1 - |
Zersch - Paul Carl - February
son of Johann Friedrich Zersch and Sophie Friederike Dorothee Güldenpfennig |
2 - |
Wernicke - August Gustav -
February 1
son of Christoph Wernicke and Caroline Tuscher |
3 - |
Zwinger - Marie Minna Louise -
January 25
daughter of Carl Friedr. Wilh. Zwinger and Marie Sophie Scheel |
4 - |
Büchs - Anne Dorothee Louise -
January 25
daughter of Johann Gottfried Büchs and Dorothee Elisab. Ackermann |
5 - |
Gothe - Dorothee Christine -
February 15
daughter of Christoph Gothe and Dorothee Elisabeth Lohliesser |
6 - |
Lücke - unnamed -
daughter of Johann Joachim Lücke and Anne Dorothee Friederike Schuler |
7 - |
Isenthal - Wilhelm August -
February 1
son of August Wilhelm Isenthal and Louise Mathilde Brennicke |
8 - |
Lockau - Dorothee Wilhelmine
Louise - February 8
daughter of Johann Dietrich Lockau and Anne Elisabeth Malchau |
9 - |
Haack - unnamed -
daughter of Dorothee Louise Auguste Elisabeth Haack |
10 - |
Görges - Marie Sophie Louise -
February 15
daughter of Johann Gabriel Görges and Dorothee Elisabeth Schilling |
11 - |
Knösell - Emma Louise Henriette
- March 1
daughter of Friedrich August Knösell and Louise Amalie Henriette Köppe |
12 - |
Kabelitz - Marie Wilhelmine -
February 22
daughter of Johann Friedrich Kabeliz and Friederike Caroline Wilhelmine
Malchau |
13 - |
Erbe - Emilie Friederike Louise
- February 22
daughter of Christian Ludwig Erbe and Dorothee Charlotte Louise Wehke |
14 - |
Röher - Friedrich Adolph -
February 8
son of Carl Gottlob Röher and Elise Auguste Emilie Neumann |
15 - |
Jakob - Minna Mathilde Marie -
February 22
daughter of Johann Dietrich Jakob and Louise Friederike Emilie Wilcke |
16 - |
Seeliger - Emma Hulda Ida -
March 22
daughter of Johann Fr. Carl seeliger and Charlotte Juliane Fischer |
17 - |
Utescher - Ida Amalie Antonie -
April 5
daughter of Carl Ludwig August Utescher and Dorothee Sophie Wagener |
18 - |
Ernst - Dorothee Marie Minna -
March 15
daughter of Carl Friedrich Ernst and Dorothee Elis. Sinnig |
19 - |
Pütsch - Dorothee Marie Minna -
February 15
daughter of Marie Lisette Pütsch |
20 - |
Gronemeier - Johanne Friederike
Dorothee - April 5
daughter of Carl Christian Grobemeier and Dorothee Elisabeth Thoms |
21 - |
Schulze - Friedrich Wilhelm
Ferdinand Carl - March 15
son of Johann Christi. Schulze and Marie Dorothee Dräyer |
22 - |
Püst - Wilhelmine Louise Marie -
March 15
daughter of Johann Friedrich Püst and Wilhelmine Henriette Emilie Lamprecht |
23 - |
Meyer - unnamed -
son of Andreas Christoph Meyer and Catharine Dorothee Friederike Henriette
Schwenicke |
24 - |
Meyer - unnamed -
son of Andreas Christoph Meyer and Catharine Dorothee Friederike Henriette
Schwenicke |
25 - |
Priesmeÿer - Friedrich Wilhelm
Hermann - February 26
son of August Ferdinand Priesmeÿer and Dorothee Sophie Peters |
26 - |
Heise - Carl Otto August - March
son of Carl Friedrich Heise and Caroline Dorothee Sophie Danks |
27 - |
Rehfeld - Agnes Emilie Emma -
March 15
daughter of Carl Samuel Rehfeld and Marie Dorothee Elisabeth Lühe |
28 - |
Zersch - Johann Friedrich -
March 8
son of Johann Friedrich Zersch and Dorothee Elisabeth Dreckslor |
29 - |
Jung - Friedrich Wilhelm August
- March 15
