1 - | Ecks - unnamed - January 2 daughter of Franz Leopold Ecks |
2 - | Kappe - Heinrich Andreas - January 14 |
3 - | Friedrich - Dorothee Sophie -
January 16 born Isenthal |
4 - | Lucklum - Ferdinand Otto -
January 21 son of Christoph Lucklum |
5 - | Henneberg - Johann Andreas Martin - January 22 |
6 - | Maass - Auguste Amalie Emilie -
January 25 daughter of August Maass |
7 - | Zersch - Christoph Wilhelm
Friedrich Adolph - January 27 son of Johann Friedrich Zersch |
8 - | Lücke - unnamed - January
25 daughter of Johann Joachim Lücke |
9 - | Wernicke - Elisabeth Carol -
January 27 born Tarcher |
10 - | Haack - unnamed - January
29 daughter of Dorothee Louise Auguste Elis. Haack |
11 - | Küster - Anne Marie - Febnruary
1 born Neumann |
12 - | Seyffarth - Carl Gottlieb Adolph
- February 12 son of Carl Gottf. Benjamin Seyffarth |
13 - | Steinwerth - Friedrich August
Wilhelm - February 14 son of Carl Jacob Steinwerth |
14 - | Schulze - Christoph - February 15 |
15 - | Engel - Marie Louise Wilhelmine
- February 16 daughter of Ferd. Wilhelm Engel |
16 - | Zersch - Mathilde Emilie -
February 17 daughter of Joh. Fr. Zersch |
17 - | Hindorf - Johanne Helene
Margarethe - February 23 daughter of Christoph Carl Hindorf |
18 - | Meyer - unnamed - February
24 son of Widow Andr. Chph. Meyer |
19 - | Meyer - unnamed - February
24 daughter of Widow Andr. Chph. Meyer |
20 - | Wehling - Louise Marie Dorothee
- February 25 daughter of Johann Dietrich Wehling |
21 - | Haack - Johann Christian Gottfried - March 1 |
22 - | Priessmeier - Friedr. Wilhelm
Hermann - March 1 son of ?? Priessmeier |
23 - | Sack - David August Wilhelm - March 22 |
24 - | Lembke - Friedrich Wilhelm - March 25 |
25 - | Herms - Christian Friedrich - March 27 |
26 - | Isenthal - Carl Adolph Ferd. -
March 31 son of Carl Adolph Isenthal |
27 - | Schilling - Friedrich Joachim - March 31 |
28 - | Heins - Christoph - March 31 |
29 - | Templin - Johanne Dorothee
Elisabeth - April 2 born Schimmelpfennig |
30 - | Rudolph - unnamed - April 3 daughter of August Rudolph |
31 - | Meder - Marie Friederike Louise
- April 3 born Gernreich |
32 - | Bock - Anna Elisabeth - April
8 born Anger |
33 - | Schulze - Friedrich - April 16 |
34 - | Erdmann - Catharine Friedrike -
April 16 born Meyer |
35 - | Borstel - Johann Carl Friedr.
Ferdinand - April 16 son of Joh. Chr. Lorenz Bortsel |
36 - | Müller - unnamed - April 15 daughter of Johann Friedrich Müller |
37 - | Bierhals - unnamed - April
20 daughter of Johann Andreas Bierhals |
38 - | Bose - Mathilde Emilie Marie
Sophie - April 21 daughter of Philipp Jakob Bose |
39 - | Schirmann - Catharine Elisabeth
- May 1 born Göring |
40 - | Schmidt - barbara Louise
Dorothee - May 1 born Rabe |
41 - | Frey - Anne Elisabeth - May
3 born Wells |
42 - | Heins - unnamed - May 8 son of Johann Christian Heins |
43 - | Garz - Johann Gottfried - May 15 |
44 - | Tensfeldt - Louise Dorothee -
May 18 daughter of Peter Friedrich Tensfeldt |
45 - | Frey - Johann Christian Ludwig -
May 18 son of Carl Ludwig Georg Frey |
46 - | Bierhals - Anne Dorothee - May
21 born Fahrholz |
47 - | Pohl - Friedrich - May 21 |
48 - | Küster - Friedrich Wilhelm - May
26 son of Johann Heinrich Küster |
49 - | Stockhausen - Carl Wilhelm - May 24 |
50 - | Wildt - Carl Wilhelm Ludwig -
May 30 son of Carl August Wildt |
51 - | Görges - Christoph - June 1 |
52 - | Parkebrusch - Georg Friedrich -
June 3 son of Georg Fr. Parkebrusch |
53 - | Dolle - Anna Julie Ida - June
5 daughter of August Wilhelm Dolle |
54 - | Windbeck - Carl Friedrich
Gottfried - June 8 son of Joachim Gottfried Windbeck |
55 - | Fischer - Anne Sophie - June
11 born Stutzer |
56 - | Frey - Christian Johann - June 12 |
57 - | Meidt - unnamed - June 13 daughter of Johann Gottfried Meidt |
58 - | Gericke - Johann Christoph - June 16 |
59 - | Holz - Hannahen Ida Minna - June
24 daughter of Joachim Friedrich Holz |
60 - | Zersch - Johann Friedrich - June
24 son of Johann Friedrich Zersch |
