Monday, 16 June 2014

Tangermünde, Sachsen-Anhalt - 1860 - Bestattungen (Burials)

Below are the Bestattungen (Burials) that occurred in Tangermünde in 1860.

1 - Schröder - Wilhelmine Charlotte Friederike - January 5
daughter of Joh. Heinrich Schröder
2 - Ballerstädt - Carl August Gottfried - January 8
3 - Schulze - unnamed - January 8
child of Andreas Jacob Sculze 
4 - Spieler - unnamed - January 8
child of Carl G F Spieler
5 - Utescher - Dorothee Auguste Bertha Anna - January 12
daughter of Carl Ludwig August Utescher
6 - Nethe - Dorothee Bertha - January 13
daughter of Julius Eduard Nethe
7 - Krösell - Anna Dorothee Auguste - January 11
daughter of Friedrich August Krösell
8 - Dölle - Emma Bertha Emilie - January 18
daughter of August Wilhelm Dölle
9 - Lucklum - Gottfried Otto - January 26
son of Gottfr. Carl Lucklum
10 - Schäfer - Carl August Albert - January 27
11 - Krause - Friedrich Wilhelm Carl August - February 4
son of Johann Joachim Friedr. Christian Krause
12 - Fischer - Catherine Elisabeth - February 6
born Reckling
13 - Kläde - unnamed - February 8
child of Johann Peter Kläde
14 - Fischer - Julie Amalie - February 17
born Isenthal
15 - Dröscher - Anna Marie Louise - February 25
daughter of Carl eduard Theodor Ferdinand Dröscher
16 - Hunger - Albert Hermann Wilhelm - Frebruary 25
son of Joh. Heinr. Hunger
17 - Fischer - Carl Gustav - March 2
son of Johann Geiorg Fischer
18 - Klühe - Wilhelmine Dorothee Marie - March 4
daughter of Joh. Christian Friedr. Wilhelm Klühe
19 - Langenbeck - Ernst August Ludwig - March 4
20 - Knappe - August Ferdinand Wilhelm - March 7
son of August Ludwig Wilhelm Knappe
21 - Peters - Carl Louis Ernst - March 9
son of Friedr. Wilhelm Peters
22 - Schulze - August Wilhelm - March 9
son of Johann Christian Schulze
23 - Radisch - Marie Henriette Emilie - March 9
daughter of Carl August Rädisch 
24 - Steinecke - Johann Gustav August - March 11
son of Gustav Adolph Steinecke
25 - Seeger - Anna Sophie Marie - March 14
daughter of Johann Christian Seeger
26 - Schüler - Franz Adolph August - March 18
son Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Schüler
27 - Seeger - Johanne Dorothee Caroline - March 19
daughter of Carl wilhelm Seeger
28 - Henning - Carl Ludwig - March 20
son of Andreas Henning
29 - Bierhals - Ernst Hermann August - March 23
son of Joh. Friedr. August Bierhals
30 - Hielmann - unnamed - March 22
daughter of Johann Christian Hielmann
31 - Neumann - unnamed - March 27
child of Christoph Neumann
32 - Severin - Emilie Juliane - March 30
daughter of Johann Carl Severin
33 - Gädicke - Johann Christian - April 5
34 - Wedding - Ferdinand Max Reinhold - April 5
son of Joachim Friedr. Gottfr. Wedding
35 - Hohenstein - Heinrich Franz Fritz - April 6
son Carl Friedrich Hohenstein
36 - Brensicke - Dorothee Marie - April 10
daughter of Johann Andreas Brensicke
37 - Holzerland - Minna Mathilde Eleonore - April 13
daughter of Carl Franz Holzerland
38 - Reinicke - Johann Joachim - April 15
39 - Müller - Jacob - April 17
40 - Körtge - Wilhelmine - April 19
born Wiese
41 - Samland - unnamed - April 19
daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Samland
42 - Beyer - Marie Magdalene - April 21
daughter of Dorothee Elisabeth Beyer
43 - Hasenkropf - Theodor Bernhard Otto - April 21
son of Fr. Carl Wilhelm Oskar Hasenkropf
44 - Lochau - Wilhelm Carl Ferdinand - May 7
son of Ferdinand Ludwig Lochau
45 - Stutzer - Ludwig Jacob - May 8
46 - Mörder - Dorothee Elisabeth - May 13
daughter of Franz Wilhelm Adolph Mörder
47 - Luras - Marie Dorothee - May 19
born Paulin
48 - Dobberkau - Peter - May 15
49 - Köppe - Marie Dor. Wilh. Louise - May 17
daughter of Christian Köppe
50 - Welle - unnamed - May 18
child of Johann Christian Friedr. Welle
51 - Friedrich - Adolph Wilhelm Julius - May 21
son of Heinrich Jacob Friedrich
 -  Gaessler - Rudolph - no date recorded
52 - Reinicke - Friederike Wilhelmine Caroline - May 29
daughter of Joh. Chph. Reinicke
53 - Graz - unnamed - June 10
child of Joh. Wilhelm Gottfried Garz
54 - Eckstädt - Johann Carl Gabriel - June 18
son of Johann Gabriel Eckstädt
55 - Neumann - Marie Louise Elise - June 19