son of Ferdinand Christian Friedrich Jung and Dorothee Sophie Weiprich |
30 - |
Rudolph - unnamed -
daughter of Augsut Rudolph and Louise Sophie Auguste Lippert |
31 - |
Schulze - Friedrich Wilhelm
August - April 5
son of Fr. Wilh. August Schulze and Dorothee Elisabeth Wöllmer |
32 - |
Hüldenrauch - Maria Magdalina
Pauline - April 13
daughter of Peter Christoph Hüldenrauch and Sophie Magdalene Knappe |
33 - |
Drechsler - Gustav Carl
Christoph - April 5
son of Dorothee Friederike Drechsler |
34 - |
Schulze - Johanne Louise Emma -
May 3
daughter of Johann Christoph Schulze and Marie Dorothee Henning |
35 - |
Schirmann - Minna Auguste Ida -
April 24
daughter of Carl Aug. Franz Schirmann and Friederike Louise Wilhelmine Gehn |
36 - |
Küster - Friedrich Wilhelm -
April 13
son Johann Heinrich Küster and Dorothee Sophie Huldensohn |
37 - |
Hemprich - Charlotte Hedwig -
April 30
daughter of Adolph Ferdinand Hemprich and Dorothee Agnes Louise Schluss |
38 - |
Gärtner - Bruno Hermann Richard
- April 13
son of Ernst Friedr. Ferdi. Gärtner nad Johann Juliane Charlotte Elisabeth
Rale |
39 - |
Maass - Marie Dorothee Louise -
May 3
daughter of Johann Christian Maass and Dorothee Elisabeth wilhelmine
Windbeck |
40 - |
Müller - Anne Marie Dorothee -
April 26
daughter of Johann Gottfried Müller and Hanna Friederike Meier |
41 - |
Kabelitz - Joachim Friedrich
Wilhelm - May 10
son of Joachim Kabelitz and Caroline Friederike Wilhelmine Hagen |
42 - |
Packebusch - Georg Friedrich
Carl - May 10
son of Georg Friedrich Packebusch and Dorothee Elisabeth Bück |
43 - |
Pfaff - Johann Carl Friedrich
Wilhelm - April 26
son of Johann Friedrich Ferdinand Pfaff and Dorothee Elisabeth Schulze |
44 - |
Falk - Marie Dorothee - May
daughter of Johann Friedrich Falk and Catharine Elisabeth Helm |
45 - |
Müller - unnamed -
daughter of Johann Friedrich Müller and Anne Marie Friederike Schrick |
46 - |
Herz - Marie Auguste Emma - May
daughter of Hermann Otto Herz and Wilhelmine Louise Auguste Block |
47 - |
Brandt - Ida Louise Marie - May
daughter of Johann Christian Friedrich Brandt and Dorothee Sophie Spring |
48 - |
Bierhals - unnamed -
daughter of Johann Andreas Bierhals and Anne Dorothee Fahrholz |
49 - |
Hillgendorff - Dorothee
Henriette Marie - May 3
daughter of Carl Friedrich Hillgendorff and Dorothee Henriette Schmidt |
50 - |
Borstel - Dorothee Emilie Minna
Emma - June 5
daughter of Johann Friedrich Borstel and Dorothee Sophie Caroline Otte |
51 - |
Neidermeier - Friederike
Dorothee - May 17
daughter of Dorothee Lisette Neidermeier |
52 - |
Willmer - Carl Hermann Theodor -
June 1
son of Albertine Ulrike Sophie Willmer |
53 - |
Pätsch - Friedrich Wilhelm - May
son of Carl Ludwig Gustav Pätsch and Friederike Sophie Köppe |
54 - |
Frey - Johann Christian Ludwig -
May 3
son of Carl Ludwig Georg Frey and Anne Elisabeth Wells |
55 - |
Rdaelfarth - Friedrich Wilhelm
Theodor - May 17
son of Joh. Theodor Gttfr. Radelfarth and Caroline Wilehlmine Müller |
56 - |
Cunow - Friedrich Christian Carl
- May 16
son of Johann Christioan Cunow and Anna Catharine Friederike Holzvoigt |
57 - |
Rehfeldt - Ernst Hugo - May
son of Caroline Emilie Rehfeldt |
58 - |
Dölle - Anna Julie Ida - June
