1 - |
Sempff - Marie Elise Henriette -
January 24
daughter of Carl Friedrich Ferdinand Sempff nad Mathilde Sophie Charlotte
Lückstedt |
2 - |
Ernst - Louise Wilhelmine Marie
- January 19
daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst and Dorothee Friederike Wilhelmine
Schulze |
3 - |
Hohenstein - Marie Dorothee
Friederike Charlotte Caroline - January 26
daughter of Joh. Carl Friedrich Hohenstein and Marie Elisabeth Rolff |
4 - |
Wachtel - Louise Marie
Wilhelmine - January 19
daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Wachtel and Dorothee Marie Henriette Hauschild |
5 - |
Klühe - Friedrich Christoph
Gottfried - January 26
son of Christoph Carl Gottfried Klühe and Wilhelmine Friederike Caroline
Suhl |
6 - |
Elwers - Friedrich Wilhelm -
January 29
son of Julius Wilhelmine Theodor Elwers and Marie Dorothee Wilhelmine
Schulze |
7 - |
Günther - unnamed -
son of Carl August Günther and Marie Elisabeth Müller |
8 - |
Dammann - Anna marie Wilhelmine
- February 2
daughter of Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Dammann and Charlotte Dorothee Emilie
Hartmann |
9 - |
Reip - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm -
February 16
son of Christian Adam Reip and Anna Elisabeth Müller |
10 - |
Herms - Auguste Marie Louise -
February 6
daughter of Joh. Carl August Herms and Anna Marie Louise Görges |
11 - |
Wagner - Anna Henriette Bertha
Elise - February 23
daughter of Christian Friedrich Wagner and Theodore Wilhelmine Arndt |
12 - |
Meidt - unnamed -
daughter of Johann Gottfried Meidt and Dorothee Elisabeth Danker |
13 - |
Gille - Holdine Marie Minna
Agnes - February 23
daughter of Eduard Wilhelm Robert Gille and Friederike Juliane Henriette
Schramm |
14 - |
Schulze - Friedrich Wilhelm
Ludwig - February 23
son of Johann Christian Schulze and Catharine Dorothee Düngel |
15 - |
Gräben - Marie Clara Agnes -
February 23
daughter of Joh. Friedr. Wilhelm Gräben and Wilhelmine Dorothee Sophie Klühe |
16 - |
Kleinschmidt - Auguste Louise -
March 9
daughter of Christian Heinrich Friedrich Kleinschmidt and Dorothee Elisabeth
Quast |
17 - |
Erxleben - unnamed -
son of Johann christian Friedrich Erxleben and Friederike Marie Sophie
Müller |
18 - |
Michaelis - Dorothee Auguste
Friederike Wilhelmine - March 16
daughter of Johann Friedrich Michaelis and Dorothee Elisabeth Döbberthin |
19 - |
Henning - Johann Christian
Friedrich - March 2
son of Johann Christian Henning and Friederike Susanne Wacheng |
20 - |
Pohl - Emma Caroline Therese -
March 16
daughter of Johann Joseph Pohl and Louise Auguste Emilie Müller |
21 - |
Gericke - Ernst August - March
son of Johann Carl Friedrich Gericke and Dorothee Sophie Burchhorst |
22 - |
Neumann - August Daniel Thomas
Paul - March 20
son of Julius Ferdinand Neumann and Johanne Emma Saalfeld |
23 - |
Fischer - Catharine Sophie Marie
- March 23
daughter of Stephan Georg Fischer and Louise Wilhelmine Tarruhn |
24 - |
Bauerhorst - Emilie Anna Louise
- March 9
daughter of Carl August Bauerhorst and Sophie Düsedau |
25 - |
Nethe - Johann Friedrich Wilhelm
- March 30
son of Johann Friedrich Nethe and Caroline Wilhelmine Charlotte
