Friday, 29 August 2014

Tangermünde, Sachsen-Anhalt - 1849 - Bestattungen (Burials)

Below are the Bestattungen (Burials) that occurred in Tangermünde in 1849.

Please note that entry number 81 although saying the burial occurred on August 8th, the death occurred on September 7.

1 -  Brüders - Emma Louise Julie - January 6
daughter of Joh. Aug. Brüders
2 -  Schütze - Carl Friedrich - January 9
3 -  Kampf - Dorothee - January 10
born Freywaldt
4 -  Henning - unnamed - no date recorded
son of Joh. Xtoph Henning
5 -  Kabelitz - unnamed - no date recorded
daughter of ??
6 -  Schulze - unnamed - no date recorded
daughter of Joh. Christian Schulze
7 -  Müller - unnamed - no date recorded
son of Friedr. Müller
8 -  Schmidt - Marie Dorothee - January 22
daughter of Joachim Schmidt
9 -  Wollweber - Gottfried Christian - January 26
10 -  Thürnagel - Joh. Wilhelm - January 31
11 -  Thilo - Bertha - Charlotte Anna - February 4
daughter of Bernhard Thilo
12 -  Müller - August Friedr. Wilhelm - February 5
son of Dor. Mar. Elis. Müller
13 -  Strauch - Carl Albert - February 6
son of ?? Strauch
14 -  Sobbe - Friedr. Theod. - February 7
son of Carl Ludwig Sobbe
15 -  Hemprich - Marie - February 9
born Vinzelberg
16 -  Zenkert - Johann Friedrich - February 9
17 -  Nethe - Friedr. Otto - February 11
son of ?? Nethe
18 -  Wegener - Carl - February 14
19 -  Dröscher - Johanne - February 14
born Schlott
20 -  Conradi - Dorothee Elisabeth - February 18
born Seedorf
21 -  Schulze - Joachim Xtrian - February 22
22 -  Seehausen - unnamed - February 24
son of Friedr. Seehausen
23 -  Stegelitz - Friedrich - February 27
24 -  Schröder - unnamed - February 26
daughter of ?? Schröder
25 -  Hemprich - Friedr. Wilhelm - March 2
26 -  Fuchs - Joh. Xtrian - March 4
27 -  Herrmann - Andreas Christoph - March 9
28 -  Günther - Johann Christian - March 11
29 -  Neubauer - Friedr. Gottfr. - March 14
son of Joh. Gottfr. Neubauer
30 -  Eckstädt - Julie Anne Elisabeth - March 23
daughter of Fr. C. Gottfr. Eckstädt
31 -  Dittfurth - Wilhelmine Marie Xarlotte Emilie - March 24
daughter of Xtrian Friedr. Wilh. Dittfurth
32 -  Falck - Dor. Elisab. - March 28
daughter of Joh. Xtoph Falck
33 -  Kludt - Friedr. Wilhelm - March 29
son pf Xtrian Friedr. Kludt
34 -  Loth - Catharine - March 28
born Neumann 
35 -  Schulze - Friedr. Wilh. Ludw. - March 29
son of Joh. Xtrian Schulze
36 -  Herms - Joh. Nicolaus - March 30
37 -  Wiesener - Georg Franz - April 1
son of Joh. Heinr. Carl Wiesener
38 -  Paul - Johann - April 2
39 -  Möhring - Caroline Wilhelmine - April 1
daughter of Joh. Joach. Möhring
40 -  Kohlmeyer - Aug. Joh. Carl - April 1
son of Joh. Carl Friedr. Kohlmeyer
41 -  Schulze - Anne Elisabeth - April 11
born Sangebusch
42 -  Meyer - unnamed - April 9
son of Friedr. Wilh. Ludw. Meyer
43 -  Meinecke - Marie - April 11
born Bötcher
44 -  Voigt - Johann Carl - April 12
45 -  Hildebrandt - Ernst Adolph - April 16
son of Friedr. Heinr. Hildebrandt
46 -  Freymann - Johann Nicolaus Thomas - April 16
47 -  Matthias - Dorothee - April 16
born Herrmann 
48 -  Wortmann - unnamed - April 16
daughter of Friedr. Wortmann
49 -  Wilke - Elise Auguste Emilie - April 19
daughter of Carl Aug. Wilke
50 -  Krähe - Andreas -April 21
51 -  Hemprich - Caroline - April 29
born Heidebluth
52 -  Schreck - Friedr. Christian Ludwig - May 4
son of Joh. Xtrian Gottfr. Schreck
53 -  Isenthal - Christoph - May 6
54 -  Johannes - Joh. Joachim - May 7
55 -  Bonness - Marie - May 13
born Isenthal
56 -  Eckstädt - Ernst Paul Ehrenfried - May 14
son of Joh. Friedr. Eckstädt
57 -  Welle - Johann Christian - May 13
58 -  Dröscher - unnamed - May 13
daughter of Otto Andreas Friedrich Dröscher
59 -  Garz - Joh. Friedr. Christoph - May 20
60 -  Raek - Anne Dorothee - June 12
born Henning
61 -  Huth - unnamed - June 16
son of Joh. Wilh. Christian Huth
62 -  Unruh - unnamed - June 26
son of Carl Friedr. Unruh
63 -  Wünsch - Jacob Johann Diedtrich - June 27
64 -  Ernst - Johann - July 1
65 -  Weise - Joh. Fr. Wilh. - July 5
son of Joh. Fr. Xtrian Weisee