daughter of August Wilhelm Dölle and Sophie Friederike Caroline Schröder |
59 - |
Voigt - Theodor Carl Wilhelm -
May 17
son of August Friedrich Voigt and Dorothee Elisabeth Krohne |
60 - |
Müller - Caroline Friederike
Louise - June 1
daughter of Johann Christian Müller and Johanne Friederike Pauschard |
61 - |
Wildt - Carl Friedrich Wilhelm -
June 1
son of Carl August Wildt and Wilhelmine Grothe |
62 - |
Heins - unnamed -
son of Johann Christian Heins and Dorothee Elisabeth Börnecke |
63 - |
Klebs - Ernst Wilhelm Theodor -
June 1
son of Johann Theodor Klebs and Marie Elisabeth Krökel |
64 - |
Budeweg - Ludwig Otto - May
son of Friederike Charlotte Wilhelmine Budeweg |
65 - |
Neubauer - Carl Ferdinand Max -
June 19
son of Carl Friedrich Alexander Neubauer and Marie Wilhelmine Ida Krüger |
66 - |
Seiler - Hedwig Louise Marie -
June 21
daughter of Friedrich August Ferdinand Seiler and Dorothee Wilhelmine Meyer |
67 - |
Saalze - August Carl Wilhelm -
June 7
son of Joh. Heinr. August Saalze and Louise Auguste Wilhelmine Ziege |
68 - |
Zahn - Anna Maria Dorothee
Sophie Louise - June 7
daughter of August Friedrich Wilhelm Rudolph Zahn and Marie Elisabeth
Germann |
69 - |
Raeck - Louise Henriette
Caroline - June 7
daughter of Johann friedrich August Raeck and Caroline Dorothee Elisabeth
Ulrich |
70 - |
Neumann - Louise Charlotte Marie
- June 14
daughter of Wilhelmine Dorothee Charlotte Neumann |
71 - |
Klühe - Friedrich Wilhelm August
- June 14
son of Catharine Dorothee Klühe |
72 - |
Müller - Johanne Caroline
Auguste Marie - June 22
daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Müller and Johanne Elisabeth Hillger |
73 - |
Leick - Ferdinand Ludwig Ernst -
June 28
son of Friedrich Chrph. Leick and Dorothee Charlotte Henriette Veste |
74 - |
Düsedau - Marie Friederike
Mathilde - June 21
daughter of Johann Andreas Düsedau and Dorothee Elisabeth Schröder |
75 - |
Schulze - Carl Ludwig August -
June 21
son of Heinrich Wilhelm Schulze and Catharine Dorothee Sophie Templin |
76 - |
Priegnitz - Anna Maria
Friederike - June 28
daughter of Georg Carl Gottfried Priegnitz and Anna Elisabeth Jordan |
77 - |
Wilke - Alexander August
Reinhold - June 17
son of Wilhelm Robert Wilke and Friederike Wilhelmine Mathilde Lüders |
78 - |
Meidt - unnamed -
daughter of Johann Gottfried Meidt and Dorothee Elisabeth Damke |
79 - |
Grasshof - Carl Wilhelm Georg -
July 17
son of Wilhelm Otto Emil Grasshof and Wilhelmine Sophie Emma Francke |
80 - |
Steinbrecht - Marie Gertrude -
July 22
daughter of Eduard Adolph Steinbrecht and Alwine Gruskurd |
81 - |
Rosenbruch - Adolph Carl Wilhelm
- July 19
son of Andreas Rosenbruch and Anna Dorothee Dehnecke |
82 - |
Wünsch - Johann Christoph - July
son of Fr. Wilhelm Wünsch and Marie Dorothee Grope |
83 - |
Pohl - Renate Mathilde Minna
Anna - July 19
daughter of Johann Joseph Pohl and Louise Auguste Emilie Müller |
84 - |
Springsgut - Marie Elisabeth -
July 19
daughter of Franz Ferdinand Sprinsgut and Marie Elisabeth Mewes |
85 - |
Bierhals - Sophie Friederike
Emilie - July 3
daughter of Heinrich Friedrich Carl Bierhals and Sophie Friederike Emilie
Weingarten |
86 - |
Bormann - Bertha Amalie - August
