Thursday, 8 September 2016

Kerkuhn, Sachsen-Anhalt - 1860-1869 - Taufen (Baptisms), Hochzeiten (Marriages) and Begräbnisse (Burials)

Below are the Taufen (Baptisms), Hochzeiten (Marriages) and Begräbnisse (Burials) that occurred in Kerkuhn from 1860 to 1869.

Taufen (Baptisms)
1 - Holtz - Johann Friedrich - August 25
son of Johann Friedrich Holzt and Dorothee Elisabeth Glaue
2 - Thiede - August Wilhelm - October 21
son of Friedrich Wilhelm Thiede and Dorothee Elisabeth Kossebau
3 - Stendel - Friedrich Reinhard - November 3
son of Johann Friedrich Stendel and Dorothee Elisabeth Rinau
4 - Schmerschneider - Ida Bertha - October 13
daughter of Johann Heinrich Schmerschneider and Johanne Friederike Wilhelmine Dobberkau
Hochzeiten (Marriages)
1 - Reuter - Johann Friedrich &
Röpke - Dorothee Sophie Friederike - April 15
2 - Schulze - Carl Gustav &
Höft - Anne Dorothee Friederike - November 6
Begräbnisse (Burials)
1 - Niffe - Anna Marie Elisabeth - March 26
daughter of Hans Joachim Niffe
2 - Schmidt - Friedrich - September 20
3 - Schmerschneider - Ida Bertha - October 23
daughter of Heinrich Schmerschneider
Taufen (Baptisms)
1 - Schulz - Carl Gustav - August 16
son of Carl Gustav Schulz and Anne Dorothee friederike Höft
2 - Dreyer - Bertha Louise - September 27
daughter of Gustav Adolph Theodor Dreyer and Anne Dorothee Müller
3 - Schmerschneider - Gustav Heinrich - October 1
son of Johann Heinrich Schmerschneider and Johanne Friederike Wilhelmine Dobberkau
4 - Winkelmann - no name recorded
child of Hans Joachim Winklemann and Catharine Dorothee Plank
Hochzeiten (Marriages) - no marriages recorded in 1861
Begräbnisse (Burials)
1 - Born - Joachim Friedrich - May 8
2 - Thiede - August Wilhelm - August 9
son of Friedrich Wilhelm Thiede
3 - Schulz - Carl Gustav - August 21
son of Johann Erdmann Schulz
4 - Schmerschneider - Gustav Heinrich - October 5
son of Johann Schmerschneider
5 - Winkelmann - no name recorded - October 13
child of Hans Joachim Winkelmann
6 - Stendel - Dorothee Elisabeth - November 23
born Wichmann
Taufen (Baptisms)
1 - Brauer - Dorothee Elisabeth - January 12
daughter of Anne Dorothee Brauer
2 - Niffe - no name recorded
child of Hans Joachim Niffe and Anne Sophie Fünder
3 - Stendel - Carl Gustav Reinhard - July 20
son of Friedrich Wilhelm Stendel and Dorothee Neubauer
4 - Thiede - Ida Louise Marie - July 29
daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Thiede and Dorothee Elisabeth Kossebau
5 - Schnee - Friedrich Wilhelm - October 26
son of Johann Friedrich Schnee and Catharine Dorothee Schumacker
6 - Born - Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig - December 6
son of Joachim Friedrich Born and Anna Dorothea Hennings
7 - Schulz - Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig - December 13
son of Carl Gu8stav Schulze and Anna Dorothee Friederike Höft
8 - Schmerschneider -Ida Bertha - December 20
daughter of Johann Heinrich Schmerschneider and Johanne Friederike Wilhelmine Dobberkau
Hochzeiten (Marriages)
1 - Packebusch - Carl Friedrich Wilhelm &
Planck - Anne Elisabeth - November 4
Begräbnisse (Burials)
1 - Niffe - no name recorded - May 26
child of Hans Joachim Niffe
2 - Roehl - Anna Dorothea - June 13
Taufen (Baptisms)
1 - Neffe - Gustav Adolph - September 6
son of Hans Joachim Neffe and Anna Sophie Pfünder
2 - Schmerschneider - Johann Heinrich - December 8
son of Johann Heinrich Schmerschneider and Johanne Friederike Wilhelmine Döbberkau
Hochzeiten (Marriages) - no Marriages recorded in 1863
Begräbnisse (Burials)
1 - Plank - Maria Elisabeth - March 21
born Tunger
2 - Kossebau - Anna Ilse - March 28
born Plank
3 - Holz - Andreas Wilhelm - October 26
Taufen (Baptisms)
1 - Kausche - Johann Friedrich - February 10
son of Maria Louise Friederike Kausche
2 - Thiede - Friedrich Wilhelm - October 9
son of Friedrich Wilhelm Thiede and Dorothea Elisabeth Kossebau
3 - Stendel - Friedrich Wilhelm - November 26
son of Johann Friedrich Stendel and Dorothea Elisabeth Rinau
Hochzeiten (Marriages) - no marriages recorded in 1864
Begräbnisse (Burials)
1 - Fetback - Johann Joachim - March 2
2 - Schulz - Maria Elisabeth - May 17
born Reisener
Taufen (Baptisms)
1 - Lilje - Anna Maria - April 22
daughter of Wilhelm Lilje and Elisabeth Nachtigall
2 - Schulze - Anna Helene - May 27
daughter of Carl Gustav Schulze and Anna Dorothea Friederike Höft
3 - Kleinau - Joachim Wilhelm - May 28
son of Christian Kleinau and Dorothea Friederike Plank
4 - Stendel - Mathilde Wilhelmine - July 24
daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Stendel and Dorothea Neubauer
5 - Born - Friedrich Wilhelm - November 24
son of Joachim Friedrich Born and Anna Dorothea Hennings
