carl Ferdinand - December 13
son of Carl Friedrich Pierau and Albertine Wilhelmine Plank
160 -  Fischer - unnamed -
daughter of Johann Andreas Fischer and Anna Dorothee Mette
161 -  Reip - Johann Friedrich Christoph - November 22
son of Christian Adam Reip and Anna Elisabeth Müller 
162 -  Elwers - Philipp Julius Hermann - November 22
son of Julius Wilhelm Theodor Elwers and Marie Dorothee Wilhelmine Schulze 
163 -  Daum - Emma Martha Louise - November 19
daughter of Friedr. Aug. Herm. Daum and Emma Therese Herms
164 -  Röhl - unnamed -
child of Johann Joachim röhl and Ulrike Charlotte Dorothee Wolkenhaar
165 -  Neumann - Friedrich Wilhelm - December 6
son of Anna Marie Friederike Neumann
166 -  Radelfarth - Johann Heinrich Friedrich - November 20
son of Johann Heinrich Radelfarth and Dorothee Elisabeth Klitzing
167 -  Kraul - Dorothee Marie Louise - November 29
daughter of Heinrich Gottfried Daniel Kraul and Wilhelmine Juliane Klebe
168 -  Körtge - Johann Heinrich - November 22
son of Joh. Joach. Heinrich Körtge and Wilhelmine Weiss
169 -  Schülze - Carl Gustav Adolph - December 20
son of Ernst Louis Sigfried Schülze and Louise Ulrike Emilie Isenthal
170 -  Schulze - Carl Hermann August - December 13
son of Gustav Ferdinand Schulze and Dorothee Friederike Wilhelmine Gericke
171 -  Rethfeld - Johann Gottfried - December 3
son of Johann Gottfried Rethfeld and Dorothee Sophie Reppin
172 -  Mörder - Maria Friederike Louise - December 6
daughter of Johann Friedrich Mörder and Friederike Mörder
173 -  Germann - Wilhelmine Dorothee Louise - November 29
daughter of Ernst Samuel Germann and Johanne Dorothee Marie Börker
174 -  Müller - Maria Dorothee Anna - December 6
daughter of Joh. Carl Gottfried Muller and Marie Sophie Elisabeth Weickart
175 -  Bunge - Emma Magdalene Pauline - December 27
daughter of Gottfr. Eduard Ferdinand and Johanne Caroline Hoppe
176 -  Poreb - Charlotte Wilhelmine Dorothee - December 20
daughter of Carl Gottfried Poreb and Charlotte Wilhelmine Nicke
177 -  Gericke - Gustav Adolph Ernst Rudolph - December 20
son of Dorothee Friederike Gericke 
178 -  Fischer - unnamed -
child of Johann David Fischer and Dorothee Sophie gaede
179 -  Otte - unnamed -
child of Dorothee Elis. Otte
180 -  Jung - Johannes Otto Fritz - December 27
son of Johannes Ludwig Wilhelm Jung and Marie Emilie Mathilde Schuck
181 -  Dunker - Max Adolph - January 1, 1858
son of Joh. Friedr. Ludwig Dunker and Antonie Julie Emma Amalie Behrends
182 -  Nagel - August Friedrich Wilhelm - December 26
son of August Wilhelm Nagel and Friederike Charlotte Dorothee Gassel
183 -  Priegnitz - Johann Friedrich Wilhelm - December 27
son of Johann Joachim Priegnitz and Anne Elisabeth Reddige
184 -  Palm - Minna Emma Amalie - December 27
daughter of Johann Friedrich Palm and Anne Elisabeth Poralius
185 -  Kläde - Johann Wilhelm Friedrich - January 3, 1858
son of Johann Peter Kläde and Louise Friederike Baecke
186 -  Bonatz - Anna Bertha Caroline Louise - January 2, 1858
daughter of Carl Friedr. Albert Bonatz and Johanne Friederike Wilhelmine Nahrstedt
187 -  Küster - Ida Emilie Albertine Bertha - January 17, 1858
daughter of Andreas Christian Küster and Anna Dorothee Bohn
188 -  Gericke - Minna Emilie - January 10, 1858
daughter of Joh. Carl Friedrich Gericke and Dorothee Sophie Burchhardt
189 -  Hafmann - Auguste Louise Wilhelmine - January 24, 1858
daughter of Friedrich August Hafmann and Emilie Antonie Pauline Heindorf
190 -  Steinbeck - Ida Auguste Louise Wilhelmine - January 16, 1858
daughter of Carl Ludwig Ferdin. Steinbeck and Dorothee Cxhristiane Emilie Schullys
191 -  Thilo - Anna Marie Victoria - January 15, 1858
daughter of Christian Bernhard Thilo and Wilhelmine Auguste Kaselitz
192 -  Witte - Maria Ida Agnes - January 24, 1858
daughter of Ludw. Adolph Franz Witte and Johanne Charlotte Lohernikaw
193 -  Ecks - unnamed
daughter of Franz Leopold Ecks and Sophie Elisaebth Schulze

This information was gathered from the Kirchenbuchduplikat microfilm records held by the Mormon Church.  To view the actual parish transcripts please see the attached link.

PLEASE NOTE:  When viewing the microfilm always check the spelling of the surnames. They can sometimes be different between what is recorded in the Register as to what is recorded in the index in the register.

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