daughter of Wilhelmine Charlotte Bormann |
87 - |
Olze - Otto Friedrich Wilhlem -
August 9
son of Johann Friedrich Olze and Dorothee Elisabeth Grothe |
88 - |
Güssfeld - Charlotte Emilie Ida
- August 23
daughter of Ludwig Eduard Güssfeld and Juliane Marie Friederike Louise Bührs |
89 - |
Lembke - Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst
- August 4
son of Friedrich Wilhelm Lembke and Amelie Friederike Emilie Ludorf |
90 - |
Schönicke - Albert Friederike
Christian - August 9
son of Johann Joachim Schönicke and Louise Friederike Paul |
91 - |
Prüss - Friedrich Wilhelm -
August 16
son of Friedrich Rudolph Prüss and Friederike Wilhellmine Löwe |
92 - |
John - Carl Hermann - August
son of Carl Wilhelm John and Caroline Sophie Meklenburg |
93 - |
Thürnagel - Wilhelm Andreas
Friedrich - August 16
son of Ludwig Ferdinand Thürnagl and Christiane Caroline Schulze |
94 - |
Kölling - Auguste Dorothee
Friederike Louise - September 6
daughter of Joh. Friedr. August Kölling and Mathilde Louise Dorothee
Christiane Wilhelmine Grube |
95 - |
Heins - Johann Friedrich
Christoph - August 23
son of Johann Christoph Heins and Catharine Elisabeth Bauerhorst |
96 - |
Neumann - Agnes Rosalie Emma -
August 28
daughter of Julius Ferdinand Neumann and Johanne Emma Saalfeld |
97 - |
Herms - Wilhelmine Louise Emma -
Augsut 23
daughter of Johann Christian Herms and Friederike Leopoldine Louise
Diederich |
98 - |
Heklau - Eduard Ernst -
September 6
son of Carl Friedr. August Heklau and Marie Julie Louise Pauschard |
99 - |
Dröscher - Georg Franz -
September 20
son of Gustav Adolph Dröscher and August Bertha Emilie Wilcke |
100 - |
Gädicke - Anna Marie Louise -
September 20
daughter of Johann Jacob Gädicke and Frok. Louise Wilhelmine Henriette Jacob |
101 - |
Schülze - August Ferdinand Otto
- September 6
son of Franz Albert Friedr. Schülze and Anne Dorothee Borstel |
102 - |
Rohmann - Ida Marie Friederike -
September 3
daughter of Gottfr. Jacob Wilhelm Rohmann and Johanne Sophie Friederike
Dröscher |
103 - |
Volmer - Mathilde Auguste Louise
- September 6
daughter of Heinrich Ferdinand Volmer and Caroline Dorothee Friederike
Müller |
104 - |
Kleinschmidt - August Friedrich
- September 13
son of Christian Heinrich Friedrich Kleinscmidt and Dorothee Elisabeth Quast |
105 - |
Voigt - Franz Ernst Gustav -
September 13
son of Johann Wilhelm Voigt and Wilhelmine Friederike Muster |
106 - |
Engel - Marie Charlotte Louise -
September 6
daughter of Johann Friedrich Engel and Marie Dorothee Thürnagel |
107 - |
Schulze - Wilhelm Christian
August - September 13
son of Johann Christian Schulze and Henriette Dorothee Elisabeth Albrecht |
108 - |
Behn - Carl Friedrich Wilhelm -
September 13
son of August Jacob Behn and Dorothee Elisabeth Gericke |
109 - |
Erxleben - Marie Wilhelmine
Charlotte - September 13
daughter of Joh. Chrn. Friedrich Erxleben and Wilh. Friederike Charlotte
Gerner |
110 - |
Eckstädt - Anna Friederike
Dorothee - October 4
daughter of Johann Christoph Eckstädt and Marie Gassel |
111 - |
Roloff - Andreas Friedrich
Gottfried - September 20
son of Gustav Wilhelm Albert Roloff and Dorothee Sophie Elisabeth Steinwerth |
112 - |
Roloff - Marie Louise Dorothee -
September 20
