1 - | Langerwisch - Joachim - January 4 |
2 - | Koch - Marie Elisabeth - January
6 born Herms |
3 - | v. Kleist - Johanne Christiane
Dorothee - January 5 born Reinhardt |
4 - | Schulze - unnamed - January
18 daughter of Andr. Jacob Schulze |
5 - | Müller - Johann Heinrich - January 18 |
6 - | Berger - Wilhelmine Dorothee -
January 20 born Arnold |
7 - | Gädicke - Dorothee Elisabeth -
January 22 born Prüss |
8 - | Grassau - August Wilhelm
Friedrich - January 23 son of Aug. Friedrich Grassau |
9 - | Malchau - Dorothee Marie
Wilhelmine - January 26 daughter of Joh. Christian Malchau |
10 - | Wenzlau - Gottlieb Albert - January 28 |
11 - | Rosenbecker - Carl August
Wilhelm -January 28 son of Marie Dorothee Johanne Rosenbecker |
12 - | Fischer - unnamed - February
3 child of joh. David Fischer |
13 - | Müller - Dorothee Sophie -
February 17 born Schmidt |
14 - | Jung - Dorothee - February
19 born Schneider |
15 - | Fischer - Friedrich Wilhelm - February 25 |
16 - | Hanisch - Ernst Hugo Gabriel -
February 25 son of Gabr. Bendictus Hanisch |
17 - | Simon - Auguste Friedrike Wilh.
Kouise - February 26 daughter of Gustav Adolph Simon |
18 - | Schulze - Otto Friedrich August
- February 27 son Joachim Friedrich Schulze |
19 - | Görnemann - unnamed - February
26 child of Johann Joachim Görnemann |
20 - | Schäder - Bertha Johanne Ida -
March 8 daughter of Ernst August Schräder |
21 - | Rosenbruch - Minna Bertha Emma -
March 16 daughter of Andreas Rosenbruch |
22 - | Knöfeldt - Ernst Hermann Otto -
March 26 son of Friedr. August Knöfeldt |
23 - | Henning - (first name unclear - male aged 56) - March 25 |
24 - | Windbeck - Anna Sophie Elisabeth
- March 26 born Genkel |
25 - | Immelmann - Anna helene Dorothee
- March 28 daughter of Carl August Immelmann |
26 - | Fischer - Emil Hermann Friedrich
- March 29 son of Friedr. Fischer |
27 - | Patsch - Carl Gustav - March
31 son of Carl Ludwig Gustav Patsch |
28 - | Huth - Dorothee Wilhelmine
Auguste - April 2 daughter of Joh. Christain Wilhelm Huth |
29 - | Pessels - Christiane Marie
Dorothee - April 6 daughter of Wilhelm Pessels |
30 - | Wetzel - unnamed - April 4 child of Andreas Wetzel |
31 - | Meyer - Sophie Marie Clara - April 5 |
32 - | Friescke - August Adolph - April
11 son of August Adolph Friescke |
33 - | Rulf - Ernst August - April
12 son of Marie Rulf |
34 - | Wegener - unnamed - April
16 child of Johann Christian Wegener |
35 - | Menking - Charlotte Emilie Ida -
April 24 daughter of Gottlieb Wilhelm Menking |
36 - | Hafmann - Carl Franz Emil -
April 25 son of Friedrich August Hafmann |
37 - | Nohtse - Friederike Wilhelmine -
April 26 born Bolecke |
38 - | Schulze - Anna Dorothee - April
28 born Kleinau |
39 - | Bethge - unnamed - May 7 child of Friedrich Wilehlm Bethge |
40 - | Jung - Johann Friedrich
Ferdinand - May 10 son of Ferdinand Christian Friedrich Jung |
41 - | Schulze - Marie Auguste Louise -
May 11 daughter of Joh. Andreas Aug. Schulze |
42 - | Herms - Friedrich Wilhelm - May 12 |
43 - | Görges - Dorothee Elisabeth -
May 11 born Friedrich |
44 - | Weise - Johann Rudolph Adam - May 12 |
45 - | Bauerhorst - Carl August - May 15 |
46 - | Krähe - Caroline Emilie Louise -
May 18 daughter of Johann Wilhelm David Krähe |
47 - | Ebers - Philippine Dorothee -
May 19 born Rudolph |
48 - | Baldamus - Alfred Friedr.