Hochzeiten (Marriages)
1 -  Kleinau - Christian &
Plank - Dorothea Friederike - May 7
 - Neubauer - Johann Friedrich &
Röhl - Dorothea Elisabeth Friederike - no date recorded - married at Binde
2 - Woeller - Johann Friedrich Carl August &
Behrens - Sophie Christiane - September 24
 - Banse - Joachim Christoph Wilhelm &
Fetback - Dorothea Elisabeth - November 10
Begräbnisse (Burials)
1 - Winkelmann - Ilse Margarethe - July 20
born Tornau
2 - Schulze - Anna Helene - August 4
daughter of Carl Gustav Schulze
Taufen (Baptisms)
1 - Dähre - Johanne Marie friederike - July 8
daughter of Johann Joachim Friedrich Dähre and Maria Friederike Sophie Louise Matsche
2 - Banse - Wilhelm Adolph - August 22
son of Joachim Christoph Wilhelm Banse and Dorothea Elisabeth Fetback
3 - Schnöcker - Wilhelmine Dorothee - August 15
daughter of Anna Dorothee Friederike Schnöcker
4 - Nissen - Friedrich August - September 21
son of Johann Joachim Nissen and Anna Sophia Pfünder
5 - Thiede - Wilhelmine Friederike - January 11, 1867
daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Thiede and Dorothee Elisabeth Kossebau
Hochzeiten (Marriages)
1 - Fetback - Johann Friedrich Heinrich &
Kräffs - Anna Maria - August 31
2 - Binde - Friedrich Ferdinand &
Plank - Christine Elisabeth - November 30
Begräbnisse (Burials)
1 - Schnie - Friedrich Wilhelm - July 6
son of Johann Friedrich Schnie
2 - Schnoecker - Wilhelmine Dorothee - November 14
daughter of Anna Dorothee Friederike Schnoecker
3 - Born - Johann Joachim Friedrich - November 28
Taufen (Baptisms)
1 - Lüders - Wilhelm Ludwig - February 22
son of Friedrich Wilhelm Lüders and Caroline Schmidt
2 - Binde - Wilhelmine Elisabeth - April 6
daughter of Friedrich Ferdinand Binde and Christinne Elisabeth Planck
3 - Lilze - Elisabeth Wilhelmine - July 1
daughter of Wilhelm Lilze and Elisabeth Nachtige
4 - Schulz - Anna Emilie -August 2
daughter of Carl Gustav Schulz and Anna Dorothea Friederike Köft
5 - Fetback - Friedrich Adolph - December 9
son of Johann Friedrich Heinrich Fetback and Anna Maria Kräfts
6 - Stendel - August Hermann - December 29
son of Johann Friedrich Stendel and Dorothea Elisabeth Rinau
7 - Dähre - no name recorded
daughter of Joh. Dähre and Maria Matsch
Hochzeiten (Marriages)
1 -  Planck - Johann Friedr. &
Maliess - Anna Dorothea - June 21
Begräbnisse (Burials)
1 - Dähre - Johanne Maria Friederike - January 28
daughter of Johann Friedrich Dähre
2 - Planck - Dorothea Elisabeth - February 10
wife of Johann Christian Planck
3 - Lüders - Wilhelm Ludwig - March 15
son of Friedr. Wilhelm Lüders
4 - Bühmann - Dor. Louise - December 3
born Dander
5 - Dähre - no name recorded -
daughter of ?? Dähre
Taufen (Baptisms)
1 - Schull - no name recorded
daughter of Johann Friedrich Schull and Chatharine Dorothea Schuhmacher
2 - Koss - Maria Helene - Augsut 30
daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Hoss and Wilhelmine Auguste Penningstorf
3 - Stendel - Gustav Adolph - October 24
son of Friedrich Wilhelm stendel and Dorothea Neubauer
4 - Banse - Minna Elisabeth Ernestine - December 12
daughter of Joachim Christoph Wilhelm Banse and Dorothea Esabeth Fettback
Hochzeiten (Marriages)
1 - Gelbrich - Johann Friedrich Andreas &
Planck - Maria Wilhelmine - June 2
Begräbnisse (Burials)
1 - Stendel - August Hermann - March 20
son of Johann Friedrich Stendel
2 - Binde - Wilhelmine Elisabeth - March 23
daughter of Fried. Ferdinand Binde
3 - Höft - Joachim Erdmann - July 3
4 - Michael - Maria Elisabeth - July 9
wife of Johann Fried. Michael
5 - Schulz - Anna Emilie - August 18
daughter of Ackermann Schulz
Taufen (Baptisms)
1 - Born - Wilhelm Gustav - July 4
son of Joachim Friedrich Born and Anna Dorothea Hennings
2 - Thiede - Bertha Emilie Helene Johanne - September 24
daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Thiede and Dorothee Elisabeth Kossebau
3 - Schulz - Gustav Adolph - December 4
son of Carl Gustav Schulz and Anna Dorothee Friederike Höft
Hochzeiten (Marriages)
1 - Feick - Johann Christian &
Schmäcker - Anna Dorothea Friederike - February 19
Begräbnisse (Burials)
1 - Vetter - Mathilde Friederike - February 26
daughter of August Ludwig Vetter
2 - Stendel - Minna Christine Mathilde - September 1
daughter of Johann Friedrich Stendal 

This information was gathered from the Kirchenbuchduplikat microfilm records held by the Mormon Church.  To view the actual church transcripts please see the attached link.
PLEASE NOTE:  When viewing the microfilm always check the spelling of the surnames. They can sometimes be different between what is recorded in the Register as to what is recorded in the index in the register.

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