Neubauer |
26 - |
Döbbelin - Dorothee Marie Louise
- March 16
daughter of Dorothee Wilhelmine Döbbelin |
27 - |
Seedorf - unnamed -
son of Johann Christian Wilhelm Seedorf and Dorothee Sophie Kurth |
28 - |
Mörder - Anna Julie Louise -
March 23
daughter of Franz Wilhelm Adolph Mörder and Johanne Friederike Walther |
29 - |
Schulze - Hermann August Adolph
- April 21
son of Joachim Friedrich Schulze and Anna Dorothee Wilhelmine Hermann |
30 - |
Voigt - Carl August Friedrich -
March 23
son of August Friedrich Voigt and Dorothee Elisabeth Krohne |
31 - |
Eckstädt - Wilhelmine Louise
Henriette - March 16
daughter of Johann Gabriel Eckstädt and Wilhelmine Henriette Sachse |
32 - |
Görges - Wilhelmine Auguste
Louise - March 23
daughter of Carl Ludwig Gustav Görges and Marie Wilhelmine Louise Eckstädt |
33 - |
Müller - Auguste Marie Louise -
March 30
daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Müller and Dorothee Elisabeth Rösel |
34 - |
Niemann - Marie Friederike
Wilhelmine - March 23
daughter of Daniel Wilhelm Carl August Niemann and Johanne Ottilie Spengler |
35 - |
Schulze - Marie Wilhelmine
Louise - April 13
daughter of Johanne Christian Schulze and Marie Dorothee Dräger |
36 - |
Voigt - unnamed -
daughter of Caroline Friederike Louise Voigt |
37 - |
Bohleke - Anna Dorothee - April
daughter of August Wilhelm Bohleke and Juliane Auguste Osterburg |
38 - |
Martin - Emilie Anna Antonie -
April 21
daughter of Joh. Franz Anton Martin and Friederike Charlotte Görges |
39 - |
Isenthal - Carl Gustav - April
son of Carl Gustav Isenthal and Auguste Marie Louise Jänicke |
40 - |
Mescher - Catharine Marie Emma -
April 27
daughter of Carl Ludw. August Mescher and Dorothee Sophie Wagner |
41 - |
Malchau - Hermann Friedrich
Wilhelm - April 21
son of Johann Christian Malchau and Dorothee Elisabeth Peters |
42 - |
Steimecke - Carl Gottfried
Eduard Gustav - April 21
son of Gustav Adolph Steimecke and Dorothee Sophie Voigt |
43 - |
Mund - Ida Elise Emilie - May
daughter of Caroline Friederike Mund |
44 - |
Rudolph - Minna Dorothee Louise
- April 21
daughter of Johann Joachim Rudolph and Marie Dorothee Sophie Pfaff |
45 - |
Francke - Johann Friedrich
Hermann - May 4
son of Johann Christian Francke and Dorothee Elisabeth Baer |
46 - |
Bose - Ernst Otto Gottfried
Friedrich - April 21
son of Philipp Jacob Bose and Dorothee Friederike Wilhelmine Emilie
Schulze |
47 - |
Zuck - Johanne Agnes Anna Marie
- April 27
daughter of Johann Carl Friedr. Wilhelm Zuck and Dorothee Marie Frentzel |
48 - |
Breslau - Ferdinand Friedrich
August - May 11
son of Friedrich August Breslau and Wilhelmine Catharine Auguste Isendahl |
49 - |
Seedorf - Gustav Adolph - May
son of Ferdinand Wilhelm Seedorf and Ulrike Louise Wilhelmine Eckert |
50 - |
Herms - Louis Albert Franz -
June 4
son of Johann Christian Herms and Friederike Leopoldine Louise Diedrich |
51 - |
Lühe - unnamed -
son of Friedrich Erdmann Lühe and Dorothee Elisabeth Kläden |
52 - |
Schmidt - Marie Auguste Emma Ida
- May 11
daughter of August Eduard Schmidt and Marie Louise Wilhelmine Charlotte
Heins |
53 - |
Steller - Louise Wilhelmine -
May 11
