Saturday, 21 June 2014

Tangermünde, Sachsen-Anhalt - 1866 - Bestattungen (Burials)

Below are the Bestattungen (Burials) that occurred in Tangermünde in 1866.

Please note that the entry between numbers 66 and 67 has no date for a burial and the death (July 3, 1886) appears to be recorded in the register more than a month after it's occurrence.

Please note that the entry between numbers 73 and 74 has no date for a burial and the death (July 3, 1886) appears to be recorded in the register more than 2 months after it's occurrence.

Please note that the two entries between numbers 75 and 76 only the first has a date for a burial and the death for the second (August 11, 1886) appears to be recorded in the register more than a month after it's occurrence.

1 - Ecks - unnamed - January 7
daughter of Franz Leopold Ecks
2 - Isenthal - Christian Friedrich August - January 8
son of Christn. Friedr. August Isenthal
3 - Herms - Anna Dorothee Sophie - January 16
daughter of Johann Gottfried Herms
4 - Hielmann - Minna Louise Marie Elisabeth - January 22
daughter of Johann Christian Hielmann
5 - Steinbeck - Ferdinand Ernst Carl - January 24
son of Carl Ludw. Ferd. Steinbeck
6 - Möhring - unnamed - January 24
child of Johann Friedrich Möhring
7 - Sempff - Emma Anna Marie - February 6
daughter of Carl Jakob Ludwig Sempff
8 - Schönicke - Anna Louise Emilie - February 9
daughter of Joh. Joachim Schönicke
9 - Mörder - Marie Elisabeth - February 11
born Kuhrt
10 - Becker - Carl Theodor - February 12
son of Johann Christian Becker
11 - Pollack - Ernst Richard Johannes - February 13
son of Joseph Pollack
12 - Mörder - Auguste Froke Caroline Wilh. Louise - February 16
daughter of Joh. Wilhelm Ludwig Mörder
13 - Porats - Johann Heinrich - February 24
14 - Gericke - Johann Stephan - February 23
15 - Weigard - Johannes - March 2
16 - Schulze - Christan Friedrich Wilhelm - March 3
son of Johann Andreas August Schulze
17 - Lühe - Marie Elisabeth - March 3
born Beckmann
18 - Schülze - Charlotte Henriette Wilhelmine - March 14
19 - Vögel - Hermann Jakob - March 20
son of Friedr. Jakob Vögel
20 - Brüggemann - Johann Friedrich - March 22
21 - Falck - Sophie Marie - March 26
daughter of Johann Christoph Falck
22 - Schulze - Auguste Louise Emilie - March 27
daughter of Friederike Dorothee Marie Schulze
23 - Modesky - Marie Dorothee - March 29
born Volgenau
24 - Voigt - Paul Richard Ernst - March 30
son of Johann Wilhelm Voigt
25 - Deling - unnamed - April 1
child of Albert Eduard Franz Deling
26 - Neilebock - Eleonore Therese Amalie - April 1
born Hübnert
27 - Gille - Marie Sophie Caroline Margarethe - April 12
daughter of Eduard Wilhelm Robert Gille
28 - Wagener - unnamed - April 13
daughter of August Friedr. Wilhelm Wagener
29 - Oerstel - Johanne Auguste - April 11
born Krüger
30 - Schröder - Anna Dorothee - April 14
born Henning
31 - Badenitz - Reinhold Wilhelm Julius - April 21
son of Gustav Reinhold Badenitz
32 - Zimmer - Johann Jakob - April 27
33 - König - Wilhelm Carl Friedrich - May 1
son of Joach. Gottfr. Friedr. König
34 - Schulze - Hermann Gustav - May 1
son of Nicolaus Schulze
35 - Tress - Johann Christoph Friedrich - May 1
36 - Pausenecker - Louies Anna Bertha - May 7
daughter of Chph. Lebr. Theodor Eduard Pausenecker
37 - Voigt - Minna Auguste Bertha Anna - May 4
daughter of Aug. Friedr. Voigt
38 - Wiese - Ernst Otto - May 6
son of Carl Christian weise
39 - Mendau - Anna Louise - May 5
born Goldschmidt
40 - Willmer - Henriette Christiane Rosa - May 11
daughter of Joh. Gottfr. Willmer
41 - Schreiber - Hermann Ricahrd Wilhelm - May 17
son of Andreas Martin Schreiber
42 - Steinwerth - Marie Sophie - May 17
daughter of Carl Christian Louis Wilh. Steinwerth
43 - Seyffarth - Carl Gottlieb Benjamin - May 22
44 - Pfaff - Dorothee Elisabeth - May 27
born Schulze 
45 - Spötter - Carl August Franz - May 29
son of Albert Friedr. Wilhelm Spötter
46 - Steller  - Friedrich Hermann - May 29
son of Friedrich Steller
47 - Scheibner - Carl Eduard Fritz - May 29
son of Carl Aug. Hermann Scheibner
48 - Schulze - Johann Friedrich - June 1
49 - Rosenbecker - Johann Georg Gottfried - June 3
50 - Mertens - August Eduard Friedrich - June 6
51 - Schülze - August Ferdinand Otto - June 10
son of Franz Albert Friedr. Schülze
52 - Pagel - Anna Dorothee Sophie - June 15
daughter of Ludwig Friedr. Wilhelm Pagel
53 - Schulze - Hermann Carl Friedrich Gottlieb - June 23
