Sunday, 15 June 2014

Tangermünde, Sachsen-Anhalt - 1859 - Bestattungen (Burials)

Below are the Bestattungen (Burials) that occurred in Tangermünde in 1859.

1 - Tönniges - Carl Rudolph - January 4
2 - Stein - Marie Elisabeth - January 7
born Wille
3 - Fischer - unnamed - January 12
child of Johann Andreas Fischer
4 - Strauch - Anna Marie - January 12
born Mohr
5 - Ebers - Friedrich - January 14
6 - Becker - Rudolph Ernst Johann - January 21
son of Joh. Christian Becker
7 - Reppin - Dorothee Sophie - January 19
daughter of Dorothee Sophie Reppin
8 - Kaiser - unnamed - January 20
daughter of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Kaiser
9 - Hecker - Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig - January 26
son of Carl Adolph Gustav Louis Hecker
10 - Kiens - Friedrich - January 25
11 - Voigt - Bertha Therese Auguste - January 27
daughter of Aug. Friedr. Voigt
12 - Klostermann - Johann Friedrich - February 1
son of Joh. Friedr. Klostermann
13 - Warbrack - Minna Auguste Marie - February 3
daughter of Ludwig Albert Theodor Warbrack
14 - Giensch - Georg Christian Carl - February 3
15 - Fahrholz - unnamed - February 6
child of Friedr. August Fahrholz
16 - Lange - Ernst Friedrich Theodor - February 9
son of Johann Ludwig Wilhelm Lange
17 - Friedrich - Johanne Louise Charlotte - February 10
born Breyde
18 - Radelfarth - Emilie Caroline Wilhelmine - February 16
daughter of Joh. Heinrich Radelfarth
19 - Wulkau - Anna Marie Louise Wilhelmine - March 6
daughter of Johann Friedrich Wulkau
20 - Hahn - Carl Louis Franz - March 8
son of Johann Friedrich Hahn
21 - Neubauer - Anna Catharine - March 9
born Zander
22 - Segelitz - unnamed - March 13
daughter of Friedr. Daniel Segelitz
23 - Eckstädt - Johann Gabriel Albert - March 21
son of Johann Gabriel Eckstädt
24 - Paust - unnamed - March 19
child of Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Paust
25 - Rehfeldt - Carl Samuel - March 23
26 - Kaiser - Dorothee Sophie Elisabeth - March 23
born Haacke
27 - Borstel - Marie Friederike Wilhelmine - March 27
born Eckstädt
28 - Krause - Johann Friedrich Wilhelm - March 27
29 - Stolle - unnamed - March 29
child of Joh. Christian Stolle
30 - Mörder - Johann Friedrich - March 30
31 - Bethmann - Dorothee Sophie Caroline - April 2
born Isenthal
32 - Malchau - Johann Christoph - April 3
33 - Meyer - Friedrich Wilhelm - April 6
34 - Elwers - Marie Wilhelmine Mathilde - April 13
daughter of Julius Wilhelm Theodor Elwers
35 - Schelsky - Anna Dorothee - April 18
born Herms
36 - Bethge - Ida Caroline Louise - April 18
daughter of Joh. Christian Friedrich Bethge
37 - Müller - unnamed - April 18
child of Marie Charlotte Dorothee Müller
38 - Gille - unnamed - April 21
daughter of Eduard Wilhelm Robert Gille
39 - Mörder - Johann Ludwig - April 20
40 - Röhl - unnamed - April 23
daughter of Johann Joachim Röhl
41 - Gadau - Johann Friedrich - April 25
42 - Krüger - Johann Christoph - April 26
43 - Nielebock - Auguste Friederike Emilie - May 2
daughter of August Christoph Ferd. Nielebock
44 - Reip - Anna Marie Elisabeth - May 6
daughter of Christian Adam Reip
45 - Wulkau - Friedrich August Wilhelm - May 10
46 - Eggert - Anna Elisabeth - May 11
born Gruss
47 - Schulze - August Friedrich - May 11
son of Johann Carl Ferdinand schulze
48 - Rabe - Johann Heinrich - May 11
49 - Holz - Otto Ferdinand Carl - May 22
son of Joachim Friedrich Holz
50 - Pesselt - unnamed - May 28
daughter of Caroline Wilhelmine Dorothee Elis. Pesselt
51 - Sprecher - Friedrich Wilhelm - May 29
