Please note that the Kirchenbücher contain entries for both Väthen and Briest. Where identified I have recorded the name.
Please note that with the marriages that have a letter instead of a number beside them then the marriage occurred elsewhere, and the date may not be recorded.
Taufen (Baptisms) | ||
1 - | Räntsch - Emilie Agnes -
February 7 daughter of Heinrich Räntsch and Caroline Louise Zietz |
Väthen |
2 - | Schröder - Ida Lousie Emilie -
February 2 daughter of Johann Friedrich Georg Schöder and Dorothea Emilia Mathilda Michelmann |
Väthen |
3 - | Tittel - Anne Dorothee
Wilhelmine - February 7 daughter of Georg Tittel and Anna Dorothea Sophia Quaseberg? |
Väthen |
4 - | Schulze - Ernestine Emilie Ida -
February 23 daughter of Maria Dorothea Schulze |
Väthen |
5 - | Graf - Ludewig Georg Friedrich -
February 26 son of Ernst Ludewig Graf and Charlotte Leopoldine Püßbius |
Väthen |
6 - | Gundlach - Minna Auguste Valeska
- April 5 daughter of ?? And Henrietta Clara Gündlach |
Väthen |
7 - | Wahnschaffe - Anne Auguste
Wilhelmine - April 25 daughter of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Wahnschaffe and Auguste Friederike Wilhelmine Hausn |
Väthen |
8 - | Grothe - unnamed - son of Augusta Louse Grothe |
9 - | Güldenpfennig - Johann Friedrich
Lebrecht - April 25 son of Johann Joachim Güldenpfennig and Maria Dorothea Charlotte Minling |
Briest |
10 - | Schulze - Anne Dorothee Sophie -
May 2 daughter of Johann Christoph Schulze and Anna Elisabeth Kersten |
Briest |
11 - | Krüger - Dorothee Louise
Wilhelmine - May 23 daughter of Johann Gottlieb Krüger and Dorothea Elisabeth Hardkruß? |
Väthen |
12 - | Kersten - Gustav Ernst - July
2 son of Johann Gottfried Kersten and Dorothea Elisabeth Heider? |
Väthen |
13 - | Gebhardt - Friedrich Heinrich
August Hugo - July 4 son of Johann Heinrich Gebhardt and Julianne Albertina ?? |
Väthen |
14 - | Werner - Christian Wilhelm
Ludewig - July 11 son of Heinrich Friedrich Adolph Werner and Carolina Christiane Elisabeth Hadn? |
Väthen |
15 - | Theuerkauf - Albertine
Wilhelmine Dorothee Bertha - July 10 daughter of Johann August Theuerkauf and Caroline Dorothea Sophia Mewes |
Väthen |
16 - | Schmidt - unnamed - daughter of Heinrich Georg Christian Schmidt and Sophia Dorothea Theuerkauf |
17 - | Wienecke - Anne Marie Dorothee -
July 24 daughter of Johann Christoph Wienecke and Caroline Albertine Köppe |
Briest |
18 - | Holländer - Emilie Louise
Wilhelmine - July 18 daughter of Christian Friedrich Holländer and Anna Sophie Dorothea Kölz |
Väthen |
19 - | Müller - Marie Louise Wilhelmine
- August 1 daughter of Johann Friedrich Müller and Christiane Henrietta Wulkau |
Väthen |
20 - | Grimne - Louise Minna Anna -
August 1 daughter of Carl August Christoph Grimne and Henrietta Charlotte Johanna Müller |
Väthen |
21 - | Horstmann - Joachim Hermann
Ferdinand - August 27 son of Johann Joachim Horstmann and Anna Dorothea Schweneke |
Väthen |
22 - | Saling - Otto Hermann Alex -
August 15 son of Carl Wilhelm Saling and Maria Emilia Bunneska? |
Väthen |
23 - | Wihle - Ferdinand Christian
Franz - September 5 son of Friedrich Louis Wihle and Sophia Dorothea Blucher? |
Väthen |
24 - | Roder - Friedrich Wilhelm Carl -
September 12 son of Johann Christian Carl Roder and and Dorothea Elisabeth Köppe |