daughter of Julius Ferdinad Neumann
56 - Bauerhorst - Friedrich Wilhelm - June 22
son of Joh. Gottfried Bauerhorst
57 - Jacobs - Johann Friedrich - July 1
58 - Nahrstedt - Friederike Louise Juliaane - July 19
born Tag
59 - Rosenbecker - Dorothee Elisabeth - July 19
born Michaelis
60 - Lühe Friedrich Adolph Gustav - July 20
son of Friedrich August Lühe
61 - Malchau - Anna Marie Dorothee - August 7
daughter of Joh Christian Malchau
62 - Ebers - Johann Friedrich - August 9
63 - Herms - Dorothee Elisabeth - August 12
born Eckstädt
64 - Zersch - Theodor Adolph - August 17
son of Johann Friedrich Zersch
65 - Treskow - Louise Dorothee Friederike Amalie - August 16
daughter of Friedr. Wilhelm Treskow
66 - Röher - unnamed - August 20
daughter of Joh. Wilhelm August Röher
67 - Längner - Johann Carl Ludwig - August 22
68 - Schulze - Marie Dorothee Emma - August 27
daughter of of Heinrich Wilhelm Schulze
69 - Lüdecke - Johann Joachim - August 29
70 - Fahrmarkt -Carl Gustav - August 30
son Dorothee Marie Fahrmarkt
71 - Germann - Johanne Dorothee Marie - September 6
born Böcker
72 - Schulze - Friederike Louise Emilie - September 10
daughter of Joh. Christian Ludwig Schulze
73 - Neubauer - Hermann August Ernst - September 13
son of Friedrich Wilhelm Neubauer
74 - Dittfurt - Johanne Friederike - September 12
born Rohrschnieder
75 - Nielebock - Ferdinand Chjristian Stephan - September 17
son of Aug. Christian Ferd. Nielebockj
76 - Zersch - unnamed - September 19
child of Johann Friedrich Zersch
77 - Eberts - Johann Joachim Andreas - September 20
son of Johann Joachim Eberts
78 - Block - Carl Friedrich Wilhelm - September 18
son of Louise Block
79 - Müller - Johann Gottfried - September 20
80 - Isenthal - Caroline Dorothee Elisabeth - September 24
born Brandt
81 - Blanke - unnamed - October 3
daughter of Johann Gottfried Blanke
82 - Eckstädt - Catharine Elisabeth - October 2
born Witte
83 - Stutzer - Friederike Charlotte Louise - October 7
born Bischoff
84 - Möhring - Marie Elisabeth - October 8
born Schulze
85 - Görges - unnamed - October 7
daughter of Johann Gabriel Görges
86 - Frahm - unnamed - October 12
child of Fr. Wilhelm Frahm
87 - Elwers - Julius Wilhelm Rudolph - October 20
sson of Julius Wilhelm Theodor Elwers
88 - Görges - Dorothee Wilhelmine - October 27
daughter of Johann Gabriel Görges 
89 - Isenthal - August Ludwig Adolph - October 26
son of Carl Adolph Isenthal
90 - Eckstädt - Johann Dietrich Gabriel - October 29
91 - Müller - Wilhelmine Marie Sophie - November 2
born Massy
92 - Schulz - Catharine Sophie Friederike Eleonore - November 4
born Knappe
93 - Grassau - Marie Sophie - November 9
born Reising
94 - Frahm - Friederike Dorothee Louise - November 10
daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Frahm
95 - Quast - Joachim Christian - November 14
96 - Wildt - Wilhelm Friedrich Christian - November 24
97 - Müller - Jacob Christian - November 24
98 - Möhring - Dorothee Elis. - November 24
Born Gericke
99 - Küntzel - Henriette Christiane Wilhelmine - November 30
born Aly
100 - Dammann - Johann Friedrich - December 2
101 - Wenzlau - Carl Friedrich Wilhelm - December 3
son of Auguste Caroline Friederike Wenzlau
102 - Steinwerth - Marie Elis. - December 7
Born Groth
103 - Möhring - Johann Andreas - December 9
104 - Seedorf - Carl Otto Albert - December 13
son of Joh. Christian Wilhelm Seedorf
105 - Jung - Anna Friederike Wilhelmine - December 17
daughter of Joh. Christian Friedr. Jung
106 - Müller - Louise Wilhelmine Dorothee - December 19
daughter of Franz Müller
107 - Germann - Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst - December 21
son of Ernst Samuel Germann
108 - Holz - Dorothee Elisabeth - December 23
born Hach

This information was gathered from the Kirchenbuchduplikat microfilm records held by the Mormon Church.  To view the actual parish transcripts please see the attached link.

PLEASE NOTE:  When viewing the microfilm always check the spelling of the surnames. They can sometimes be different between what is recorded in the Register as to what is recorded in the index in the register.

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