daughter of Joachim Friedrich Steller and Johanne Auguste Friederike
Eckstädt |
54 - |
Curdts - Friedrich Wilhelm
Sigismund - May 25
son of Ernst Friedrich Hermann Curdts nad Dorothee Wilhelmine Caroline Sonne |
55 - |
Krohne - Adolph Gustav Otto -
May 11
son of Christian Heinrich August Krohne and Ulrike Wilhelmine Charlotte
Steinwerth |
56 - |
Lucklum - Friederike Marie
Louise - May 18
daughter of Johann Gottfried Carl Lucklum and Friederike Catharine Elsiabeth
Carl |
57 - |
Engel - Paul Emil - May 18
son of Johann Friedrich Engel and Marie Elsiabeth Pauke |
58 - |
Sommer - Emma Auguste Friederike
- June 1
daughter of Friedrich Christoph Sommer and Johanne Christiane Dorothee
Zwinger |
59 - |
Koch - Johann Friedrich Ludwig
Hermann - May 25
son of Johann Christian Koch and Catharine Dorothee Raeck |
60 - |
Wolkenhaar- Johanne Caroline
Emilie - May 25
daughter of Johann Andreas Wolkenhaar and Dorothee Sophie Mörder |
61 - |
Henning - Albert Gustav - May
son of Dorothee Louise Emilie Henning |
62 - |
Jung - Otto Hermann Johannes -
June 1
son of Johannes Ludwig Wilhelm Jung and Marie Emilie Mathilde Schuck |
63 - |
Volmer - Helene Caroline Ida -
June 8
daughter of Heinrich Ferdin. Volmer and Caroline Dorothee Friederike
Müller |
64 - |
Schulze - Louise Marie Emma -
June 1
daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Theodor Schulze and Dorothee Elsiabeth
Beckmann |
65 - |
Wagener - Mathias Carl Ludwig
Otto - June 1
son of Friedrich Wilhelm Wagener and Anna Dorothee Brandt |
66 - |
Rädisch - Louise Marie
Ffriederike Mathilde - June 9
daughter of Johanne Charlotte Louise Auguste Rädicke |
67 - |
Garz - Franz Adolph Wilhelm -
June 15
son of Joh. Wilh. Gottfried Graz and Anna Catharine Elisabeth Kiefert |
68 - |
Krause - Gottfried August
Wilhelm - June 9
son of Carl Friedr. Gottfr. Krause and Dorothee Sophie Charlotte Benecke |
69 - |
Lenz - unnamed -
son of Johann Christian Carl Lenz and Juliane Caroline Emilie Metz |
70 - |
Friedrich - Carl Wilhelm Robert
- June 29
son of Louise Caroline Auguste Friedrich |
71 - |
Their - Heinrich Friedrich
Wilhelm - June 29
son of Heinrich Christian Their nad Anna Sophie Dorothee Bohne |
72 - |
Hecker - Carl Wilhelm Louis -
June 22
son of Carl Adolph Gustav Louis Hecker and Marie Auguste Catharine
Wilhelmine Fischer |
73 - |
Grassau - Sophie Dorothee Marie
- July 6
daughter of August Friedrich Grassau and Anna Elisabeth Malchau |
74 - |
Neubauer - Emilie Wilhelmine
Marie - June 22
daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Neubauer and Henriette Wilhelmine Louise
Schulze |
75 - |
Wernecke - Johann Friedrich -
July 6
son of Johann Friedrich Wernecke and Charlotte Auguste Gerner |
76 - |
Schmidt - Carl Otto Wilhelm -
July 13
son of Johann Georg Christoph Schmidt and Marie Elisabeth Mertens |
77 - |
Rosenbruch - Ida Minna Valeska -
August 3
daugfhter of Andreas Rosenbruch and Anna Dorothee Delonecke |
78 - |
Mertens - Anna Friederike Louise
Marie - July 13
daughter of Andreas Mertens and Anna Elisabeth Seedorf |
79 - |
Fehse - unnamed -
son of Johann Friedrich Fehse and Louise Albertine Buffe |
80 - |
Pätsch - Carl August Wilhelm -
July 13
