1 - | Lenz - Dorothee Catharine Sophie
- January 4 daughter of Joh. Joach. Lenz |
2 - | Schröder - Anne Dorothee -
Januaryt 4 daughter of Joh. Georg Schröder |
3 - | Schäfer - Carl Ernst Theodor -
January 6 son of Frdr. August Andreas Schäfer |
4 - | Thürnagel - August Friedrich
Adolph - Jnaury 5 son of Ludwig Ferdnd. Thürnagel |
5 - | Seemann - Dorothee Elisabeth -
January 7 daughter of Joh. Joach. Seemann |
6 - | Tensfeld - Friederike - January
5 born Brüggemann |
7 - | Römer - Heinrich Gottfried - January 10 |
8 - | Treskow - Emilie Friederike -
January 15 daughter of Friedr. Wilhelm Treskow |
9 - | Ludwig - Joh. Friedrich Simon -
January 18 son of Christian Ludwig |
10 - | Neubauer - August Eduard -
Janaury 21 son of Carl Christian Friedr. Neubauer |
11 - | Goldschmidt - Elisabeth -
January 21 born Stendel |
12 - | Lücke - Joh. Joachim Christian -
Janaury 21 son of Joach. Christian Lücke |
13 - | Jacobs - August Wilhelm - no
date recorded son of Christian Aug. Jacobs |
14 - | Döger - Friedrich Ludwig Wilhelm
- no date recorded son of Georg Christian August Ludwig Döger |
15 - | Zucker - Johann Gottfried -
January 26 son of Carl Friedr. Wilh. Zucker |
16 - | Belling - unnamed - Janury
25 son of Friedr. Wilh. Gottfr. Belling |
17 - | Döbbelin - Marie Louise
Wilhelmine - January 29 daughter of Xtrian Döbbelin |
18 - | Steinwerth - Otto Theodor
Wilhelm - January 29 son of Xtoph Jakob Carl Steinwerth |
19 - | Küntzel - Christiane Louise
Emilie - January 30 daughter of Joh. Heinrich Küntzel |
20 - | Grothe - Auguste Emilie Mathilde
- January 30 daughter of Joh. Friedr. Grothe |
21 - | Reissner - Dorothee - February
3 born Storbeck |
22 - | Neubauer - Carl August -
February 9 son of Carl Ludwig Neubauer |
23 - | Tress - Friedr. Wilhelm -
February 8 son of Joh. Christoph Tress |
24 - | Friedrich - Dorothee Auguste -
February 10 daughter of August Friedrich |
25 - | Eckstädt - Dorothee Friederike
Wilhelmine Henriette - February 12 daughter of Georg Carl Eckstädt |
26 - | Bleibgetreu - Dorothee Elisabeth
- February 13 born Steinmetz |
27 - | Herms - unnamed - February
12 son of Joh. Friedr. Herms |
28 - | Isenthal - Carl Julius Wilhelm -
February 15 son of Joh. Gottfr. Isenthal |
29 - | Schneider - Marie Elisabeth -
February 14 born Büchs |
30 - | Polte - Marie Wilhelmine Auguste
- Febraury 18 daughter of Friedr. Polte |
31 - | Schütze - Anne Louise Friederike
- February 21 daughter of Ernst Louis Siegfried Schütze |
32 - | Hildebrandt - August Heinrich
Albert Franz - February 23 son of Joh. Ferd. Ludw. Hildebrandt |
33 - | Schrader - Carl Ferdinand
Friedrich - February 26 son of Joh. Friedr. Andr. Schrader |
34 - | Erdmann - Christian Friedrich - February 26 |
35 - | Hemprich - Friedrich Wilhelm - February 27 |
36 - | Burchwardt - Carl August - March 1 |
37 - | Mehl - Marie Sophie Louise -
March 1 daughter of Marie Sophie Mehl |
38 - | Hemprich - unnamed - March
2 daughter of Joh. Christian Hemprich |
39 - | Steinbeck - Wilhelm August
Heinrich - March 4 son of Joh. Friedr. Zacharias Steinbeck |
40 - | Bierhals - Caroline Henriette
Wilhelmine - March 13 daughter of Johann Friedr. Bierhals |
41 - | Hindorf - Hermann Emil Gotthilf
- March 13 son of Christoph Carl Hindorf |
42 - | Sebald - Friedrich - March 16 |
43 - | Knoblauch - Albert Friedr.
