Below are the Bestattungen (Burials) that occurred in Tangermünde in 1862.
Please Note that entry number 85 is listed before entry number 84 in the register.
1 - | Simon - unnamed - January 5 son of Carl Albert Simon |
2 - | Büchs - Catharine Elisabeth -
January 5 born Reppin |
3 - | Günther - unnamed - January
17 child of Carl August Günther |
4 - | Seeger - Caroline Wilhelmine
Sophie - January 21 daughter of Johann friedrich Seeger |
5 - | Rudolph - Dorothee Marie Louise
- January 22 daughter of Joh. Dietrich Wilhelm Rudolph |
6 - | Ernst - Dorothee Louise Minna -
January 21 daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst |
7 - | Garz - Friederike - January
23 born Hauschild |
8 - | Sattelkau - Gustav Adolph -
January 27 son of Christian Friedr. Heinrich August Sattelkau |
9 - | Schüler - Johanne Auguste Marie
- Janaury 25 daughter of Georg Friedr. Wilhelm Schüler |
10 - | Zwinger - Carl Friedrich Wilhelm
- January 29 son of Carl Friedr. Wilhelm Zwinger |
11 - | Lange - Julius Eduard - January 30 |
12 - | Fulss - Christian Leonhard - January 30 |
13 - | Schütze - Emma Dorothee
Wilhelmine - February 2 daughter of Franz Albert Friedr. Schütze |
14 - | Tilgnor - Carl August - February 3 |
15 - | Sonnemann - Auguste Louise
Hermine - February 6 born Neumann |
16 - | Ehlendt - (Ehlert) - Georg - February 6 |
17 - | Meidt - unnamed - February
7 child of Johann Gottfried Meidt |
18 - | Nielebock - Johann Friedrich -
February 10 son of Johann Joachim Nielebock |
19 - | Templin - Carl Ludwig - February 11 |
20 - | Erxleben - unnamed - February
17 son of Johann Christian Friedrich Erxleben |
21 - | Doebbelin - Christian - February 18 |
22 - | Krähe - Catharine Elisabeth -
February 20 born Bierstedt |
23 - | Dölle - Helene Auguste Julie
Emilie - Februarty 24 daughter of August Wilhelm Dölle |
24 - | Falck - Anna Dorothee - February
25 daughter of Gottfried Falck |
25 - | Wilcke - Alexander August
Reinhold - March 3 son of Wilhelm Robert Wilcke |
26 - | Lühe - Andreas - March 3 |
27 - | Friedrich - Wilhelm August -
March 5 son of Jacob Friedr. Wilh. Aug. Friedrich |
28 - | Thürnagel - Marie Friederike
Emilie - March 7 daughter of Joh. Georg Friedr. Thürnagel |
29 - | Seedorf - unnamed - March
10 child of Joh. Christian Wilhelm seedorf |
30 - | Krohn - Amalie Dorothee Louise -
March 11 daughter of Joh. Friedr. Christian Krohn |
31 - | Neumann - Friedrich Wilhelm
Christian - March 13 son of Christoph Neumann |
32 - | Mewes - Dorothee Elisabeth -
March 13 born Schilling |
33 - | Dröscher - Johann Friedrich - March 13 |
34 - | Bauerhorst (Engel) - Sophie -
March 15 born Düsedau |
35 - | Schulze - Johann Andreas - March 14 |
36 - | Engel - Johanne Wilhelmine
Dorothee Sophie - March 17 born Herms |
37 - | Voigt - unnamed - March 18 daughter of Caroline Friederike Louise Voigt |
38 - | Wagner - Anna Henriette Bertha
Elise - March 23 daughter of Christian Friedrich Wagner |
39 - | Bortsel - Ferd. Carl Friedr.