52 - Herrmann - Otto Ernst August - June 8
son of Ludwig August Herrmann
53 - Mardaga - Johann Adam Gottfried - June 5
54 - Porats - Dorothee - June 9
born Krähe
55 - Meÿer - Carl Rudolph Gustav - June 9
son of Ludwig Friedr. Wilhelm Meÿer
56 - Curow - Albert Carl - June 16
son of Johann Friedrich Curow
57 - Pagel - unnamed - June 15
child of Ludw. Fr. Wilh. Pagel
58 - Wünsch - Carl Friedrich - June 20
59 - Schmidt - Johann Gottfried Ernst  - June 21
son of Johann Ernst Schmidt
60 - Malchau - Joh. Friedr. Wilhelm August - June 24
son of Johann Friedrich Malchau
61 - Seeger - unnamed - June June 24
child of Carl Wilhelm Seeger
62 - Engel - Friederike Wilhelmine Henriette - June June 29
daughter of August Engel
63 - Borstel - Carl Rudolph Valentin - July 4
son of Johann Friedrich Borstel
64 - Claus - Louise Charlotte - July 9
65 - Michaelis - Pauline Dorothee Julie Ida Bertha - July 10
daughter of Joachim Christoph Michaelis
66 - Wernicke - Christoph - July 20
67 - Schulze - unnamed - July 19
daughter of Andreas Gottfr. Friedr. Schulze
68 - Heinecke - Marie Therese - July 24
daughter of Friedrich Carl Heinecke
69 - Ehlendt - Dorothee Elisabeth - July 27
daughter of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Ehlendt
70 - Maass - Marie Friederike Louise - July 28
daughter of August Maass
71 - Patz - Louise Wilhelmine Friederike - August 2
daughter of Friedrich Patz
72 - Mörder - unnamed - August 3
child of Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Mörder
73 - Henning - Marie Elisabeth - August 4
born Brandt
74 - Lembke - unnamed - August 13
child of Friedrich Wilhelm Lembke
75 - Dröscher - Friedrich Wilhelm - August 14
son of Joachim Ludwig Dröscher
76 - Schulze - unnamed - August 15
daughter of Nicolaus Schulze
77 - Schäfer - Heinrich - August 17
78 - Schulze - Dorothee Louise Auguste - August 19
daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Theodor Schulze
79 - Pieper - Dorothee Louise Marie - August 17
daughter of Alexander Friedrich Ludwig Pieper
80 - Rudolph - unnamed - August 18
daughter of Joh. Dietrich Wilhelm Rudolph
81 - Engel - Carl Friedrich - August 21
son of Joh. Friedrich Engel
82 - Rudolph - Marie Caroline Friederike - August 21
born Müller
83 - Weickardt - Johann Peter Chrsitoph - August 22
84 - Wünsch - Jacob - August 24
85 - Priegnitz - Anna Marie Friederike - August 23
daughter of Georg Carl Gottfr. Priegnitz
86 - Heise - Auguste Caroline Marie - August 26
daughter of Carl Friedrich Heise
87 - Isenthal - August Otto - August 26
son of Carl Friedr. Wilhelm Isenthal
88 - Eckstädt - Carl August Friedrich - August August 27
son of Carl Friedr. August Eckstädt
89 - Schulze - August Otto Ferdinand - August 27
son of Fr. Wilh. Theodor Schulze
90 - Winter - Johanne Wilhelmine Elisabeth - August 27
born Bunge
91 - Schulze - Marie Dorothee Louise - August 29
daughter of Heinrich Wilhelm Schulze
92 - Schulze - Georg Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm - August 31
son of Heinrich Friedr. Wilhelm Schulze
93 - Hanisch - Anna Emilie Mathilde - September 1
daughter of Gabriel Beredicter Hanisch
94 - Knappe - unnamed - September 2
child of Carl Ferd. Knappe
95 - Neumann - Helene Emilie Bertha - September 3
daughter of Julius Ferdinand Neumann 
96 - Pieper - Mathilde Charlotte Anne - September 5
daughter of Friedr. Ludwig Pieper
97 - Müller - unnamed - September 7
child of Carl Friedr. Müller
98 - Hindenburg - Anna Dorothee Elisabeth - September 14
born Votsch
99 - Erxleben - Wilhelmine Friederike Charlotte - September 14
born Gerner