Ferdinand - March 20 son of Georg Matth. Knoblauch |
44 - | Schulze - unnamed - March
21 son of Magdalene Marie Wilhelmine Schulze |
45 - | Bettin - Dorothee - March
24 born Buaer |
46 - | Meder - Franz Ernst Louis -
March 25 son of August Wilh. Ludwig Meder |
47 - | Schrötter - Friederike Charlotte
- March 28 born Schulze |
48 - | Keins - no first name recorded -
April 3 born Pichel |
49 - | Gäde - unnamed - April 5 son of Christian Gaede |
50 - | Grassau - Friedrich - April 7 |
51 - | Otte - Johanne Friederike Louise
Dorothee - April 6 daughter of Joachim Otte |
52 - | Büchs - Dorothee Sophie - April
9 born Bock |
53 - | Borchart - Marie Dorothee -
April 10 daughter of Marie Borchart |
54 - | Klare - Carl August Wilhelm -
April 10 son of August Wilhelm Klare |
55 - | Pocats - Johann Heinrich
Gottfried - April 12 son of Joh. Heinr. Christoph Pocats |
56 - | Budewig - Micahel August - April
15 son of Michael Budewig |
57 - | Meseberg - Anne - no date
recorded born Düsedau |
58 - | Hafmann - Marie Caroline
Dorothee - April 18 daughter of Frdr. Aug. Hafmann |
59 - | Schulze - Joachim Friedrich - April 22 |
60 - | Raue - Catharine Dor. Joh.
Louise Carol. - April 22 daughter of Johanne Frdke Charlotte Raue |
61 - | Roloff - Wilhelm Heinrich Franz
- April 23 son of Mar. Dor. Froke Roloff |
62 - | Schröder - Johanne Louise Emilie
- April 23 daughter of Georg Friedr. Schröder |
63 - | Damm - Otto Ernst August - April
29 son of Andr. Jakob Damm |
64 - | Matthies - unnamed - May 1 daughter of Friedr. Ludw. Matthies |
65 - | Neubauer - Franziska Alexandrine
Therese - May 13 daughter of Carl Friedr. Alexander Neubauer |
66 - | Sprecher - Carl Ludwig - May
20 son of Friedr. Wilh. Sprecher |
67 - | Johannes - Wenzel - May 21 |
68 - | Eckstädt - Carl Friedrich - May
31 son of Joh. Christoph Eckstädt |
69 - | Schulze - Marie Friederike
Wilhelmine - June 7 daughter of Joh. Frder. Schulze |
70 - | von Casimir - Friederike - June 11 |
71 - | Meinecke - Dorothee Sophie
Wilhelmine - June 19 daughter of Sophie Doroth. Meinecke |
72 - | Eckstädt - Dorothee - June 19 |
73 - | Schilling - Dorothee Friedke
Louise - June 21 daughter of Dor. Wilh. Henr. Schilling |
74 - | Gerner - Caroline Wilhelmine
Marie - June 30 daughter of Christoph Heinr. Gerner |
75 - | Friedrich - Leopold - July
7 son of ?? Friedrich |
76 - | Krähe - Minna Marie Dorothee -
July 14 daughter of Joh. Wilh. David Krähe |
77 - | Fischer - Johann Joachim - July 18 |
78 - | Betge - Ferdin. August - July
25 son of Friedr. Betge |
79 - | Voigt - Christoph Carl August -
July 26 son of Frdr. August Voigt |
80 - | von Wangerow - Friederike - July 26 |
81 - | Seedorf - Dorothee sophie Louise
- July 28 daughter of Johann Christian Wilhelm Seedorf |
82 - | Nielebock - Marie Friederike
Wilhelmine - July 29 daughter of Joh. Joachim Nielebock |
83 - | Schulze - Sophie Marie
Wilhelmine Dorothee - August 2 daughter of Joh. Xristian Schulze |
84 - | Nielbock - Dorothee Louise Froke
- August 3 daughter of Joh. Joach. Nielbock |
85 - | Jung - Friedrich Ferdinand -
August 3 son of Joach. Christ. Friedr. Jung |
86 - | Jung - Joh. Christian Friedrich - August 3 |
87 - | Müller - no first name recorded
- August 5 born Schilling |
88 - | Michaelis - Carl Ernst - August
6 son of Joachim Michaelis |
89 - | Krause - Louise Friederike -
August 8 daughter of Joh. Christoph Gottfr. Krause |
90 - | König - Joh. Julie Auguste -
August 8 born Sandberg |
91 - | Sommerberg - Julie Johann -
August 13 birn Tugler |
92 - | Steller - Johanne Auguste
Friederike - August 20 daughter of Joach. Fr. Steller |
93 - | Nohse - Wilhelmine Charlotte
Friedke - August 22 daughter of Friedr. Ludw. Nohse |
94 - | Francke - Friedrich Heinrich -
August 24 son of Heinrich Friedr. Francke |
95 - | Neumann - Johann Christian -
August 28 son of Friedr. Wilh. Neumann |
96 - | Tress - Georg Friedrich - August 29 |
97 - | Goldschmidt - Sophie - August
