Below are the Bestattungen (Burials) that occurred in Tangermünde in 1864.
Please note that the entry between numbers 72 and 73 has a line through it in the register.
1 - | Schulze - Dorothee Auguste -
January 4 born Gorsleben |
2 - | Nethe - Anna Dorothee - January
13 born Busse |
3 - | Lippert - August Christoph
Julius - January 11 son of Adolph Christoph Julius Lippert |
4 - | Wenzlau - unnamed - January
21 child of Aug. Caroline Froke. Wenzlau |
5 - | Schultze - Christiane Louise Friederike - January 24 |
6 - | Pauschardt - Caroline Henriette
- January 25 born Schirmer |
7 - | Patze - Marie Dorothee - January
25 born Liebe |
8 - | Poeffel - Dorothee Sophie -
February 1 born Bauerhorst |
9 - | Spötter - Louise Caroline Marie
- February 1 born Segelitz |
10 - | Henneberg - Otto Wilhelm
Friedrich - February 8 son of Friedr. Wilhelm Henneberg |
11 - | Dammann - Charlotte Dorothee
Emilie - February 14 born Hartmann |
12 - | Jakobi - Carl Friedrich - February 18 |
13 - | Lauenroth - unnamed - February
20 child of Friedr. Wilhelm Aug. Lauenroth |
14 - | Müller - unnamed - February
23 daughter of Wilhelm Ferdinand Müller |
15 - | Schulze - unnamed - February
23 child of Christoph Schulze |
16 - | Eckstädt - Carl Friedrich August - February 27 |
17 - | Neumann - Marie Louise -
February 29 born Isendahl |
18 - | Schulze - Anna Friederike Louise
- February 29 daughter of Joh. Christian Schulze |
19 - | Kunow - Anna Catharine Friedrike
- March 2 born Holzvoigt |
20 - | Krauos - Johanne - March 4 born Sachse |
21 - | Lochau - Johann Dietrich - March 7 |
22 - | Urban - Friedrich Wilhelm
Ferdinand - March 10 son of Fr. Wilh. Aug. Ferd. Urban |
23 - | Lochau - Johann Gottfried - March 10 |
24 - | Görges - Christoph Friedrich -
March 21 son of Johann Christoph Görges |
25 - | Jung - Christian Friedrich Gottlieb - March 21 |
26 - | Lippert - Catharine Margarethe -
March 25 born Immelmann |
27 - | Brandt - Anna Louise Dorothee -
March 27 daughter of Joh. Christoph Friedrich Brandt |
28 - | Bohlecke - Wilhelmine Johann -
March 27 born Aug. Wilhelm Bohlecke |
29 - | Bierhals - Sophie Marie Emilie -
March 24 daughter of Heinr. Friedr. Carl Bierhals |
30 - | Paul - Dorothee Caroline - April
2 born Bruhn |
31 - | Lincke - unnamed - April 4 child of Joachim Friedrich Lincke |
32 - | Schulze - Anna Elisabeth - April
4 born Buchs |
33 - | Merten - Friederike Wilhelmine
Louise - April 8 daughter of Ludwig Merten |
34 - | Hillger - Charlotte Louise
Auguste Dorothee - April 10 daughter of Joh. Ludwig Carl Hillger |
35 - | Fischer - Matthias Friedrich August - April 11 |
36 - | Schmidt - Ludwig Ferdinand - April 15 |
37 - | Schultze - Marie Elisabeth -
April 22 Günther |
38 - | Stenkel - Chrsitian Friedrich
Wilhelm - April 24 son of Joh. Christoph Stenkel |
39 - | Friedrich - Dorothee Sophie -
April 25 born Seemann |
40 - | Seidel - Johann Gottlieb - April 25 |
41 - | Regas - Charlotte Wilhelmine Auguste - April 29 |
42 - | Behn - Anna Dorothee Louise -
April 30 daughter of Christoph August Jacob Behn |
43 - | Müller - Therese - May 4 born Nacter |
44 - | Wagener - Anna Dorothee - May
8 born Brandt |
45 - | Trippler - Dorothee Sophie - May
14 born Rudolphi |
46 - | Schulze - Christian Friedrich
Gustav - May 19 son of Joh. Christian Schulze |
47 - | Röhl - Ulrike Charlotte Dorothee
- May 23 born Wolkenhaar |
48 - | Deling - Ricahrd Franz Fritz -
May 25 son of Albert Eduard Franz Deling |
49 - | Schulze - Dorothee Elisabeth -
June 6 born Fischer |
50 - | Francke - Ernst Gustav - June 9 |
51 - | Wollweber - unnamed - June
11 child of Joh. Joach. Friedr. Wollweber |
52 - | Massy - Carl - June 15 |
53 - | Patze - Friedrich Wilhelm August
- June16 son of Johann Christoph Patze |
54 - | Wulkau - Gottfried - June 20 |
55 - | Ecks - Johanne Wilhelmine Marie
- June 21 daughter of Ludwig Friedr. August Ecks |
56 - | Frey - Ludwig Wilhelm - June
24 son of Wilhelm Eduard Frey |
57 - | Hecker - unnamed - June 26 daughter of Carl Adolph Gustav Louis Hecker |