Wilhelm - March 28 son of Ferd. Carl Friedr. Wilhelm Borstel |
40 - | Müller - Marie Dorothee - March
29 born Borchert |
41 - | Hartung - Amalie Minna Auguste -
April 4 daughter of Andr. Wilh. Carl Hartung |
42 - | Henning - marie Emilie Louise -
April 5 daughter of Fr. Wilh. Ludwig Henning |
43 - | Herms - Hermann Friedrich -
April 8 son of Ludwig Bernhard Friedr. Herms |
44 - | Heinecke - Johanne Friederike
Bertha - April 15 daughter of Friedrich Carl Heinecke |
45 - | Regas - Heinrich Franz - April 20 |
46 - | Priegnitz - Caroline Dorothee
Sophie - April 22 born Steinwerth |
47 - | Lühe - unnamed - April 21 child of Friedr. Erdmann Lühe |
48 - | Ernst - Johann Peter - April 26 |
49 - | Vogel - Wilhelm Adolph - May
7 son of Friedrich Jacob Vogel |
50 - | Butz - Anna Catharine - May 7 |
51 - | Voigt - carl August Friedrich -
May 16 son of August Friedrich Voigt |
52 - | Schulze - Albert Heinrich
Wilhelm Ludwig - May 19 son of Joh. Christoph Ludwig Schulze |
53 - | Lühe - August Friedrich Wilhelm
- May 18 son of Friedrich August Lühe |
54 - | Isenthal - Johann Gottfried - May 29 |
55 - | Schiebner - Georg Albert Hermann
- June 6 son of Carl Aug. Hermann Schiebner |
56 - | lenz - unnamed - June 9 child of Johann Christian Carl lenz |
57 - | Paige - Christian Friedrich - June 17 |
58 - | Neubauer - Emilie Wilhelmine
Marie - June 25 daughter of Friedr. Wilhelm Neubauer |
59 - | Radelfarth - Dorothee Elisabeth
- June 28 born Klitzing |
60 - | Gericke - Anna Dorothee
Wilhelmine - June 29 born Leifert |
61 - | Tehse - unnamed - July 4 child of Johann Friedrich Tehse |
62 - | Seedorf - Gustav Adolph - July
5 son of Ferdinand Wilhelm Seedorf |
63 - | Otte - Elisabeth - July 6 born Eberts |
64 - | Thomas - unnamed - July 15 daughter of Dorothee Friederike Thomas |
65 - | Schmidt - Carl Otto Wilhelm -
July 19 son of Johann Georg Christoph Schmidt |
66 - | Müller - Friedrich Wilhelm - July 22 |
67 - | Klühe - Wilhelmine Friederike
Caroline - July 22 born Luhe |
68 - | Suhl - Marie Elisabeth - July
28 born Heine |
69 - | Pieper - Dorothee Elisabeth - July 29 |
70 - | Dröscher - Carl Eduard Theodor Ferdinand - August 10 |
71 - | Faaust - Henriette Emilie
Dorothee - August 10 born Märtens |
72 - | Kleinschmidt - Auguste Louise -
August 13 daughter of Christian Heinrich Friedrich Kleinschmidt |
73 - | Rosenbruch - Ida Minna Valeska -
August 20 daughter of Andreas Rosenbruch |
74 - | Jung - Otto Hermann Johannis -
August 27 son of Johannis Ludwig Wilhelm Jung |
75 - | Bauerhorst - Annaa Elisabeth -
September 2 born Klähn |
76 - | Schulze - Marie Christiane
Louise - August 28 daughter of Johann Carl Schulze |
77 - | Schulze - Auguste Louise Johanne
- September 20 daughter of Ludwig heinrich Schulze |
78 - | Schulze - Jacob Andreas Heinr.