Briest |
25 - | Horstmann - unnamed - son of Johann Christoph Horstmann and Anna Dorothea Louisa Charlotte Wilhelmine Mühring |
26 - | Sack - Louis Adolph Christian -
August 29 son of Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Christian Sack and Johanna Louisa Henrietta Spangler? |
Väthen |
27 - | Wierche - Johann Carl Ferdinand
- September 5 son of Johann Carl Ferdinand Wierche and Anna Dorothea Rolack |
Väthen |
28 - | Legerlotz - unnamed - son of Johann Christoph Christian August Legerlotz and Charlotte Sophia Elisabeth Schleef |
29 - | Gehne - Caroline Alwine -
September 19 daughter of Johann Christian Gehne |
Väthen |
30 - | Belling - Louise Friederike Ida
- September 26 daughter of Friedrich Belling and Dorothea Sophia Bätge |
Väthen |
31 - | Schulze - Hermann Gustav Albert
- September 26 son of Johann Gottfried Schulze and Sophia Dorothea Gruss |
Väthen |
32 - | Müller - Caroline Louise
Wilhelmine - October 3 daughter of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Müller and Carolina Friederike Vogt |
Briest |
33 - | Schmidt - unnamed - child of Johann August Schmidt and Bertha Ernestine Ferdinandine Hermann |
34 - | Hänecke - Heinrich Ludwig Gustav
- October 31 son of Andreas Heinrich Wilhelm Hänecke and Johanna Christiana Elisabeth Lücke |
Väthen |
35 - | Güldenpfennig - Dorothee
Friederike Caroline - November 2 daughter of Gottfried Güldenpfennig and Dorothea Friederike Kotzbau |
Väthen |
36 - | Schröder - Johann Gottfried -
October 16 son of Carl Schröder and Catharina Elisabeth Güldenpfennig |
Väthen |
37 - | Hörstel - Anna Dorothee
Wilhelmine - December 5 daughter of Johann Joachim Hörstel and Anna Dorothea Buchholz |
Väthen |
38 - | Ferchland - Christoph Gottfried
Wilhelm - December 5 son of Carl Philipp Wilhelm Ferchland and Anna Christina Tüscher |
Väthen |
39 - | Schulze - Dorothee Friederike
Bertha - December 3 daughter of Anna Dorothea Franziska Schulze |
Väthen |
40 - | Hürtz - Marie Dorothee - January
4, 1859 daughter of Johann Friedrich Hürtz and Marie Elisabeth Bowe |
Briest |
41 - | Wernicke - Anna Louise Hedwig -
December 27 daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Gustav Wernicke and Emilia Louisa Anna Küne |
Väthen |
42 - | Briest - Wilhelm Christian
Matthias - January 16 son of Johann Christoph Briest and Albertina Louise Schröder |
Briest |
Hochzeiten (Marriages) | ||
1 - | Schulz - Johann Christoph &
Börs - Caroline Juliane Elisab. - January 10 |
Väthen |
2 - | Lindemann - Carl August &
Wernicke - Dorothee Sophie - January 24 |
Väthen |
3 - | Müller - Johann Friedrich &
Wulkau - Christiane Henriette - January 31 |
Väthen |
4 - | Hörstel - Johann Joachim &
Buchholz - Anne Dorothee - February 14 |
Väthen |
5 - | Toenges - Heinrich Christoph
& Schulze (Kleinhaus) - Anne Elisabeth - April 6 |
Väthen |
6 - | Reising - Johann Friedrich &
Schmidt - Johanne Wilhelmine - April 11 |
Väthen |
7 - | Vetter - August Ludwig &
Peters - Friederike Mathilde - April 30 |
8 - | Schulze - Johann Gottfried &
Gruss - Sophie Dorothee - May 1 |
9 - | Heiser - Johann Heinrich &
Böse - Friederike Wilhelmine Caroline - June 15 |
A - | Bilka - Carl Traugott & Remmert - Emilie Caroline - July 6 |
Tangermünde |
10 - | Roder - Johann Christian Carl
