Saturday, 3 September 2016

Kerkuhn, Sachsen-Anhalt - 1870-1874 - Taufen (Baptisms), Hochzeiten (Marriages) and Begräbnisse (Burials)

Below are the Taufen (Baptisms), Hochzeiten (Marriages) and Begräbnisse (Burials) that occurred in Kerkuhn from 1870 to 1874.

Taufen (Baptisms)
1 - Binde - Anna Elisabeth - September 11
daughter of Friedrich Ferdinand Binde and Christiane Elisabeth Planck
2 - Fetback - August Hermann - November 5
son of Johann Friedrich Heinrich Fetback and Anna Maria Braest
Hochzeiten (Marriages)
1 - Michael - Johann Friedrich &
Johnecke - Dorothee Elisabeth - January 23
Begräbnisse (Burials) - no burials recorded in 1870
Taufen (Baptisms)
1 - Thiede - Friedrich Adolph Gustav - May 14
son of Friedrich Wilhelm Thiede and Dorothea Elisabeth Kosselbau
2 - Stendel - Carl Otto - June 4
son of Johann Friedrich Stendel and Dorothee Elisabeth Rinar
3 - Born - no name recorded
daughter of Friedrich Born and Dorothea Hennings
4 - Behrens - Adolphine Elisabeth Friederike Dorothea - December 17
daughter of Lebrechtine Wilhelmine Dorothee Behrens
Hochzeiten (Marriages)
1 - Windelmann - Friedrich Wilhelm &
Gericke - Dorothea Elisabeth - October 27
Begräbnisse (Burials)
1 - Thiede - Wilhelmine Friederike - May
daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Thiede
2 - Kosselbau - Joachim Friedrich - June 15
3 - Plank - Anne Catharine - August 27
born Wiesenburg
4 - Born - no name recorded - October 14
daughter of Friedrich Born
5 - Fetback - August Hermann - November 11
son of Joh. Fried. Heinrich Fetback
6 - Michael - Dorothea Elisabeth - November 17
daughter of Joh. Friedrich Michael
7 - Thiede - Friedrich Adolph Gustav - December 6
son of Friedrich Wilhelm Thiede
Taufen (Baptisms)
1 - Schulz - Karl Otto - July 7
son of Carl Gustav Schulz and Anne Dorothee Friederike Höft
2 - Lilze - August Wilhelm Hermann - July 28
son of Wilhelm Lilze and Elisabeth Nachtigal
3 - Fetback - Helene Maria Minna - August 31
daughter of Johann Friedrich Heinrich Fetback and Anna Maria Kraefft
4 - Thiede - Gustav Adolph - December 1
son of Friedrich Wilhelm Thiede and Dorothea Elisabeth Kosselbau
5 - Michael - Johann Friedrich Wilhelm - December 5
son of Johann Friedrich Michael and Dorothee Elisabeth Johnecke
Hochzeiten (Marriages)
1 - Schmidt - Johann Christian &
Lange - Dorothea Elsiabeth - October 25
2 - Netzband - Friedrich Wilhelm Christian &
Höft - Anne Dorothee - no date recorded
Begräbnisse (Burials)
1 - Binde - Anna Elisabeth - January 24
daughter of Friedrich Ferdinand Binde
2 - Fetback - Johann Christoph - April 2
3 - Lange - Joachim Friexrich - June 21
4 - Fetback - Dorothea Elisabeth - October 26
born Möller 
Taufen (Baptisms)
1 - Binde - Wilhelm Paul - March 1
son of Friedrich Ferdinand Binde and Christiane Elisabeth Plank
2 - Winkelmann - Friedrich Wilhelm Gustav Adolph - April 8
son of Wilhelm Winklemann and Elisabeth Gerike
Hochzeiten (Marriages) - no marriages recorded in 1873
Begräbnisse (Burials)
1 - Dahlhelm - Anna Dorothee - February 16
born Dasseler
2 - Stendel - Joachim Friedrich - February 18
3 - Lange - Joachim Christoph - September 15
4 - Glaue - Johann Joachim - September 23
5 - Lilze - August Wilehlm Hermann - November 28
son of Wilhelm Lilze
Taufen (Baptisms)
1 - Daehre - August Gustav Adolph - August 30
son of Johann Joachim Friedrich Daehre and Marie Friederike Sophie Louise Matsche
Hochzeiten (Marriages)
1 - Kerkau - Johann Gottfried &
Schulze - Anna Elise Dorothee - no date recorded - married in Arendsee
2 -  Hildebrandt - Johann Friedrich Wilhelm &
Hilgenfeld - Wilhelmine Elisabeth - no date recorded - married in Teggel
Begräbnisse (Burials)
1 - Michael - Dorothee Elisabeth - January 26
born Johnecke
2 - Behrens - Anna Dorothee - May 31
born Röpke
3 - Thiede - Gustav Adolph - June 1
son of F.W. Thiede

This information was gathered from the Kirchenbuchduplikat microfilm records held by the Mormon Church.  To view the actual church transcripts please see the attached link.
PLEASE NOTE:  When viewing the microfilm always check the spelling of the surnames. They can sometimes be different between what is recorded in the Register as to what is recorded in the index in the register.

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