son of Carl August Wilhelm Pätsch and Marie Dorothee Elsiabeth Rethfeldt |
81 - |
Thomas - unnamed -
daughter of Dorothee Friederike Thomas |
82 - |
Raeck - Johann Eduard August -
July 27
son of Joh. Friedr. August Raeck and Caroline Dorothee Elis. Ulrich |
83 - |
Grasshof - Marie Elisabeth -
July 17
daughter of Wilhelm Otto Emil Grasshof and Wilhelmine Sophie Emma Froscke |
84 - |
Grasshof - Carl Hermann - July
son of Wilehlm Otto Emil Grasshof and Wilhelmine Sophie Emma Froscke |
85 - |
Puppe - Dorothee Wilhelmine
Louise - July 20
daughter of Johann Gottfried Puppe and Marie Elisabeth Bruns |
86 - |
Lebrecht - Albert Adolph
Reinhold - August 10
son of Adolph Otto Heinr. Lebrecht and Johanne Amalie Marie Dorothee Deling |
87 - |
Bonatz - Gustav Adolph Hermann -
August 24
son of Carl Friedrich Albert Bonatz and Johanne Friederike Wilhelmine
Nahrstedt |
88 - |
Dittfurth - Anna Dorothee
Friederike Louise - August 10
daughter of Christian Friedrich August Dittfurth and Wilhelmine Rosine
Dorothee Elisabeth Winter |
89 - |
Segelitz - Anna Dorothee Emilie
- August 10
daughter of Joachim Friedrich Daniel Segelitz and Dorothee Wier |
90 - |
Schulze - Jacob Andreas Heinrich
August - August 10
son of Andreas Jacob Schulze and Dorothee Sophie Schülle |
91 - |
Gericke - Johann Christoph -
August 17
son of Johann Christoph Gericke and Anna Dorothee Elisabeth Schulze |
92 - |
Heise - Gustav Ernst - August
son of Carl Friedrich Heise and Caroline Dorothee Sophie Danks |
93 - |
Schröder - Carl Adolph Otto -
August 31
son of Georg Friedrich Schröder and Friederike Dorothee Louise Severin |
94 - |
Isenthal - Helene Agnes Mertha -
August 24
daughter of Christian Arnd Isenthal and Emma Wilhelmine Louise Maya |
95 - |
Lembke - Wilhelmine Helene -
August 24
daughter of Friedr. Wilhelm Lembke and Amalie Friederike Emilie Seedorf |
96 - |
Blume - Franz Adolph Max Carl -
September 21
son of Carl Christian Blume and Catharine Dorothee Emma Bertha Evers |
97 - |
Welle - Carl August Gottfried -
August 24
son of Johann Christian Friedrich Welle and Dorothee Elisabeth Ullrich |
98 - |
Bethge - Friedrich Wilhelm -
August 24
son of Friedrich Wilhelm Bethge and Johanne Auguste Friederike Hillger |
99 - |
Müller - Wilhelm Carl -
September 7
son of Wilhelm Ferdinand Müller and Wilhelmine Dorothee Louise Ehlend |
100 - |
Begrich - Marie Emilie Henriette
- August 31
daughter of Carl Gustav Adolph Begrich and Minna Magdalene Dorothee Brennëck |
101 - |
Möhring - Ida Emilie Caroline -
September 21
daughter of Johann Friedrich Möhring and Louise Friederike Wilhelmine
Seedorf |
102 - |
Spötter - Carl Louis Adolph
Conrad - September 7
son of Albert Friedrich Wilhelm Spötter and Louise Caroline Marie Segelitz |
103 - |
Reinecke - Carl Ernst Hermann -
September 7
son of Johann Christoph Reinecke and Johanne Catharine Sophie Steinwerth |
104 - |
Schulze - Johann Friedrich -
August 31
son of Johann Joachim Schulze and Louise Teidge |
105 - |
Grothe - Pauline Marie Lousie -
September 21
daughter of Johann Gottfried Grothe and Louise Josephine Adelheid Kiefert |
106 - |
Schulze - Ferdinand Ludwig -
September 14