August - September 21 son of Andreas Jacob Schulze |
79 - | Hillger - Johann Friedr. Wilhelm
- September 27 son of Joh. Ludwig Carl Hillger |
80 - | Zahn - Catharine Dorothee Sophie
- September 29 born Hauck |
81 - | Rudolph - Dorothee Elisabeth -
September 29 born Engel |
82 - | Sack - Johann Heinrich - October 2 |
83 - | Müller - Hanna Friederike -
October 4 born Meier |
85 - | Schulze - Christian Andreas Jacob - October 4 - see notes |
84 - | Hoffmann - Friedrich Wilhelm Theodor - October 5 - see notes |
86 - | Jordan - Friederike Louise Anna
- October 7 daughter of Heinrich David Jordan |
87 - | Malchau - Charlotte - October
9 born Hindenburg |
88 - | Meinecke - Elisabeth Louise -
October 10 born Kohlhoff |
89 - | Sempff - Anna Elisabeth -
October 15 born Hecker |
90 - | Wolkenhaar - Otto Friedrich
Wilhelm - October 19 son of Joh. Andreas Wolkenhaar |
91 - | Meinecke - Louise Sophie -
October 19 daughter of Joh. Friedr. Meinecke |
92 - | Schulze - August Friedrich
Wilhelm - October 19 son of Carl Schulze |
93 - | Kabelitz - unnamed - October
19 child of Joachim Kabelitz |
94 - | Wehke - Friedrich Wilhelm -
October 19 son of Heinr. Friedr. Wilhelm Wehke |
95 - | Krause - Emil Paul Gustav Carl -
October 22 son of Joh. Joach. Friedr. Christian Karuse |
96 - | Bötscher - Christian Carl - October 27 |
97 - | Vollmer - Marie Mathilde - October 26 |
98 - | Bolecke - unnamed - October
28 child of Christian August Bolecke |
99 - | Kabelitz - Caroline Friederike
Wilhelmine - October 27 born Hager |
100 - | Hagen - Marie Louise Wilhelmine
- November 4 daughter of Caroline Friederike Wilh. Hagen |
101 - | Wagener - Johanne Dorothee
Emilie - November 4 daughter of Aug. Friedr. Wilhelm Wagener |
102 - | Michaelis - Friedrich Carl -
November 5 son of Joachim Christian Michaelis |
103 - | Hielmann - Johann Christian -
November 10 son of Joh. Christian Hielmann |
104 - | Neubauer - unnamed - November
11 daughter of Carl Friedr. Alexander Neubauer |
105 - | Müller - - Wilhelm Carl -
November 18 son of Wilhelm Ferd. Müller |
106 - | Bethge - Georg Friedrich - November 19 |
107 - | Schulze - unnamed - November
23 daughter of Johann Christian Schulze |
108 - | Wagener - August Ludwig
Friedrich - November 25 son of Aug. Friedr. Wilhelm Wagener |
109 - | Herms - Ludwig Bernhard Friedrich - November 30 |
110 - | Jordan - unnamed - December
6 child of Christian Jordan |
111 - | Schiebner - Ernst Albert Adolph
- December 7 son of Carl Aug. Hermann Schiebner |
112 - | Grothe - Christoph - December 9 |
113 - | Schröder - Johanne Henriette
Wilhelmine Amalie - December 9 born Massy |
114 - | Ecks - unnamed - December
15 daughter of Ludwig Friedrich August Ecks |
115 - | Kölling - unnamed - December
16 child of Joh. Friedr. August Kölling |
116 - | Wiese - Carl August Wilhelm -
December 18 son of Carl Christian Wiese |
117 - | Gille - Holdine Marie Minna -
December 19 daughter of Eduard Wilhelm Robert Gille |
118 - | von Kliest - Marie Louise
Charlotte - December 20 daughter of Carl Heinr. Gottfr. V. Kliest |
119 - | Hildebrandt - Charlotte Louise -
December 20 born Behrend |
120 - | Gänger - unnamed - December
21 daughter of Joh. Friedr. Christian Gänger |
121 - | Schreck - Elisabeth - December
23 born Albrecht |
122 - | Behrend - Johann Heinrich - December 25 |
123 - | Schulze - Hermann August Adolph
- December 27 son of Joachim Friedr. Schulze |
124 - | Treskow - Johanne Louise
Friederike - December 26 daughter of Friedr. Wilhelm Treskow |
This information was gathered from the Kirchenbuchduplikat microfilm records held by the Mormon Church. To view the actual parish transcripts please see the attached link.
PLEASE NOTE: When viewing the microfilm always check the spelling of the surnames. They can sometimes be different between what is recorded in the Register as to what is recorded in the index in the register.
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