daugfhter of Gustav Wilhelm Albert Roloff and Dorothee Sophie Elisabeth
Steinwerth |
113 - |
Schröder - Georg Friedrich Carl
- October 4
son of Georg Friedrich Schröder and Friederike Dorothee Louise Severin |
114 - |
Lohse - Johann Friedrich -
September 27
son of Johann friedrich Lohse and Friederike Hergoth |
115 - |
Gericke - Hermann Ernst Johann
Christoph - November 1
son of Johann Christoph Gericke and Anna Dorothee Elisabeth Schulze |
116 - |
Aeffner - Johann Auguste Emma -
October 4
daughter of Carl Gustav Wilhelm Aeffner and Sophie Johanne Dorothee Gericke |
117 - |
Steimeke - Marie Friederike
Wilhelmine - October 4
daughter of Adolph Gustav Steinmeke and Dorothee Sophie Voigt |
118 - |
Meyer - Marie Louise Emilie -
October 11
daughter of Carl Friedr. Ludwig Meyer and Dorothee Sophie Caroline Groth |
119 - |
Lange - Ida Marie Minna Auguste
Louise - October 4
daughter of Marie Dorothee Sophie Louise Lange |
120 - |
Ehlend - Carl Friedrich Wilhelm
- October 4
son of Carl Friedr. Wilhelm Ehlend and Catharine Wilhelmine Vetecke |
121 - |
Neubauer - Friedrich Wilhelm -
October 18
son of Friedr. Wilhelm Neubauer and Henriette Wilhelmine Louise Schulze |
122 - |
Strauer - Carl Friedrich Wilhelm
- October 18
son of Joh. Carl Heinrich Strauer and Friederike Dorothee Juliane Marenk |
123 - |
Kludt - Johann Christian Carl -
October 25
son of Christian Friedr. Kludt and Anna Elisabeth Friedrich |
124 - |
Poesel - Marie Caroline Louise
Ulrike - October 11
daughter of Wilhelm Poesel and Christiane Friederike Wilhelmine Miliz |
125 - |
Schmidt - Anne Marie Elisabeth -
October 4
daughter of Johann Joachim Schmidt and Marie Elis. Mertens |
126 - |
Garz - Friederike Emilie -
October 4
daughter of Christian Wilhelm Garz and Anne Sophie Friederike Maess |
127 - |
Meier - Marie Louise Auguste -
October 11
daughter of Chriostoph Friedr. Wilhelm Meier and Dorothee Sophie Wilhelmine
Müller |
128 - |
Tüngler - Marie Louise
Wilhelmine - October 11
daughter of Carl Friedr. Wilh. Tüngelr and Dorothee Elisabeth Bock |
129 - |
Ebers - Friedrich August Ludwig
- October 13
son of Ludwig Wilhelm Ebers and Caroline Louise Friederike Görges |
130 - |
Eggert - Johanne Emilie Louise -
October 25
daughter of Johann Joachim Eggert and Anna Elisabeth Gruss |
131 - |
Brun - Friedrich Wilhelm August
Heinrich - October 11
son of Friedr. Heinr. Wilh. Brun and Anna Elisabeth Gericke |
132 - |
Lange - Carl Gustav Rudolph -
November 1
son of Joh. Ludwig Wilh. Lange and Johanne Sophie Friederike Sprecher |
133 - |
Lochow - Ferdinand Ludwig -
October 25
son of Ferdinand Ludwig Lochow and Caroline Juliane Wilhelmine Rütz |
134 - |
Arndt - Mathilde August Louise -
November 8
daughter of Johann Christian Arndt and Auguste Caroline Henriette Stuge |
135 - |
Isenthal - Otto Gustav August -
October 25
son of Otto Theodor Isenthal and Friederike Dorothee Grassau |
136 - |
Saalfeld - Sophie Emmi -
November 17
daughter of Carl Otto saalfeld and Ida Auguste Emilie Hemprich |
137 - |
Paul - Paul Friedrich - November
son of Christian Gottfried Paul and Dorothee Caroline Bruhn |
138 - |
Eckstädt - Marie Henriette
Emilie - November 1
daughter of Johann Gabriel Eckstädt and Wilhelmine Henriette Sathu |