Wilhelm Oscar - May 20 son of Albert Carl Ferd. Baldamus |
49 - | Bohn - Johann Dietrich - May 22 |
50 - | Ziege - Anna Sophie - May
25 born Bolecke |
51 - | Arndt - Friedrich Wilhelm - May
28 son of Joachim Friedrich Arndt |
52 - | Steinmecke - - Friedr. Wilhelm
Gustav - May 31 son of Adolph Gustav Steinmecke |
53 - | Borstel - Friedrich Andreas Christoph - June 1 |
54 - | Erxleben - Wilhelmine Charlotte
Dorothee - June 1 daughter of Joh. Christian Friedr. Erxleben |
55 - | Dittfirth - Johanne Marie Emma -
June 2 daughter of Chrn. Friedr. August Dittfurth |
56 - | Lenz - Johann August Wilhelm - June 3 |
57 - | Schulze - Ida Louise Marie -
June 6 daughter of Joh. Christian Schulze |
58 - | Neumann - August Daniel Ernst -
June 6 son of Julius Ferd. Neumann |
59 - | Müller - Anna Dorothee Louise -
June 8 daughter of Johann Christian Müller |
60 - | Levin - Johann Joachim Gottfried
- June 8 son Johann Gottfried Levin |
61 - | Isenthal - Emilie Wilhelmine
Caroline - June 10 daughter of Carl Adolph Isenthal |
62 - | Hellriegel - Dorothee Friederike
Emilie - June 11 daughter of Anna Elisabeth Hellriegel |
63 - | Radelfarth - Andreas Ferdiand
Wilhelm - June 15 son of Joh. Heinrich Radelfarth |
64 - | Koch - unnamed - June 14 child of Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Koch |
65 - | Buchholz - Anna Louise - June
18 born Gäde |
66 - | Bolecke - Marie Dorothee Louise
- June 19 daughter of Andreas Christian August Bolecke |
67 - | Henning - Anna Marie Sophie
Dorothee - June 23 daughter of Friedr. Wilh. Ludwig Henning |
68 - | Schulz - Carl Wilhelm Andreas -
June 23 son of Andreas Schulz |
69 - | Meyer - Albertine Friederike -
June 29 born Meyer |
70 - | Horstmann - Anna Elisabeth -
June 30 born Bock |
71 - | Menking - Henriette Dorothee
Wilhelmine Sophie - July 1 born Hartmann |
72 - | Patz - Louise Wilhelmine - July
11 daughter of Friedrich Patz |
73 - | Lochau - Dorothee Wilhelmine
Louise - July 12 daughter of Johann Dietrich Lochau |
74 - | Tress - Carl August Friedrich -
July 12 son of Johann Georg Friedrich Tress |
75 - | Severin - Johann Carl - July 14 |
76 - | Heise - Friedrich Wilhelm - July
16 son of Carl Friedrich Heise |
77 - | Hemprich - Anna Ida Clara - July
21 daughter of Joh. Friedrich Hemprich |
78 - | Knappe - Minna Louise Sophie -
July 24 daughter of Carl Ferdinand Knappe |
79 - | Mörder - Marie Elsiabeth - July
22 born Pfeffer |
80 - | Nielebock - unnamed - July
23 daughter of Aug. Christoph Ferdinand Nielebock |
81 - | Hermann - Minna Dorothee Louise
Auguste - July 28 daughter of Ludwig august Hermann |
82 - | Hubel - Carl Hermann - August
1 son of Theodor Carl August Hubel |
83 - | Riep - unnamed - August 5 child of Johann Gottfried Riep |
84 - | Cunow - Anna Elisabeth - July
31 born Willberg |
85 - | Brunnert - August - Augsut 15 |
86 - | Osterburg - Johann Christian - August 18 |
87 - | Schulze - Marie Sophie - August
21 born Tonne |
88 - | Mörder - Johann Friedr. Wilhelm
- August 26 son of Joh. Wilhelm Ludwig Mörder |
89 - | Schulze - Anna Dorothee - August
31 born Schulze |
90 - | Schulze - unnmaed - September
2 child of Andr. Gottfr. Friedr. Schulze |
91 - | Priegnitz - Dorothee Friederike
Louise - September 2 daughter of Georg Carl Gottfr. Priegnitz |
92 - | Peters - Carl August Theodor -
September 5 son of Friedrich Wilhelm Peters |
93 - | Gädicke - Johann Christoph - September 5 |
94 - | Immelmann - Juliane Carol.