66 -  Langnese - Carl Friedr. Wilh. - July 7
son of Anne Dor. Sophie Langnese
67 -  Bethensheil - Elisabeth - July 9
born Rämm
68 -  Schulze - Georg - July 10
69 -  Jordan - Adolph Otto Julius - July 14
son of Xtrian Jordan
70 -  Seedorf - Elisabeth - July 21
born Weibeck
71 -  Sonnemann - Friedr. Wilhelm - July 26
son of Christian Sonnemann
72 -  Schröder - Carl Ludwig - July 27
son of Joh. Georg Schröder
73 -  Schilling - Christian - July 27
74 -  Pfeiffer - Carl Wilh. Aug. - August 5
75 -  Eggert - Joh. Friedr. Andr. - August 7
son of Joh. Friedr. Eggert
76 -  Krohn - Dor. Elis. - August 7
born Kleinau
77 -  Schulze - unnamed - August 9
daughter of Andr. Jacob Schulze
78 -  Heindel - Friedrich - August 10
79 -  Weickart - Sophie - August 23
born - Severin
80 -  Schluss - Friedr. Christoph - August 25
81 -  Schulze - unnamed - August 8
son of Joh. Erdm. Christoph Schulze - see notes 
82 -  Geriche - Sophie - September 11
born Thomas
83 -  Their - unnamed - September 18
daughter of Heinr. Christ. Their
84 -  Their - unnamed - September 18
son of Heinr. Christ. Their
85 -  Müller - Charl. Louise Amalie - September 20
daughter of Joh. Friedr. Carl Müller
86 -  Fischer - Marie Dorothee - September 25
daughter of Joh. Matth. Fischer
87 -  Paul - Elisabeth - September 25
born Kurth
88 -  Schulze - Carl August Theodor - September 29
son of FR. Wilh. Theod. Schulze
89 -  Nitschke - Carl August - October 1
90 -  Heiss - August Otto Friedr. Hermann - October 4
son of Christian Heiss
91 -  Linke - Marie Dorothee Louise - October 8
daughter of Jacob Fr. Linke
92 -  Kneuse - Ida - October 10
daughter of ?? Kreuse
93 -  Herms - Johanne Sophie - October 10
born Ulrich
94 -  Steller - unnamed - October 16
daughter of Joachim Friedr, Steller
95 -  Thiers - Dorothee Wilhelmine Louise - October 17
daughter of Joh. Xtoph Thiers
96 -  Krause - unnamed - no date recorded
son of Joh. Xtoph Gottfr. Krause
97 -  Meyer - unnamed - no date recorded
son of Friedr. Meyer
98 -  Köppe - Elisabeth - October 20
born Heidebluth 
99 -  Thürnagel - Adolph Friedr. - October 27
son of Ludw. Ferd. Thürnagel
100 -  Eckstädt - Johann Dietrich - October 31
101 -  Lindemann - Joh. Valentin - November 4
102 -  Kämpfer - Samuel - November 13
103 -  Krähe - Aug. Rud. Xtrian - November 13
son of Joach. Xtrian Krähe
104 -  Tinger - unnamed - November 17
daughter of Friedr. Ludw. Rudolph Tinger
105 -  Weidland - Ludw. Albrecht - November 19
son of Joh. Xtrian Friedr. Weidland
106 -  Gericke - Peter - November 21
107 -  Pasche - - Joach. Jacob - November 23
108 -  Raek - Jacob - November 22
109 -  Schulze - Cath. Elis. - November 27
born Engel
110 -  Kraehe - Emilie Mar. Caroline - November 28
daughter of Joh. Wilh. David Kraehe
111 -  Dammann - Carol. Dor. Mar. - December 1
daughter of Joh. Xtrian Gottfr. Dammann
112 -  Strauch - Anne Catharine - December 5
daughter of Joh. Friedr. Strauch
113 -  Schörling - Rud. Herm. Rob. - December 7
son of Georg Xtoph Schörling
114 -  Schatz - Sophie - December 13
born Henning
115 -  Palm - Franz Rob. Theod. - December 15
son of Joh. Fr. Palm
116 -  Spötter - Herm Aug. Theodr - December 17
son of Joh. Friedr. Spötter
117 -  Hemprich - Amalie Anne - December 17
daughter of Alb Ludw. Xtrian Hemprich
118 -  Seedorf - Georg Friedr. Wilh. - December 21
son of Joh. Xtrian Wilh. Seedorf
119 -  Herms - Anne Elisabeth - December 21
born Hilgendorf
120 -  Droscher - Marie Elis. - December 22
born Droscher
121 -  Sack - Carl Ernst Friedr. - no date recorded
son of Dav. Aug. Wilh. Sack
122 -  Schreck - Carl Aug. Gottfr. - no date recorded
son of Joh. Xtrian Gottfr. Schreck

This information was gathered from the Kirchenbuchduplikat microfilm records held by the Mormon Church.  To view the actual parish transcripts please see the attached link.

PLEASE NOTE:  When viewing the microfilm always check the spelling of the surnames. They can sometimes be different between what is recorded in the Register as to what is recorded in the index in the register.

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