139 - |
Herms - unnamed -
daughter of Joh. Carl August Herms and Anna Marie Louise Görges |
140 - |
Isenthal - Emilie Wilhelmine
Caroline - November 1
daughter of Carl Adolph Isenthal and Caroline Dorothee Elisabeth Brand |
141 - |
Bauerhorst - Carl Friedrich
Gottfried - November 1
son of Johann Gottfried Bauerhorst and Anna Elisabeth Klähn |
142 - |
Dröscher - Carl Eduard Theodor
Ferdinand - November 8
son of Carl Eduard Theodor Ferdinand Dröscher and Dorothee Sophie Schrieber |
143 - |
Schulze - unnamed -
daughter of Andreas Jacob Schulze and Dorothee Elisabeth Nethe |
144 - |
Gollze - Ernestine Wilhelmine
Louise - November 15
daughter of Joh. Friedr. Wilhelm Gollze and Auguste Louise Wilhelmine
Rohehoff |
145 - |
Menking - Julchen Anna Emilie -
November 15
daughter of Gottlieb Wilhelm Menking and Henriette Louise Wilhelmine Sophie
Hartmann |
146 - |
Levin - Auguste Marie Louise -
November 15
daughter of Johann Gottfried Levin and Anna Dorothee Malchau |
147 - |
Schulze - Anna Dorothee
Friederike - November 8
daughter of Carl Schulze and Friederike Borstel |
148 - |
Kölling - Johann Friedrich
Wilhelm - November 15
son of Christian Gottfried Kölling and Anna Elisabeth Schulze |
149 - |
Krähe - Anna Charlotte Emilie
Louise - November 15
daughter of Johann August Krähe and Anna Elisabeth Schulze |
150 - |
Isenthal - unnamed -
son of Christian Arnd Isenthal and Emma Wilhelmine Louise Mayer |
151 - |
Grassau - Carl Friedrich -
November 22
son of August Friedrich Isenthal and Anna Elisabeth Malchau |
152 - |
Sempff - Friedrich August
Wilhelm - November 29
son of Carl Ludwig Jacob Sempff and Sophie Wilhelmine Schicke |
153 - |
Dammann - Anna Auguste Emma -
November 22
daughter of Joh. Aug. Gottfried Dammann and Friederike Dorothee Quaseburth |
154 - |
Weiganu - Sophie Marie Mathilde
Ida - November 22
daughter of Johann Juliane Mathilde Weiganu |
155 - |
Steller - unnamed -
child of Joachim Friedrich Steller and Johanne Auguste Friederike Eckstädt |
156 - |
Beyer - unnamed -
daughter of Dorothee Elisabeth Beyer |
157 - |
Hohenstein - Marie Minna -
December 13
daughter of Carl Friedrich Hohenstein and Marie Auguste Weiss |
158 - |
Spörel - Albert Lebrecht August
- November 29
son of Lebrecht Tugendrecht Theophil Spörel and Emilie Charlotte Caroline
Falke |
159 - |
Pierau - Carl Ferdinand -
December 13
son of Carl Friedrich Pierau and Albertine Wilhelmine Plank |
160 - |
Fischer - unnamed -
daughter of Johann Andreas Fischer and Anna Dorothee Mette |
161 - |
Reip - Johann Friedrich
Christoph - November 22
son of Christian Adam Reip and Anna Elisabeth Müller |
162 - |
Elwers - Philipp Julius Hermann
- November 22
son of Julius Wilhelm Theodor Elwers and Marie Dorothee Wilhelmine
Schulze |
163 - |
Daum - Emma Martha Louise -
November 19
daughter of Friedr. Aug. Herm. Daum and Emma Therese Herms |
164 - |
Röhl - unnamed -
child of Johann Joachim röhl and Ulrike Charlotte Dorothee Wolkenhaar |
165 - |
Neumann - Friedrich Wilhelm -
December 6
son of Anna Marie Friederike Neumann |
166 - |
Radelfarth - Johann Heinrich
Friedrich - November 20
son of Johann Heinrich Radelfarth and Dorothee Elisabeth Klitzing |
167 - |
Kraul - Dorothee Marie Louise -