31 born Weiss |
98 - | Schulze - Christoph Friedr. -
August 31 son of Joh. Erdm. Christoph Schulze |
99 - | Priegnitz - Joach. Wilh. August
- September 2 son of Joach. Friedr. Priegnitz |
100 - | Rohmann - marie Dorothee
Wilhelmine - September 8 daughter of Georg Friedr. Rohmann |
101 - | Schulze - unnamed - September
8 son of Friedr. Wilh. Theod. Schulze |
102 - | Gadau - Anne Marie Sophie Louise
- September 9 daughter of Fr. Wilh. Gadau |
103 - | Lenz - Marie Sophie - September
14 daughter of Carl Ludwig Lenz |
104 - | Paul - Carl Friedr. Wilhelm -
September 15 son of Joh. Friedr. Paul |
105 - | Weidner - Margarethe Henriette -
September 17 born Stern |
106 - | Isenthal - Carl Friedr. Wilhelm
- September 20 son of Joh. Xtoph Friedr. Isenthal |
107 - | Schulze - Johann Andreas - September 20 |
108 - | Schulze - Elisabeth - September
24 born Müller |
109 - | Schulze - Anne Wilhelm. Sophie -
September 23 born Bock |
110 - | Pesenecker - Franz Wilhelm Otto
- September 27 son of Carl Frdr. Wilhl. Pesenecker |
111 - | Tress - Caroline Henriette -
September 27 born Görges |
112 - | Thiers - Friedrich Wilhelm -
September 28 son of Joh. Christoph Thiers |
113 - | Sommerberg - Heinrich Wilhelm -
September 29 son of Heinr. Wilh. Sommerberg |
114 - | Stegelitz - Wilehlm Valentin
Eduard - September 29 son of Wilhelmine Sophie Stegelyz |
115 - | Peters - August - September 29 |
116 - | Frick - Johanne Dorothee
Caroline - October 2 daughter of Johanne Christiane Caroline Frick |
117 - | Edler - Gottlieb Christoph -
October 3 son of Joh. Andr. Christoph Edler |
118 - | Nitschke - Friedr. Louis -
October 5 son of Carl August Nitschke |
119 - | Falck - Caroline Wilhelmine -
October 7 daughter of Gottfr. Falck |
120 - | Kumbier - unnamed - October
11 son of Joh. Frdr. Wilh. Peter Kumbier |
121 - | Isenthal - Carl Aug. Ferdinand - October 16 |
122 - | Cunow - Gottfried - October 18 |
123 - | Görges - Carl - October 18 |
124 - | Dröscher - Paul - October 29 |
125 - | Freymann - unnamed - October
29 daughter of Ernst Carl Ludwig Freymann |
126 - | Örlecke - Johanne Marie Dor.
Elisabeth - November 1 born Schulze |
127 - | Seiler - Wilhelm. Louise -
November 7 daughter of Joh. Christian Seiler |
128 - | Schulze - Dorothee Elisabeth -
November 9 daughter of Andr. Jacob Schulze |
129 - | Prelun - Joh. Christian Friedr. - November 7 |
130 - | Priegnitz - Joh. Georg Matthias - November 19 |
131 - | Garz - Friedr. Wilhelm -
November 13 son of Joh. Joach. Garz |
132 - | Bruhn - Joach. Friedr. - November 14 |
133 - | Brüggemann - Marie Sophie -
November 21 daughter of Joh. Friedr. Brüggemann |
134 - | Ramsdorf - Marie Louise -
November 26 daughter of Joachim Nicolaus Ramsdorf |
135 - | Paul - Carol. Wilh. Louise -
November 29 daughter of Joh. Xtrian Paul |
136 - | Backhausen - Louis Friedr. -
December 1 son of Julius Heinrich Theodor Backhausen |
137 - | Backhausen - Carl Wilhelm -
December 1 son of Julius Heinrich Theodor Backhausen |
138 - | Brusch - Marie Elisabeth -
December 2 born Timke - |
139 - | Scheel - Friedrich - December 4 |
140 - | Henning - August Ferdinand - December 13 |
141 - | Storbeck - unnamed - December
20 son of Friedr. Storbeck |
142 - | Steller - unnamed - December
21 son of Joachim Friedr. Steller |
143 - | Henning - Christine Emilie -
December 23 daughter of ?? Henning |
144 - | Rohmann - Gustav Wilh. Carl -
December 29 son of Geoirg Fr. Rohmann |
145 - | Börs - Christian - January 2 (1849) |
This information was gathered from the Kirchenbuchduplikat microfilm records held by the Mormon Church. To view the actual parish transcripts please see the attached link.
PLEASE NOTE: When viewing the microfilm always check the spelling of the surnames. They can sometimes be different between what is recorded in the Register as to what is recorded in the index in the register.
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