100 - Sack - Eiphrosine Elise Auguste - Septembver 17
born Ziems
101 - Hielmann - Charlotte - September 18
born Mertens
102 - Krohne - Johann Friedrich Christoph - September 19
103 - Hartwich - Marie Agnes - September 24
daughter of Carl Georg Julius Friedrich Hartwich
104 - Büchs - Mathilde Auguste Emilie - September 29
daughter of Johann Gottfried Büchs
105 - Winter - Christian - September 28
106 - Priegnitz - Hermann Friedrich - October 2
son of Georg Carl Gottfried Priegnitz
107 - Nehring - Dorothee Friederike - October 5
born Wachtel
108 - Büchs - Dorothee Elisabeth - October 6
born Ackermann
109 - Gadau - Dorothee Franzisca - October 8
daughter of Johanne Dorothee Elisabeth Gadau
110 - Schröder - unnamed - October 9
son of Johann Gottfried Schröder
111 - Wagner - Marie Friederike Wilhelmine - October 10
daughter of Christian Friedrich Wagner
112 - Knappe - Anna Dorothee Auguste - October 12
daughter of August Ludwig Wilh. Knappe
113 - Kabelitz - Marie Auguste Mathilde Louise - October 15
daughter of Joachim Kabelirz
114 - Falck - Johann Christoph - October 21
115 - Dunker - unnamed - October 22
daughter of Johann Friedrich Ludwig Dunker
116 - Dunker - Antoine Julie Emma Amalie - October 22
born Behrends
117 - Gehn - Gottfried - October 23
118 - Johannes - Dorothee Sophie - October 30
born Görges
119 - Rohde - Johanne Caroline Dorothee - November 1
born Schreider
120 - Arndt - Bertha Friederike Louise - November 1
daughter of Johann Christoph Arndt
121 - Wulkau - unnamed - November 3
daughter of Johann Friedrich Wulkau
122 - Bethge - Friedrich - no date recorded
123 - Schnering - Carl Gustav Adolph - November 4
son of Johann Friedrich August Schnering
124 - Möhring - Franz Friedrich Wilhelm - November 5
son of Johann Friedrich Möhring
125 - Ehlendt - Carl Friedrich Wilhelm - November 3
126 - Butz - Leonore Sophie - November 4
born Johannes
127 - Zersch- Auguste Emilie Mathilde - November 30
daughter of Johann Friedrich Zersch
128 - Zersch - Johanne Henriette Philippine - December 9
born Spörel
129 - Hildebrandt - Wilhelmine - December 9
born Lilius
130 - Zersch - Carl Emil Adolph - December 14
son of David Theodor Adolph Zersch
131 - Siegler - Dor. Sophie Elis - December 17
born Deling
132 - Otte - Friedrich Ludwig - December 19
133 - Wachtel - Friederike Wilhelmine Louise - December 24
daughter of Joachim Andreas Wachtel
134 - Hodum - Carl Friedrich - December 26
135 - Beyer - unnamed - December 26
child of Dorothee Elis. Beyer
136 - Seiliger - Wilhelm August Hermann - December 28
son of Joh. Fr. Carl Seeliger
137 - Winsel - Julius Eduard August - December 29
son of Julius Winsel
138 - Rehfeldt - Otto Franz - December 30
son of Carl Samuel Rehfeldt
139 - Isenthal - Johann Gottfr. Ludwig - December 30
son of Joh. Gottfried isenthal
140 - Munsche - Henriette Wilh. Charlotte Ida - January 1, 1860
daughter of Friedr. Wilhelm Munsche
141 - Radelfarth - unnamed - January 3, 1860
son of Johann Heinr. Radelfarth 
 - Herms - Carl Friedrich August - August 13
son of Johann Friedrich Herms
 - Aly - Friedrich Robert - January 3, 1860
son of Friedrich Ludwig Aly

This information was gathered from the Kirchenbuchduplikat microfilm records held by the Mormon Church.  To view the actual parish transcripts please see the attached link.

PLEASE NOTE:  When viewing the microfilm always check the spelling of the surnames. They can sometimes be different between what is recorded in the Register as to what is recorded in the index in the register.

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