& Köppe - Dorothee Elisabeth - July 6 |
Briest |
B - | Ferchland - Carl Philipp Wilhelm
& Görndt (Tuscher) - Anne Christine - July 18 |
Weissewarth |
11 - | Gorke - Franz Hohann Heinrich
& Forge - Christiane - August 22 |
Briest |
12 - | Bethge - Johann Andreas
Friedrich & Siedler - Anne Dorothee - October 8 |
Briest |
C - | Querner - Johann Nicolaus &
Saeger - Dorothee Sophie - |
Stendal |
Begräbnisse (Burials) | ||
1 - | Kindt - Dorothee Sophie -
January 29 born Blume |
Väthen |
2 - | Zimmermann - Catharine Louise -
February 7 born Wölke |
Väthen |
3 - | Vetter - Catharine Sophie -
March 2 born Kleinfeld |
Väthen |
4 - | Wilhening - Louise Dorothee
Caroline - March 7 daughter of Ersnt August Wilhening |
Väthen |
5 - | Plate - Heinrich Carl - March 16 | Väthen |
6 - | Ahrend - Louise Caroline
Friederike Emilie - March 31 daughter of Johann Heinrich Friedrich Ahrend |
Väthen |
7 - | Stockfisch - Johann Andreas - April 1 | Väthen |
8 - | Grothe - unnamed - April 9 son of Augusta Louse Grothe |
Väthen |
9 - | Bühnemann - Friedrich Wilhelm -
April 24 son of Carl Wilhelm Ludwig Bühnemann |
Väthen |
10 - | Kersten - Caroline Wilhelmine
Friederike - May 2 daughter of Johann Gottfried Kersten |
Väthen |
11 - | Lamm - Johann Friedrich Hermann
- May 15 son of Friedrich Lamm |
Väthen |
12 - | Ritzmann - Anne Friederike -
June 7 born Görnt |
Väthen |
13 - | Schmidt - unnamed - June 23 daughter of Heinrich Georg Christian Schmidt |
Väthen |
14 - | Schulze -- Johann Joachim - July 6 | Väthen |
15 - | Horstmann - unnamed - August
7 son of Johann Christoph Horstmann |
Väthen |
16 - | Theuerkauf - Johann Heinrich - August 16 | Väthen |
17 - | Klühe - Johann Ferdinand
Gottfried - August 22 son of Gottfried Klühe |
Väthen |
18 - | Schröder - Ida Louise Emilie -
August 28 daughter of Johann Friedrich Georg Schöder |
Väthen |
19 - | Legerlotz - unnamed - August
29 son of Johann Christoph Christian August Legerlotz |
Väthen |
20 - | Kersten - Marie Sophie -
September 2 daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Kersten |
Väthen |
21 - | Bätge - Anne Catharine -
September 6 born Horstmann |
Väthen |
22 - | Bilka - Carl Traugott - September 8 | Väthen |
23 - | Kersten - Wilhelm Albert -
September 15 son of Johann Heinrich Kersten |
Väthen |
24 - | Kersten - Anne Dorothee -
September 17 born Horstmann |
Väthen |
25 - | Mangelberg - Johann Dieterich - September 18 | Väthen |
26 - | Werner - Christian Wilhelm
Ludwig - September 22 son of Heinrich Friedrich Adolph Werner |
Väthen |
27 - | Schmidt - unnamed - September
25 child of Johann August Schmidt |
Väthen |
28 - | Kersten - Gustav Ernst - October
2 son of Johann Gottfried Kersten |
Väthen |
29 - | Wiegand - Johanne Caroline
Augustine Sophie - October 9 born Döbbelin |
Väthen |
30 - | Reinhardt - Andreas Christoph - December 10 | Väthen |
This information was gathered from the Kirchenbuchduplikat microfilm records held by the Mormon Church. To view the actual church transcripts please see the attached link.
PLEASE NOTE: When viewing the microfilm always check the spelling of the surnames. They can sometimes be different between what is recorded in the Register as to what is recorded in the index in the register.
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