son of Joh. Gottl. Friedr.ich Schulze
54 - Erxleben - unnamed - June 23
child of Joh. Christian Friedr. Erxleben
55 - Spangenberg - Ida Friederike Emilie - June 25
daughter of Wilh. Albert Theodor Spangenberg
56 - Müller - Louise Christiane Catharine - June 30
born Strauch
57 - Schulze - Marie Elisabeth - July 1
born Neubauer
58 - Arendts - Anna Marie - July 5
born Lennecke
59 - Windbeck - Carl August Gottfried - July 5
60 - Herms - Carl August Friedrich - July 5
son of Andr. Gottfr. Friedrich Herms
61 - Görges - Johann Christian - July 13
62 - Posenecker - Johann Christoph - July 30
63 - Spötter - Johann Friedrich - August 1
64 - Blank - unnamed - August 5
child of Wilhelm Friedr. Ferdinand Blank
65 - Meinecke - Gustav Adolph - August 8
son of Johanne Friederike Dorothee Meinecke
66 - Eyrich - unnamed - August 17
child of Dorothee Louise Emilie Agnes Eyrich
 -  Neilebock - Johann Joachim - see notes
67 - Fischer - unnamed - August 22
child of Friedrich Fischer
68 - Fricke - unnamed - August 26
daughter of Friedrich Adolph Fricke
69 - Schulze - Marie Elisabeth - August 28
born Schulze
70 - Spötter - Emma Marie Friederike - August 30
daughter of Albert Friedr. Wilh. Spötter
71 - Bräutigam - Emilie Dorothee - August 30
daughter of Heinrich Carl Bräutigam
72 - Bismark - Anna Dorothee Marie - September 2
daughter of Christian Friedr. Wilhelm Bismark
73 - Müller - Dorothee Caroline Wilhelmine - September 5
daughter of Carl Friedrich Müller
 -  Herms - Johann Carl August - see notes
74 - Pamperin - Emilie Anna Ida - September 10
daughter of Joh. Heinrich Pamperin
75 - Gädicke - Dorothee Mathilde Marie - September 11
daughter of Joh. Christian Gädicke
 - Porats - Johann Heinrich Christoph - September 6 - see notes
 - Wehke - Otto Adolph Ludwig - see notes
76 - Meidt - Ferdinand Gottfried - September 22
son of Joh. Gottfried Meidt
77 - Gagelmann - Carl Friedrich - September 24
son of Friedr. Wilhelm gagelmann
78 - Meyer - Dorothee Anna - September 24
born Ebeling
79 - Sandke - Caroline Adelgunde Marie Therese - September 24
daughter of Wilhelm Eduard Sandke
80 - Gagelmann - August Franz - September 27
son of Friedrich Wilhelm Gagelmann
81 - Alex - Marie Louise Auguste - September 29
daughter of Friedrich Eduard Alex
82 - Blume - Dorothee Henriette - October 5
born Krebs
83 - Dröscher - Hanna Dorothee Sophie - October 10
84 - Wendzin - unnamed - October 10
daughter of Joh. Friedr. Wendzin
85 - Drieseberg - Friedr. Wilhelm Carl August - October 12
son of Christoph Friedr. Drieseberg
86 - Kraehe - Anne - October 15
born Schulze
87 - Dörschnor - Catharine Sophie Elisabeth - October 24
born Krause
88 - Herms - Dorothee Caroline - October 25
daughter of Johann Gottfried Herms
89 - Schulze - Wilhelmine Charlotte - October 31
daughter of Johann Friedrich Schulze
90 - Brösiche - Dorothee Elisabeth - November 5
born Conradi
91 - Wachtel - Anna Wilhelmine Henriette Sophie - November 14
daughter of Joh. Friedr. Wilhelm Wachtel
92 - Isenthal - unnamed - November 16
child of Christian Friedrich August Isenthal
93 - Eggert - Johann Joachim - November 16
94 - Goltze - Johann Friedrich Wilhelm - November 23
95 - Rethfeld - Dorothee Elisabeth - November 30
born Otte
96 - Havelberg - Dorothee Wilhelmine Louise - December 9
daughter of Friedr. Wilh. Havelberg
97 - Pamperin - Anna Hulda Ida - December 9
daughter of Joh. Heinrich Pamperin
98 - Pfaff - Anna Marie Emilie - December 10
daughter of Dor. Wilh. Marie Pfaff
99 - Neubauer - Johann Friedrich - December 12
100 - Krause - Carl Christoph Wilhlem - December 18
son of Friedr. Conrad Heinr. Krause
101 - Köppe - Marie Louise - December 20
born Bierstedt
102 - Köppe - unnamed - December 20
child of Christoph August Wilhelm Köppe
103 - Klipps - Johann Gottlob Friedrich - December 23
son of Friedr. Wilhelm Klipps
104 - Engel - Carl Friedrich Wilhelm - January 2, 1867
son of Marie Engel
105 - Krähe - Sophie Louise Friederike - January 2, 1867
born Tümler

This information was gathered from the Kirchenbuchduplikat microfilm records held by the Mormon Church.  To view the actual parish transcripts please see the attached link.

PLEASE NOTE:  When viewing the microfilm always check the spelling of the surnames. They can sometimes be different between what is recorded in the Register as to what is recorded in the index in the register.

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