61 - | Kuhnau - Marie Elisabeth - June
27 born Bandau |
62 - | Hartwich - Marie Hermine
Caroline - June 27 born Janicke |
63 - | Scherenhorst - Johann Gottfried Christian - July 1 |
64 - | Springsgut - Marie Elisabeth -
July 7 born Mewes |
65 - | Schulze - Christian Eduard - July 5 |
66 - | Spötter - Dorothee Sophie
Elisabeth - July 7 born Friedrich |
67 - | Ebeling - Wilhelm - July 15 |
68 - | Heisse -Johann Friedrich Christian - July 23 |
69 - | Gaedicke - Sophie Wilhelmine -
July 30 daughter of Jacob Gädicke |
70 - | Fischer - Dorothee Wilhelmine
Louise - August 1 daughter of Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Fischer |
71 - | Schnering - Ferdinand Georg
Christian - August 6 son of Johann Friedr. August Schnering |
72 - | Bierhals - Sophie Friedricke
Emilie - August 8 daughter of Hein. Fr. Carl Bierhals |
73 - | Jerchau- Marie Elisabeth -
August 10 born Schulze |
74 - | Lembke - Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst
- August 11 son of Friedrich Wilhelm Lembke |
75 - | Reeck - Marie Sophie - August
19 born Sheimbke |
76 - | Schulze - Joachim - August 25 |
77 - | Wernicke - Dorothee Friederike
Wilhelmine - August 26 daughter of Johann Friedrich Wernicke |
78 - | Wernicke - August Gustav -
August 31 son of Christoph Wernicke |
79 - | Winter - Mathilde Lina Elisa
Emma - August 31 daughter of Wilh. Aug. Louis Winter |
80 - | Prüss - Friedrich Wilhelm -
September 3 son of Friedrich Rudolph Prüss |
81 - | Neumann - Louise Charlotte Marie
- September 7 daughter of Wilh. Dor. Charlotte Neumann |
82 - | Schilling - Carl August -
September 8 son of Johann Christian Schilling |
83 - | Dörscher - Johann Christoph - September 7 |
84 - | Bandau - Johann Christian - September 11 |
85 - | Springsgut - Marie Elisabeth -
September 12 daughter of Friedr. Ferdinand Springsgut |
86 - | Nick - Marie Elisabeth -
September 16 daughter of Johann Jacob Nick |
87 - | Bethmann - Franz Ferdinand
Gustav - September 26 son of Joh. Heinr. Friedr. Bethmann |
88 - | Sobbe - Johanne Dorothee -
September 28 born Eggert |
89 - | Kleinschmidt - Heinrich
Friedrich Wilhelm - October 1 son of Chr. Heinr, Friedr. Kleinschmidt |
90 - | Güssfeld - Theodor Eduard Ludwig
- October 3 son of Ludwig Eduard Güssfeld |
91 - | Voth - Johanne Caroline -
October 2 born Saalfeld |
92 - | Schulze - Henriette Charlotte
Sophie - October 3 born Schulze |
93 - | Tress - Louise Auguste Dorothee
- October 7 daughter of Christoph Stephan Wilhelm Tress |
94 - | Bonness - Carl Friedr. Ferdinand
- October 8 son of Friedr. Wilhelm Boness |
95 - | Voight - Franz Ernst Gustav -
October 17 son of Johann Wilhelm Voigt |
96 - | Brune - Dorothee Louise -
October 19 daughter of Johann Friedrich Nicolaus Brune |
97 - | Möhring - Caroline Wilhelmine
Louise - October 22 daughter of Johann Friedr. Möhring |
98 - | Herms - unnamed - October
25 daughter of Johann Carl August Herms |
99 - | Zersch - Sophie Friederike
Dorothee - October 21 born Güldenpfennig |
100 - | Becker - Carl Robert - October
26 son of Johann Christian Becker |
101 - | Levin - Friederike Louise
Dorothee Wilhelmine - October 24 daughter of Joh. Gottfr. Levin |
102 - | Schluss - Sophie Dorothee
Elisabeth - October 26 born Nethe |
103 - | Schütte - Johann Gottfried - October 29 |
104 - | Schulze - unnamed - October
31 daughter of Andreas Jacob Schulze |
105 - | Schrader - Dorothee Friederike
Elisabeth - October 31 born Schmidt |
106 - | Schnering - Friedrich - November
3 son of Johann Friedrich August Schering |
107 - | Schulze - Dorothee Elisabeth -
November 3 born Nethe |
108 - | Becker - Emma Sophie - November
4 daughter of Joh. Christian Becker |
109 - | Levin - unnamed - November
3 son of Johann Gottfried Levin |
110 - | Steller - unnamed - November
3 son of Joachim Friedrich Steller |
111 - | Isenthal - unnamed - November
7 son of Christian Andr. Isenthal |
112 - | Neubauer - Carl Ferdinand Max -
November 8 son of Carl Friedr. Alexander Neubauer |