son of Nicolaus Schulze and Friederike Dorothee Nahrstedt |
107 - |
Michaelis - Friedrich Carl -
September 21
son of Joachim Christoph Michaelis and Marie Dorothee Melosine Beier |
108 - |
Schilling - Carl Hermann Otto -
September 28
son of Friedrich Andreas Schilling and Marie Dorothee Louise Genth |
109 - |
Lippert - Christiane Rosalie
Elise - September 28
daughter of Adolph Christoph Julius Lippert and Auguste Emilie Neumann |
110 - |
Plettau - Wilhelm Christoph Otto
- September 21
son of Johann Christoph Plettau and Dorothee Caroline Friederike Wenzlau |
111 - |
Borstel - Marie Alwine
Wilhelmine - September 7
daughter of Ferdinand Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Bortsel and Marie Charlotte
Friederike Schulze |
112 - |
Steinbeck - Auguste Friederike
Marie Louise - September 14
daughter of Carl Ludwig Ferdinand Steinbeck and Dorothee Sophie Emilie Ida
Schulless |
113 - |
Schulze - Johann Gottfried
Friedrich - September 21
son of Dorothee Charlotte Schulze |
114 - |
Pätsch - Otto Carl Gustav -
September 21
son of Carl Ludwig Gustav Pätsch and Friederike Sophie Köppe |
115 - |
Tarruhn - Carl August Friedrich
- September 21
son of Ferdinand Andreas Tarruhn and Marie Dorothee Friederike Roloff |
116 - |
Ernst - Carl August -
October 12
son of Carl Friedrich Ernst and Dorothee Elisabeth Sinnig |
117 - |
Block - Caroline Dorothee Louise
- October 5
daughter of Louise Block |
118 - |
Müller - Friedrich Wilhelm -
September 28
son of Johann Christian Müller and Caroline Dorothee Elis. Reinecke |
119 - |
Henning - Friedrich Wilhelm
Ferdinand - October 5
son of Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Henning and Dorothee Sophie Patz |
120 - |
Lochau - Friedrich Georg Carl
Adolph - October 5
son of Carl Wilhelm Friedrich Lochau and Mathilde Dorothee Caroline Medbaum |
121 - |
Müller - Gottfried Paul Franz -
October 12
son of Friedrich Wilhelm Müller and Marie Dorothee Hecker |
122 - |
Borstel - Ernst Franz Wilhelm -
October 12
son of Joh. Christian Fr. Ernst August Borstel and Henriette Wilhelmine
Louise Seedorf |
123 - |
Gagelmann - Marie Louise
Friederike - November 2
daughter of Wilhelm Franz Gagelmann and Amalie Elisabeth Caroline Schöning |
124 - |
Lauenroth - Johanne Henriette
Wilhelmine - October 12
daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm August Lauenroth and Johanne Louise Henriette
Engel |
125 - |
Görges - Gustav - October
son of Johann Gabriel Görges and Dorothee Elisabeth Schilling |
126 - |
Wiese - Carl August Wilhelm -
October 19
son of Carl Christian Wiese and Marie Sophiee Caroline Garz |
127 - |
Seeliger - August Otto Hermann -
October 5
son of Joh. Friedr. Carl Seeliger and Charlotte Juliane Fischer |
128 - |
Rohmann - Carl Otto Ludwig -
October 5
son of Gottfried Jacob Wilhelm Rohmann and Johanne Sophie Friederike
Dröscher |
129 - |
Görnemann - Anna Louise -
October 26
daughter of Johann Joachim Görnemann and Anna Dorothee Krägenau |
130 - |
Schulze - August Friedrich
Wilhelm - October 12
son of Carl Schulze and Friederike Borstel |
131 - |
Dobberkau - Johann Friedrich
Wilhelm - October 5
son of Johann Friedrich Heinrich Dobberkau and Marie Dorothee Witte |