58 - | Niedermeier - Marie Louise -
June 29 born Köppe |
59 - | Menking - Dorothee Elisabeth -
July 2 born Beckmann |
60 - | Schulze - Carl Friedr. Wilhelm
Gottlieb - July 3 son of Joh. Gottlieb Friedr. Schulze |
61 - | Gädicke - Jakob Gustav Franz -
July 14 son of Johann Jakob Gädicke |
62 - | Segelitz - Anna Dorothee Emilie
- July 15 daughter of Joachim Friedr. Daniel Segelitz |
63 - | Wernicke - Johann Joachim
Christoph - July 15 son of Christoph Wernicke |
64 - | Klühe - unnamed - July 17 child of ?? Klühe |
65 - | Plähn - Wilhelm August - July
26 son of Joh. Christian Plähn |
66 - | Elwers - Anna Marie Louise -
July 30 daughter of Julius Wilhelm Theodor Elwers |
67 - | Schreiber - unnamed - August
3 daughter of Andreas Martin Schreiber |
68 - | Thoma - Marie Louise - August
2 daughter of Marie Dor. Wilhelmine Thoma |
69 - | Tümler - Johann Friedrich
Wilhelm - August 2 son of Marie Dorothee Elisabeth Tümler |
70 - | Hahn - Carl Werner - August
10 son of Adalbert Rehno Hahn |
71 - | Schilling - unnamed - August
13 daughter of Friedrich Andreas Schilling |
72 - | Sinnig - Johann Georg - August 15 |
- | Wernicke - Johann Jakob - August 18 - see notes |
73 - | Kersten - Bertha - Augsut 19 |
74 - | Lüers - Anna Dorothee - August
22 born Müller |
75 - | Borstel - Marie Caroline
Wilhelmine Dorothee - August 22 daughter of Christoph Adam Borstel |
76 - | Falk - Carl August - August
23 son of Johann Friedrich Falk |
77 - | Müller - Auguste Marie Louise -
August 23 daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Müller |
78 - | Neumann - Catharine Sophie - Augsut 24 |
79 - | Gericke - Johann Georg Friedrich - Augsut 26 |
80 - | Rudolph - unnamed - August
30 daughter of Johann Joachim Rudolph |
81 - | Ernst - Dorothee Elisabeth -
September 1 born Tüngler |
82 - | Klähn - Friedrich - Wilhelm
August - September 3 son of Dorothee Elisabeth Klähn |
83 - | Garz - unnamed - September
9 daughter of Joh. Wilhelm Gottfried Garz |
84 - | Fiedler - Heinrich - September 15 |
85 - | Schulze - Hermann Friedrich
Andreas - September 16 son of Ludwig Schulze |
86 - | Möhring - Johann Joachim - September 25 |
87 - | Lindecke - Minna Dorothee Emilie
- September 27 daughter of Joh. Friedr. Carl Lindecke |
88 - | Schulze - Friederike Amalie
Charlotte - September 30 daughter of Robert Ferd. Alexander Schulze |
89 - | Mewes - Johann Christoph - September 25 |
90 - | Klaas - unnamed - October
14 child of Paul Friedrich Ferdinand Klaas |
91 - | Borstel - Henriette Wilhelmine
Louise - October 15 born Seedorf |
92 - | Meyer - Marie Dorothee - October
17 born Wier |
93 - | Herms - Wilehlmine Auguste -
October 18 daughter of Johann Carl August Herms |
94 - | Fischer - Carl Friedrich -
October 18 son of Johann Matthias Fischer |
95 - | Brunners - Caroline - November
11 born Schulz |
96 - | Hillger - unnamed - November
18 child of Carl Friedr. Ludwig Hillger |
97 - | Steinwerth - unnamed - November
23 child of Carl Christn Louis Wilhelm Steinwerth |
98 - | Prüss - Friederike Wilhelmine -
November 23 born Löwe |
99 - | Lange - Rudolph Aug. Wilhelm -
November 27 son of Joh. Ludwig Wilhelm Lange |
100 - | Quosig - Carl Ludwig Erst Gustav
Adolph - December 8 son of Carl Ludwig Quosig |
101 - | Hokmann - August - December 14 |
102 - | Blank - unnamed - December
18 son of Wilh. Friedr. Ferdinand Blank |
103 - | Voigt - Catharine Dorothee -
December 23 born Wereber |
104 - | Steinicke - Carl Wilhelm -
December 26 son of Gustav Adolph Steinicke |
105 - | Schulze - Anna Marie Louise -
December 30 daughter of Friedr. Wilh. Theodor Schulze |
This information was gathered from the Kirchenbuchduplikat microfilm records held by the Mormon Church. To view the actual parish transcripts please see the attached link.
PLEASE NOTE: When viewing the microfilm always check the spelling of the surnames. They can sometimes be different between what is recorded in the Register as to what is recorded in the index in the register.
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