113 - | Seedorf - Friedrich - November 8 |
114 - | Koch - Dorothee Elisabeth -
November 9 born Raeck |
115 - | Fischer - unnamed - November
9 son of Johann Andreas Fischer |
116 - | Eckstädt - Marie Henriette
Emilie - November 10 daughter of Johann Gabriel Eckstädt |
117 - | Schulze - Dorothee Marie -
November 11 daughter of Johann August Friedrich Schulz |
118 - | Voigt - Otto Carl - November
12 son of Johann Wilhelm Voigt |
119 - | Gronemeier - Carl Christian - November 12 |
120 - | Schmidt - Johann Joachim - November 11 |
121 - | Klühe - Theodor Friedrich -
November 16 son of Johann Klühe |
122 - | Grube - Anna Catharine -
November 14 born Genkel |
123 - | Thoms - Johann Deitrich - November 15 |
124 - | Schulz - Carl August Wilhelm -
November 15 son of Joh. Aug. Friedr. Schulz |
125 - | Röhl - unnamed - November
14 son of Joh. Joachim Röhl |
126 - | Dröscher - Christiane Louise -
November 17 born Spangenberg |
127 - | Beyer - unnamed - November
19 daughter of Dorothee Elis. Beyer |
128 - | Pätsch - Friedrich Wilhelm -
November 20 son of Carl Ludwig Gustav Pätsch |
129 - | Luck - Caroline Wilhelmine
Juliane - November 21 born Hafmann |
130 - | Daum - Emma Martha Louise -
November 23 daughter of Friedrich August Hermann Daum |
131 - | Schulze - Marie Elisabeth -
November 22 born Pausche |
132 - | Leue - Joachim Friedr. Gottlieb - November 23 |
133 - | Hodum - Regine - November
23 born Tornelli |
134 - | Eyrich - Louis Ernst Albert -
November 27 son of Johann Heinr. Eyrich |
135 - | Nethe - Gabriel Christoph Friedrich - November 28 |
136 - | Parkebusch - Dorothee Sophie
Marie - November 30 daughter of Georg Friedrich Parkebusch |
137 - | Radetfarth - Joh. Heinr.
Friedrich - December 2 son of Johann Heinr. Radetfarth |
138 - | Neumann - Johann Christian - December 1 |
139 - | Sualfeld - Johanne Marie Sophie
- December 3 born Anger |
140 - | Fischer - unnamed - December
4 child of Johann David Fischer |
141 - | Grube - Johanne Christiane
Wilhelmine - December 4 born Francke |
142 - | Otte - unnamed - December 5 child of Dorothee Otte |
143 - | Rethfeld - Johann Gottfried -
December 6 son of Johann Gottfried Rethfeld |
144 - | Gadau - Johann Friedrich August
- December 9 son of Johanne Dorothee Elisabeth Gadau |
145 - | Lochau - Ferdinand Ludwig -
December 10 son of Ferdinand Ludwig Lochau |
146 - | Strauch - Johann Peter August - December 8 |
147 - | Herms - Friedr. Carl August -
December 11 son of Johann Carl August Herms |
148 - | Gericke - Dorothee - December
15 born Neumann |
149 - | Sattelkau - Gustav Adolph -
December 15 son of Chrn. Fr. Hein. Aug. Sattelkau |
150 - | Sommer - Otto Friedrich Wilhelm
- December 16 son of Friedrich Christoph Sommer |
151 - | Lenz - Ernst Rudolph Friedrich -
December 18 son of Joh. Joach. Friedr. Lenz |
152 - | Erxleben - Marie Elisabeth -
December 18 born Schulze |
153 - | Schönicke - Johann Friedr. Carl
- December 20 son of Johann Joachim Schönicke |
154 - | Albrecht - Johann Friedrich Gottfried - December 21 |
155 - | Schulze - Catharine Elis: -
December 24 born Grobhäusen |
156 - | Bölker - Joachim Andreas - December 24 |
157 - | Hemprich - Louise Auguste
Wilhelmine - December 27 born Müller |
158 - | Hartwich - Paul Emil Ferdinand -
December 30 son of Carl Georg Julius Fr. Hartwich |
159 - | Gädicke - Joachim Friedr.
Wilhelm - January 1, 1858 son of Joachim Friedr. Gädicke |
- | Schulze - Carl Ludwig August -
September 26 son of Heinr. Wilh. Schulze |
160 - | Packebusch - Anna Marie Elise -
January 3, 1858 daughter of Georg Friedr. Packebusch |
This information was gathered from the Kirchenbuchduplikat microfilm records held by the Mormon Church. To view the actual parish transcripts please see the attached link.
PLEASE NOTE: When viewing the microfilm always check the spelling of the surnames. They can sometimes be different between what is recorded in the Register as to what is recorded in the index in the register.
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