132 - |
Schulze - Friederike Emma Anna -
October 12
daughter of Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm Schulze and Friederike Margarethe
Dorothee Schulze |
133 - |
Gädicke - Marie Louise
Wilhelmine - October 19
daughter of Johann Gottfried Gädicke and Friederike Louise Wilhelmine
Thurnagel |
134 - |
Haffmann - Anna Emma Mathilde -
October 16
daughter of Friedrich August Haffmann and Emilie Antonie Pauline Hindorf |
135 - |
Pagel - Anna Dorothee Sophie -
October 16
daughter of Ludwig Friedrich Wilhelm Pagel and Anna Dorothee Jonas |
136 - |
Tress - Marie Charlotte Emilie -
November 2
daughter of Christoph Stephan Wilhelm Tress and Louise Emilie Peters |
137 - |
Kabelitz - unnamed -
son of Joachim Kabelitz and Caroline Friederike Wilhelmine Hagen |
138 - |
Dölle - Adolph Bernhard Richard
Max - October 19
son of August Wilhelm Dölle and Sophie Friederike Caroline Schröder |
139 - |
Kammradt - Friedrich Ernst
August - November 23
son of Johann Christian Kammradt and Marie Dorothee Sallekau |
140 - |
Priegnitz - Hermann friedrich
Gorg - November 16
son of Georg Carl Gottfried Priegnitz and Anna Elisabeth Jordan |
141 - |
Bierhals - Anna Dorothee Emilie
- November 6
daughter of Johann Andreas Bierhals and Dorothee Marie Hartung |
142 - |
Hielmann - Johann Christian -
November 6
son f Johann Christian Hielmann and Marie Elisabeth Möhring |
143 - |
Bolecke - unnamed -
son of Andreas Christian August Bolecke and Marie Dorothee Schröder |
144 - |
Simon - Ernst Gustav Wilhelm -
November 30
son of Otto Rudolph Alexander Simon and Catharine Elisaebth Bührs |
145 - |
Priegnitz - Friedrich August
Rudolph - November 9
son of Rudolph Hermann Priegnitz and Marie Friederike Gundermann |
146 - |
Rohloff - Ernst August Otto -
November 16
son of Gustav Wilhelm Albert Rohloff and Dorothee Sophie Elisabeth
Steinwerth |
147 - |
Pfaff - Henriette Emilie Ida -
November 9
daughter of Dorothee Louise Emilie Pfaff |
148 - |
Seeck - Hermann Friedrich Carl -
November 23
son of Friedrich Johann Christoph Seeck and Dorothee Henriette Charlotte
Veste |
149 - |
Friesecke - Louise Friederike
Wilhelmine - November 16
daughter of August Adolph Friesecke and Friederike Quasebarth |
150 - |
Isenthal - Carl Wilhelm
Christlieb - November 23
son of Otto Theodor Isenthal and Friederike Dorothee Grassau |
151 - |
Schulze - unnamed -
daughter of Johann Christian Schulze and Marie Elisabeth Langnese |
152 - |
Pütsch - Christoph Philipp
Rudolph - November 23
son of Albert Wilhelm Rudolph Pütsch and Johanne Dorothee Sophie Mathilde
Tripler |
153 - |
Neubauer - unnamed -
daughter of Carl Friedrich Alexander Neubauer and Marie Wilhelmine Ida
Krüger |
154 - |
Rabe - Carl Friedrich Heinrich -
November 30
son of Carl Jacob Heinrich Rabe and Marie Dorothee Charlotte Fischer |
155 - |
Scheoler - Marie Caroline Louise
- November 23
daughter of Johann Christian Ludwig Scheoler and Caroline Louise Elisabeth
Strauch |
156 - |
Bierhals - Heinrich Friedrich
Carl - November 30
son of Heinrich Friedrich Carl Bierhals and Sophiee Friederike Emilie
Weingarten |
157 - |
Orthmann - Julius Wilhelm August
- December 14