Charlotte Auguste - September 6 born Porth |
95 - | Sempff - Johann Christoph Friedrich - September 11 |
96 - | Hielmann - Johann Christian -
September 16 son of Johann Christian Hielmann |
97 - | Röher - Louise Auguste -
September 16 daughter of Carl Gottlieb Röher |
98 - | Hemprich - Friedr. Wilhelm
Richard - September 24 son of Johann Friedrich Hemprich |
99 - | Graz - unnamed - September
26 child of Joh. Gottfried Graz |
100 - | Klühe- Ida Alwine Marie -
September 29 daughter of Gottfried Klühe |
101 - | Kölling - Johann Christian
Friedrich - October 1 son of Christian Gottfr. Kölling |
102 - | Menking - Julchen Anna Emilie -
October 1 daughter of Gottlieb Wilhelm Menking |
103 - | Musche - marie Louise Berthaa -
October 2 daughter of Johann Christoph Musche |
104 - | Wildt - Marie Friederike
Elisabeth - October 5 born Becker |
105 - | Friescke - unnamed - October
6 child of August Adolph Friescke |
106 - | Spangenberg - Andreas Peter - October 7 |
107 - | Meinecke - Dorothee Friederike -
October 9 daughter of Joh. Joachim Meinecke |
108 - | Hemprich - Anna Dorothee Marie -
October 10 daughter of Marie Eleonore Hemprich |
109 - | Heidebluth - Johann Christian - October 12 |
110 - | Zersch - Theodor Carl Gustav -
October 16 son of Daniel Theodor Adolph Zersch |
111 - | Bose - Friedrich Franz August -
October 15 son Philipp Joseph Bose |
112 - | Grothe - Pauline Marie Louise -
October 17 daughter of Johann Gottfried Grothe |
113 - | Niedermeier - Johann Gottfried - October 18 |
114 - | Jordan - Dorothee Elisabeth -
October 19 born Melitz |
115 - | Wenzlau - Marie Auguste -
October 22 daughter of Gottlieb Albert Wenzlau |
116 - | Ecks - unnamed - October 28 daughter of Ludwig Friedrich August Ecks |
117 - | Bierhals - Emilie Sophie Emma -
November 1 daughter of Heinrich Friedr. Carl Bierhals |
118 - | Müller - Friedrich Carl - November 9 |
119 - | Friescke - Catharine Elisabeth -
November 21 born Pfutsch |
120 - | Wachtel - Joh. Joachim Hermann
Franz - November 23 son of Joachim Andreas Wachtel |
121 - | Eggert - Johann Gabriel Friedrich - December 2 |
122 - | Schulze - Hermann August
Friedrich - December 3 son of Friedr. Wilhelm Carl Schulz |
123 - | Nielbock - Johann Christian - December 4 |
124 - | Gäde - Johann Christoph - December 10 |
125 - | Lühe - Dorothee Sophie -
December 12 born Rauch |
126 - | Rethfeldt - unnamed - December
14 daughter of Johann Christian Andreas Rethfeldt |
127 - | Schulze - Anne Marie Christiane
Dorothee - December 14 daughter of Friedr. Wilh. August Schulze |
128 - | Bolecke - unnamed - December
15 daughter of Andreas Christian August Bolecke |
129 - | Küntzel - Johann Heinrich - December 14 |
130 - | Henning - Johann Friedrich - December 17 |
131 - | Pieper - Anna Dorothee Charlotte
- December 17 born Sprecher |
132 - | Schulze - Andreas August -
December 20 son of Heinrich Wilhelm Schulze |
This information was gathered from the Kirchenbuchduplikat microfilm records held by the Mormon Church. To view the actual parish transcripts please see the attached link.
PLEASE NOTE: When viewing the microfilm always check the spelling of the surnames. They can sometimes be different between what is recorded in the Register as to what is recorded in the index in the register.
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