November 29
daughter of Heinrich Gottfried Daniel Kraul and Wilhelmine Juliane Klebe |
168 - |
Körtge - Johann Heinrich -
November 22
son of Joh. Joach. Heinrich Körtge and Wilhelmine Weiss |
169 - |
Schülze - Carl Gustav Adolph -
December 20
son of Ernst Louis Sigfried Schülze and Louise Ulrike Emilie Isenthal |
170 - |
Schulze - Carl Hermann August -
December 13
son of Gustav Ferdinand Schulze and Dorothee Friederike Wilhelmine Gericke |
171 - |
Rethfeld - Johann Gottfried -
December 3
son of Johann Gottfried Rethfeld and Dorothee Sophie Reppin |
172 - |
Mörder - Maria Friederike Louise
- December 6
daughter of Johann Friedrich Mörder and Friederike Mörder |
173 - |
Germann - Wilhelmine Dorothee
Louise - November 29
daughter of Ernst Samuel Germann and Johanne Dorothee Marie Börker |
174 - |
Müller - Maria Dorothee Anna -
December 6
daughter of Joh. Carl Gottfried Muller and Marie Sophie Elisabeth Weickart |
175 - |
Bunge - Emma Magdalene Pauline -
December 27
daughter of Gottfr. Eduard Ferdinand and Johanne Caroline Hoppe |
176 - |
Poreb - Charlotte Wilhelmine
Dorothee - December 20
daughter of Carl Gottfried Poreb and Charlotte Wilhelmine Nicke |
177 - |
Gericke - Gustav Adolph Ernst
Rudolph - December 20
son of Dorothee Friederike Gericke |
178 - |
Fischer - unnamed -
child of Johann David Fischer and Dorothee Sophie gaede |
179 - |
Otte - unnamed -
child of Dorothee Elis. Otte |
180 - |
Jung - Johannes Otto Fritz -
December 27
son of Johannes Ludwig Wilhelm Jung and Marie Emilie Mathilde Schuck |
181 - |
Dunker - Max Adolph - January 1,
son of Joh. Friedr. Ludwig Dunker and Antonie Julie Emma Amalie Behrends |
182 - |
Nagel - August Friedrich Wilhelm
- December 26
son of August Wilhelm Nagel and Friederike Charlotte Dorothee Gassel |
183 - |
Priegnitz - Johann Friedrich
Wilhelm - December 27
son of Johann Joachim Priegnitz and Anne Elisabeth Reddige |
184 - |
Palm - Minna Emma Amalie -
December 27
daughter of Johann Friedrich Palm and Anne Elisabeth Poralius |
185 - |
Kläde - Johann Wilhelm Friedrich
- January 3, 1858
son of Johann Peter Kläde and Louise Friederike Baecke |
186 - |
Bonatz - Anna Bertha Caroline
Louise - January 2, 1858
daughter of Carl Friedr. Albert Bonatz and Johanne Friederike Wilhelmine
Nahrstedt |
187 - |
Küster - Ida Emilie Albertine
Bertha - January 17, 1858
daughter of Andreas Christian Küster and Anna Dorothee Bohn |
188 - |
Gericke - Minna Emilie - January
10, 1858
daughter of Joh. Carl Friedrich Gericke and Dorothee Sophie Burchhardt |
189 - |
Hafmann - Auguste Louise
Wilhelmine - January 24, 1858
daughter of Friedrich August Hafmann and Emilie Antonie Pauline Heindorf |
190 - |
Steinbeck - Ida Auguste Louise
Wilhelmine - January 16, 1858
daughter of Carl Ludwig Ferdin. Steinbeck and Dorothee Cxhristiane Emilie
Schullys |
191 - |
Thilo - Anna Marie Victoria -
January 15, 1858
daughter of Christian Bernhard Thilo and Wilhelmine Auguste Kaselitz |
192 - |
Witte - Maria Ida Agnes -
January 24, 1858
daughter of Ludw. Adolph Franz Witte and Johanne Charlotte Lohernikaw |
193 - |
Ecks - unnamed
daughter of Franz Leopold Ecks and Sophie Elisaebth Schulze |
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