son of Wilhelm Carl Christian Orthmann and Constantia Rosalie Clara Kiefert |
158 - |
Schüler - Paul Franz Julius -
December 21
son of Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Schüler and Johanne Dorothee Louise Barfels |
160 - |
Quosig - Friedrich Ludwig Carl
Gustav Adolph - December 21
son of Carl Ludwig Quosig and Marie Magdalene Caroline Friederike Veste |
161 - |
Schönicke - Friedrich Wilhelm
Paul - December 14
son of Johann Joachim Schönicke and Louise Friederike Paul |
162 - |
Kölling - unnamed -
son of Joh. Friedrich August Kölling and Mathilde Louise Dorothee Christiane
Wilhelmine Grube |
159 - |
Meinecke - Dorothee Marie Louise
- December 7
daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Meinecke and Dorothee Marie Louise Michael - see notes |
163 - |
Schulze - Emma Auguste Mathilde
- December 26
daughter of Robert Ferdinand Alexander Schulze and Hulda Charlotte Sophie
Meyer |
164 - |
Jordan - unnamed -
son of Christian Jordan and Marie Elisabeth Quast |
165 - |
von Kliest - Marie Louise
Charlotte - December 16
daughter of Carl Heinrich Gottfried von Kliest and Marie Sophie Charlotte
Kohl |
166 - |
Ecks - unnamed -
daughter of Ludwig Friedrich August Ecks and Sophie Johanne Marie Waller |
167 - |
Deling - Albert Carl Friedrich -
December 26
son of Albert Eduard Franz Deling and Emma Uchtdorf |
168 - |
Bischof - Johann Friedrich -
December 21
son of Joachim Friedrich Bischof and Dorothee Elisabeth Osterburg |
169 - |
Modesky - Anna Auguste - January
25, 1863
daughter of Carl Gottlieb Julius Modesky and Susanne Alwine Schulze |
170 - |
Herm - Johann August Friedrich -
January 1, 1863
son of Johann Joachim Herm and Adelheid Emilie Amalie Gille |
171 - |
Tümler - Dorothee Marie -
January 1, 1863
daughter of Sophie Louise Friederike Tümler |
172 - |
Krempkau - Minna Sophie Marie
Wilhelmine - December 26
daughter of Dorothee Wilhelmine Krempkau |
173 - |
Gänger - unnamed -
daughter of Joh. Friedrich Christian Gänger and Johanne Louise Schulze |
174 - |
Gädicke - Johann Gottfried
Christian - January 10, 1863
son of Johann Christian Gädicke and Christiane Dorothee Marie Gädicke |
175 - |
Frey - Ludwig Wilhelm - January
10, 1863
son of Wilhelm Eduard Frey and Dorothee Louise Wachtel |
176 - |
Beckmann - Dorothee Louise -
January 9, 1863
daughter of Andreas Beckmann and Dorothee Sophie Heins |
177 - |
Becker - Friedrich Carl August
Otto - January 10, 1863
son of Johann Christian Becker and Christiane Rosine Mörkel |
178 - |
Schulze - Carl Friedrich Wilhelm
Gottlieb - January 18, 1863
son of Johann Gottlieb Friedrich Schulze and Johanne Marie Sophie
Priegnitz |
179 - |
Vogel - unnamed -
son of Friedrich Jacob Vogel and Catharine Friederike Dorothee Henriette
Schwenecke |
180 - |
Raecke - Johanne Marie Dorothe -
January 11, 1863
daughter of Sophie Marie Johanne Raecke |
181 - |
Fricke - Marie Caroline Bertha -
February 1, 1863
daughter of Friedrich Adolph Fricke and Marie Elisabeth Philipp |
182 - |
Hille - Friedrich Wilhelm -
February 1, 1863
son of Joachim Heinrich Hille and Marie Dorothee Caroline Mörder |
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